REDHOUSE ROMEO, Grey gelding, 2002 (WSA Charismaa / Ruwadah)
Breeder: Dr. Gudrun von Tevenar. Owner: Cara McKinnon
Strain: Kehailan Rodan (Rodania, 1869)
The Arab Horse Society is pleased to announce that the winner of their 2019 WAHO Trophy is Redhouse Romeo. With his owner and rider, Cara McKinnon, this athletic, versatile and good-looking gelding has been extremely successful as a sport horse.

L-R: Craig McKinnon, AHS Honorary President Alec Knott, Cara McKinnon and Redhouse Romeo, Vera McKinnonphoto: M. Sweet
Romeo has been competing regularly in open competition in Dressage, Eventing, Show Jumping and Hunter trials, flying the flag for the Arabian breed. He especially enjoys the cross-country element of Eventing. Among other achievements, he was the Reserve Champion and Gadebrook Trophy winner of the 2016 Arab Horse Society Performance Horse Awards, the Silver Veteran Champion at the British Amateur Home Produced Championships in 2017, and Reserve Supreme Champion Sunshine Tour 2016. Romeo has won over 40 rosettes at the AHS British National Championships in various disciplines over the past three years, and has also won at Elementary dressage level.
Apart from his sports career, with his excellent type and good movement Romeo has also achieved many show wins and places, both in hand and under saddle. He is much loved by his human family and is truly an excellent ambassador for the Arabian breed.

Cara McKinnon and Redhouse Romeo at the Arab Horse Society Performance Horse M. Sweet