New Zealand


Member Report from New Zealand


Fiona McLachlan, New Zealand:  Mr. President, Executive Committee, Delegates and guests, my name is Fiona McLachlan and I am the National Secretary and Registrar for the New Zealand Arabian Horse Society.

In 2018 New Zealand registered 64 Arabian foals and processed WAHO documentation for 5 exports to Australia and the United Kingdom and 17 imports from Australia.  These figures have been relatively consistent over the past 3 years, with a decline in membership and fewer horses being bred due in large to the increased cost of living and reduction in disposable income.

Arabian horses are used in New Zealand for a wide range of activities including endurance, showing in halter, ridden and costume, dressage, show jumping, eventing and competitive trail riding, Pony Club and Cowboy challenge competitions.  Promotion of and information about the Arabian horse in New Zealand is by way of the Society’s website, social media page and publication of a printed year book.  The WAHO trophy is presented each year at the Society’s Annual General Meeting, along with other awards to reward and encourage the showing and exhibition of Arabian horses in New Zealand, such as Purebred Breeder of the Year, Endurance Breeder of the Year, Roll of Merit awards for halter, performance and progeny, Distinguished Service and Youth Encouragement awards. A lot of interest was generated on social media and in local newspapers by our opportunity to select and send seven children to represent New Zealand at the Australian Arabian Youth National Championships in 2018.

New Zealand’s current stud book is volume 10, covering the period up to 2011, volume 11 which is now well overdue will be published in 2019 and a small number of printed stud books will be produced on a pre-order basis.  New Zealand has recently released an online pedigree application which is currently only available to New Zealand Members. The upcoming stud book volume 11 will be sent electronically to WAHO Members as a pdf. Many thanks to the AHSA for their hospitality for the 2019 WAHO Conference.

2017 REPORT:

The New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders Society Inc. has provided the following information. In 2016, 42 Arabian foals were registered.  5 horses were exported to China, Denmark and Spain, 6 horses were imported from Australia. In 2016 there were 6 Arabian shows and over 100 endurance competitions.

In 2017 the number of Arabian foals registered increased to 64 foals. There were 5 horses exported to Australia and the United Kingdom with 17 imports from Australia. The number of shows and endurance competitions remained the same with show jumping, eventing and dressage also remaining popular activities.

2008 REPORT:

The New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders’ Society reports that in 2008 they registered 82 foals. All foals are parent verified by DNA prior to registration. Microchipping is not used, and passports are not issued. Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer are permitted. 5 horses were exported in 2008, one to Australia and 4 to Malaysia. 30 were imported, from Germany, USA, Great Britain and Australia. The most popular activities for Arabians are showing, with 6 All-Arabian Shows each year, and Endurance, with about 50 competitions annually. Arabians from New Zealand also compete successfully in International endurance events. Other equestrian activities in which Arabians take part include Dressage, Showjumping, Eventing, and in Pony Club rides and competitions. The current published stud book is Volume 9, the next volume is due for publication in 2009.

PREVIOUS REPORTS: In New Zealand, the original bloodlines were from the United Kingdom, a foundation that has been added to in the past two decades by importations from Australia, Europe, Canada and the United States. This mix has been particularly successful for New Zealand enabling breeders to promote Arabians in the wider New Zealand equestrian community and an important factor in the survival of their breeding farms. A new initiative in New Zealand recently has been the export of Arabians, particularly surrounding the sport of endurance, something which New Zealanders have embraced enthusiastically.

Currently, there are approximately 2,500 living Arabians in New Zealand, about 100 foals are registered each year. The Society publishes a Stud Book every 4 years. Artificial insemination and embryo transfer are permitted and legislated along World Arabian Horse Organization guidelines. Bloodtyping is used and DNA has recently been introduced.

A National Championship Show is held in February every year. Underpinning the National Show are a number of regional Arabian shows and over 100 traditional and pastoral Shows which are scattered strategically throughout the country, most of which offer a wide selection of suitable classes for Arabians. As showing Arabians becomes more popular and the sport of endurance grows, and with the great successes of our endurance team in international competition, the international movement of New Zealand Arabians grows apace, which is very encouraging for the members.

In 2007 New Zealand registered 90 foals, and recorded 25 exports.

