POLIS, Bay Stallion, 2010 (Al Namar / Palanga)
Breeder: Vilnius Stud
Owner: Ms. Sigutė Lečkauskienė
Strain: Not recorded, familyof Milordka (1816)
Lithuania’s 2016 WAHO Trophy was awarded to the bay stallion POLIS (Al Namar/Palanga) born in 2010 and raised in Vilnius stud. The present owner of the horse is Ms. Sigutė Lečkauskienė. This stallion, born and raised in Lithuania, has shown a high results in sports performance and endurance races.

2016 WAHO Trophy Winner Polis from Lithuania is a successful endurance horse.
In November of 2013 Polis became a champion in the group of young 1-3 years old stallions during Arabian horse show-competition.
In November of 2014 Polis became a reserved champion in the group of mature stallions during Arabian horse show-competition.
In November of 2016 Polis become a champion in the group of mature stallions during Arabian horse complex evaluation-show.
In November 2016 The Trophy was officially awarded during the Arabian Horse Evaluation-Show that took place in JSC „Lietuvos zirgynas“, watched by many respected guests and the audience. Ms. Sigutė Lečkauskienė , the owner of the stallion, received the Trophy for Polis.
Achievements of the stallion POLIS in Lithuanian endurance competitions:
- 1) In 2014 National endurance riding competition in Rietavas, 20 km – 3-rd place.
- 2) In 2014 National endurance riding competition in Kurtuvenai, 18 km – 4-th place.
- 3) In 2014 National endurance riding competition for the price “Topolio Cup”, 38 km – 1-st place.
- 4) In 2015 National endurance riding competition for the price “Topolio Cup”, 38 km – 3-rd place.
- 5) In 2016 National endurance riding competition in Kurtuvenai, 30 km – 2-nd place.
- 6) In 2016 National endurance riding competition for the price “Topolio Cup”, 60 km – 2-nd place.

“POLIS” – Vaclovas Macijauskas (President, Lithuanian Horse Breeders Association), Gediminas Pilipavičius (Lithuania), Rūta Šveistienė (Lithuania), Saulius Lečkauskas (Lithuania), Sigutė Lečkauskienė (owner), Stasys Svetlauskas (former Director of Vilnius Stud, breeder), Nemira Stašienė (Lithuania)

Polis, WAHO Trophy Winner from Lithuania