Browsing Switzerland

JS PRINCE-NAJUBA 2024 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

JS PRINCE-NAJUBA bay stallion, 2020 (Masoun Al Adeyat / Helena). Breeder & Owner: JS Najuba Arabians, S. Bürki & J. Allemann. Strain: Abeyan Sherrak (Abeyah, 1896) The SZAP are pleased to award the 2024 WAHO Trophy to the stallion JS Prince-Najuba for his achievements in the show ring and his versatility. Citation from his owners: […]

MZ-DJAKIRAH – 2023 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

MZ-DJAKIRAH  brown mare, 2007 (Shaklan Ibn Bengali / WA Djambala) Breeder: Margot Zinniker. Owner: Dorina Karrer. Strain: Kehaileh Moradi (Sahara, 1840) The SZAP are delighted to award the 2023 WAHO Trophy to the mare MZ-Djakirah. Citation from the owner: MZ Djakirah’s dam WA Djambala was bred in Switzerland by Franz Stucki. WA Djambala has a […]


BoA.S. EMERAYA  Bay Mare, 2017. (Emerald J / BoA.S. Naganya) Breeder & owner: Bolero Arabian Stud, Ruth Wenzel. Strain: Kehaileh Moradi (Sahara, ca. 1840) The Swiss Arab Horse Society are pleased to award the 2021 WAHO Trophy to the mare BoA.S. Emeraya for her achievement in the show ring. Words from her owner Ruth Wenzel […]

AHIRA BINT NARYM 2020 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

AHIRA BINT NARYM.  Bay Mare, 2001.  Narym / Asari Bint Grand.  Breeder & Owner:  Marie-Therese Vögtlin-Erlacher.  Strain:  Obeya Om Jrees (El Obeya Om Grees) The SZAP is pleased to announce the winner of their 2020 WAHO Trophy is the 19-year old mare, Ahira Bint Narym. Citation by the Owner’s family: On May 1st 2001, the […]

RUBINA X – 2019 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

RUBINA X, Black Mare, 2001 (Shaolin / Vesuvia) Breeder: Reto Hellrigl, Aua Naira Arabians, Owner: Annina Rohner-Cotti Strain: Hadbah Enzahieh (Elsissa I, 1870) The 2019 WAHO Trophy for Switzerland has been awarded to the exceptional mare Rubina X, in recognition of her stellar endurance career. Her pedigree is an interesting blend of mainly Straight Egyptian, […]

“H” GOGHLEINE – 2018 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

“H” GOGHLEINE, Chestnut mare, 2016 (Van Gogh AM / Galila) Owner/Breeder: Emanuela Lucini, Harem Stud Strain: Kehaileh Rodanieh (Rodania, 1869) The Swiss Arabian Horse Society is pleased to announce they have awarded their 2018 WAHO Trophy. The citation about the winner is provided by the owner/breeder: Born on a starlight spring night in 2016 and […]

SHA MARA – 2017 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

SHA MARA, Bay Mare, 1997 (Dosator / El Calif Manaba Banat Safin) Breeder: Ursula & Fritz Abbühl, Sha Arabians Owner: Dorina Karrer Strain: Seglawieh Jedranieh of Ibn Soudan (Roga, 1882) The SZAP is pleased to announce the winner of their 2017 WAHO Trophy is the outstanding 20-year old mare, Sha Mara. Having bravely recovered from […]

BAJKAL – 2016 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

BAJKAL Chestnut stallion, 1996 (Balaton / Rishah) Breeder & Owners: Didier & Ivana Thiévent Strain: Hamdani Simri (Selma). Citation from his owners: It is an honour and pleasure to accept the WAHO Trophy 2016 for our stallion Bajkal and we thank the Board of Directors of the Swiss Arabian Horse Society for awarding him this […]

NIL ASHAL – 2015 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

NIL ASHAL, Grey stallion, 2008 (Nil Bedouin / Nil Abiat) Breeder and Owner: Urs Aesbacher, Nile Arabians. Strain: Hamdani (Zenab) The exceptional racing stallion Nil Ashal is the well-deserved winner of Switzerland’s 2015 WAHO Trophy. His exceptional race record to date comprises 7 wins and 11 places from 23 runs. His placings include three 2nd […]

CAID JABBAR – 2014 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

CAID JABBAR, 1998 Black stallion (Simeon Sadik / Layaali). Breeder: Jeannine Jörin Owner: Heiner Bürgin Strain: Kehailan Ajuz (Nejdme, 1887) The SZAP is pleased to announce the winner of their 2014 WAHO Trophy is the multi-talented stallion, Caid Jabbar. Acquired as a 3 year old, and having been well socialized growing up with other horses […]