Trophy Winners

KASHAMI SHEHAAB – 2024 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

KASHAMI SHEHAAB. 2014 bay stallion. (Simeon Saraaf / Bint Bint Maysamma)
Breeder: Catherine Enright. Owner: Baabehs Partnership.

The New Zealand Arabian Horse Society Inc. are pleased to award the 2024 WAHO Trophy to the stallion Kashami Shehaab.

Kashami Shehaab performing in a costume class

Citation from the Society:

His name was given to him by Breeder Tony (since passed), meaning “Star of Stars” named for the bright star on his forehead and for the extremely bright stars shining in the sky the night he was born. Diane started working with Shehaab when he was about 3 and a half and has formed a strong connection with him, training him to achieve his many awards and enjoying all sorts of activities together from riding out, attending ANZAC parades, enjoying the beach, forest, treks and more. Shehaab can float with others and regularly rides with friends including mares. He can do liberty, tricks, can count, bow, kiss on request and so much more.

List of awards include;
Multi champion in hand and ridden
Horse of the Year Champion Stallion
North Island Champion Arabian Purebred Stallion 4 years in a row
New Zealand Champion Purebred Stallion
New Zealand Reserve Champion Purebred Stallion
Taranaki Premier Costume Stallion
North Island Champion Costume 2 years in a row
New Zealand National Champion Costume winner
Compete in 5 disciplines at Nationals and won them all – Inhand, Ridden, Dressage, Costume and Cowboy Challenge
Champion Inhand, Ridden & Costume at 5 A&P’s in 2023/2024

Shehaab is one in a million, followed on Facebook and known for his fantastic versatility and amazing temperament. Complimented for his manners and genial behaviour. A beautiful Arabian Stallion, showcasing Arabs as an outstanding breed, that they can be multi talented and can excel at it all.

Left is Melanie Barker (Vice President) & Right Diane Gaskin, owner at time of award (part of partnership)

ARAHI SUPREMO 2023 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

ARAHI SUPREMO. Grey stallion, 2002. (Waimeha Mandate / Arahi Amiria)
Breeder & Owner: Arahi Family Trust. Strain: Dahman Um Amr of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma, 1876)

Arahi Supremo

Citation from his owners:

Our beautiful boy Arahi Supremo has been on quite the journey with Ken and Melanie at
Arahi Arabians during his 21 years. Now, living on our sixth property since he was born on
our farm at Ngaruawahia. I remember well the day he was born and the moment he stood up
that tail was lifted high! He moved around with us always so calmly and confidently…
humans were a lot more stressed!
As Arahi Supremo was by the legend in endurance, Waimeha Mandate, and we already had
three other full siblings – Arahi Gemm, Arahi Ari, Arahi Ahmaj, that were all fabulous riding
horses the decision was made to keep him as a stallion. How privileged we have been to
have owned, handled and bred with such a beautiful, trusting, kind and intelligent Arabian
Broken in as a four year old the intention was to compete in endurance, but a severe kick to
the stifle by a mare who he was running with ended that dream, the recovery took some time
and he was never 100% sound again. His life as a breeding stallion continued and although
we could not take a lot of outside mares due to our business commitments, we managed to
breed a couple of foals most years.
We purchased the very good endurance mare Cyden Kay to put specifically to Arahi
Supremo and together they produced 10 foals in total for us, we sadly lost two fillies. His
kindness and sensibility impress all who visit or know him. He passes on correctness, lovely
light movement, responsive and generous horses with excellent heart rates. The riding
combinations develop wonderful partnerships due to that strong Arabian horse/human bond.
Arahi Supremo has 24 progeny registered with the New Zealand Arabian Horse Society – 18
of these to date have competed in endurance. In many cases these Arabians win or place at
their very first competitions, such is their natural ability and calm, sensible, trusting natures.
Arahi Supremo has won the New Zealand Endurance Breeder of the Year Trophy for Arahi
Arabians for the last two years. The record to date of these progeny is incredibly impressive:
63 x 1st Placings
15 x Best Managed Awards
31 x 2nd Placings
22 x 3rd Placings
17 x 4th Placings
A total to date of 17,486 qualified kilometres and well over 300 successful completions at
We are honoured that Arahi Supremo has been awarded this prestigious trophy.