MZ DJLSHADA – 2013 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

MZ DJLSHADA, Bay filly, 2011 (QR Marc / MZ-Djamira) Breeder: MZ Arabians, Margot Zinniker. Owner: EMAJ Arabians Ernst und Maja Schläpfer. Strain: Keheileh Moradi (Sahara, ca. 1840) The Swiss Arab Horse Society (SZAP) presented their 2013 WAHO Trophy to the successful show filly, MZ Djlshada. The following citation comes from her proud owners. “Our first […]

KASSANDRA – 2012 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

KASSANDRA, Chestnut mare, *1999 (Naizamar x Louma Kate) Breeder: Reto Hellrigl. Owner: Patricia Schilliger. Strain: Shuweymah Sabbah (Cherifa, 1869) Written by the proud owner: Patricia Schilliger In summer of 1999 on a holiday trip to Santa Maria (Grisons) it was the first time that I saw this 3-months old foal. This fearless and cheeky fox-coloured […]

NIL NIKINIKEE – 2011 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

NIL NIKINIKEE, Chestnut filly, *2009 (QR Marc / Nil Nana). Breeder and owner: The Aesbacher Family, Nile Arabians. Strain: Kehaileh Rodanieh (Rodania, 1869) At the 2011 Swiss National Stock Show the 2-year old QR Marc daughter Nil Nikinikee bred and owned by Nile Arabians of the Aeschbacher family was titled “Best in Show” and “Best […]

BAFRAN EL SHACHAD – 2010 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

BAFRAN EL SHACHAD (Bafran Ibn Libura), bay stallion, *1985 (Bafran El Sharai / Libura). Breeder: Mrs Ursula Stucki. Owner: Mrs Steffi Bürgin. Strain: Seglawi Mukhalladi (Merjane, 1866) “Shachi”, as he is affectionately called by his owner Mrs Steffi Bürgin, needs no introduction in Switzerland. This 26 year-old stallion is well-known by the majority of the […]

VIZRAH – 2009 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

VIZRAH, Chestnut gelding, *1994 (Versal/Rishah). Breeders: Didier and Ivana Thiévent. Owner: Mrs Elisabeth Stöcklin. Strain: Hamdani Simri (Selma) A truly outstanding example of a top versatile Arabian was elected as WAHO Trophy winner 2009 in Switzerland: A representative out of the successful stud of long time breeders Didier and Ivana Thiévent. Vizrah by Versal (Naftalin […]

EYSHA EL AZRAK – 2008 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

EYSHA EL AZRAK, bay mare, *2006 (Vivaldi Rach / Ephiffany J). Breeder & owner: Regina Schärer and Rolf Raemy. Strain: Not recorded (Family of Woloszka, ca. 1810) Eysha El Azrak was born on 8 March 2006. As a daughter of the Polish/Egyptian bred Brazilian national and international champion stallion in Europe Vivaldi Rach (Armagnac x […]

AMAL IBN EL SHARAI – 2007 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

AMAL IBN EL SHARAI, chestnut stallion, *1987, (Bafran El Sharai / Lesilva). Breeder: Susanne Kessler. Owner: Franziska & André Hirschi. Strain: Kehailan Ajuz (Jamila, 1927). The Swiss Arabian Horse Society has the pleasure in announcing that they have awarded their 2007 WAHO Trophy. For the WAHO Trophy 2007 two applications went from members of the […]

JERIDAN – 2006 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

JERIDAN, Chestnut stallion, *1986 (Rihan / Jezabel). Breeder: Hans und Hedy Hartmann-Schweizer. Owner: The Hossle-Hartmann. Strain: Hamdani Simri (Selma). The members of the Swiss Arab Horse Society were invited to choose their favourite horse for the WAHO trophy 2006 out of five candidates who were presented with their life performance in the Society’s periodical. The […]

NIL NOUZA – 2005 WAHO Trophy Winner – Switzerland

NIL NOUZA, Grey Mare, *1994 (Gips / Nil Nubia). Breeder: Urs & Brigitte Aeschbacher-Kocher, Nile Arabian Stud; Owner: Urs Aeschbacher. Strain: Kehaileh Rodania (Rodania 1869). In 2005 Nil Nouza was the highest scored horse at the Swiss National Show in Berne and was nominated by the SZAP (Schweizerische Zuchtgenossenschaft für Arabische Pferde) as “The best […]