ASPEN HILLS SABIH 2022 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

ASPEN HILLS SABIH Chestnut gelding, 2008.
(Aspen Hills Nureyev / AH Katafa Bint Katalina)
Breeder: Gabrielle Deuss, Owner: Julia Latham.
Strain: Dahman Um Amr of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma, 1876)

Aspen Hills Sabih & Julia Latham

Citation from his owner, Julia Latham:
Aspen Hills Sabih (Charlie) came into my life 8 years ago as a very green, very gangly and uncoordinated 5-year-old. I wanted a horse that was ready to go out and compete. Charlie was definitely not that horse! But there was just something about him that I couldn’t resist, and I ended up taking him home to Flying Horse.
The first couple of years we took things slowly. I was competing my other horses so could spend time getting him more balanced with lots of hacking and bodywork as well as sorting out a diet so he gained weight. I could see his potential even if my friends thought I was mad.
When my competition horse retired Charlie had to step up. My long term trainer Bill Noble was supportive and encouraging in my goal to turn Charlie into a dressage horse. But it was a battle! Charlie was spooky, suspicious and had the fastest swerve! Not to mention the concentration span of a goldfish! I have never fallen off as much as I did off him! So many people told me to give up on him! But every so often I got a glimpse of brilliance and those glimpses kept me going. I just knew that inside the anxious, worried horse was a beautiful kind soul just waiting to blossom.
We started competing at Preliminary level and he was terrible! But we kept at it and as he went up the grades he improved and I realised he was better with more movements in the test. Just when he was starting to get it together, he developed a sarcoid on his inside left hind. After many months of treatment which he endured stoically despite the pain and depression associated, the treatment worked and we were back in business. We continued working on our dressage and at Novice level he started to listen. At Elementary level he started getting better scores, at Medium level he started getting placed.
Being a very small, very blingy chestnut with a very wavy tail made us stand out at dressage. He scared a lot of the big Warmbloods and would usually pick one to terrorise with lots of snorting and tail waving!. Some judges struggled to judge him as he was so different to the other horses in his classes. Before Covid arrived Charlie had a couple of Advanced Medium starts and was starting to get taken seriously in the dressage arena. At our last Advanced Medium start in Cromwell he was awful, I had no control and he was anxious and stressed. It turned out he has developed an issue with his teeth causing hypersensitivity to cold. It was minus 5˚C at Cromwell and he just couldn’t cope with the cold. Another setback as contact issues are severely penalised in dressage. We are managing the condition, but the outside temperature determines how he feels. Hopefully he can continue his dressage career and be an ambassador for his breed.
We have done a few A&P shows in-hand and he loved the whole show atmosphere. The bigger the audience the more he showed off. One of my goals was to go to the South Island Arabian Championships in Christchurch. It’s a big trip for us living at the bottom of the South Island (9 hours drive) so I wanted to make sure we were ready. Our first time I really didn’t have clue what to do but we managed quite a few placings. In 2021, we had a super South Island Championships being placed in every class and winning the High Points Purebred Gelding and also the High Points Horse of the Show trophy.
The 2022 South Island Championships I was unsure about taking Charlie due to the cold temperatures. We decided to go even with a less than ideal run-up as I hadn’t competed at all due to Covid cancelling events and having time off due to cracking a vertebrae in my lower back, from coming off Charlie. The weather was awful, so I had absolutely no expectations at all, I was just grateful for the chance to compete and if Charlie couldn’t cope with the temperature then we would just retire. But he just got better and better! He won every class he entered in-hand and ridden, bar the Classic Head where he placed third and ended up Novice Champion, Paced and Mannered Champion, Champion Ridden Purebred and finally Supreme Champion of Show.

Charlie with some of his winnings

Although extremely proud of our competition career I am even more proud of Charlie’s day job. As part of our equestrian business, we run an Equine Therapy programme for at risk children. We work with Oranga Tamariki, Barnardos and local schools plus private clients. Our therapy programme has been developed exclusively here at Flying Horse and has been successful in changing the lives of hundreds of children. Charlie has a special affinity with children who self-harm or have tried to commit suicide. He’s always been a ‘bitey’ horse and when he first arrived would often bite himself when anxious. I think that’s why he is so good with them. He knows what it feels like to be consumed by worry. It’s incredible watching him being so gentle with these kids and being absolutely focused on them.

I started a Facebook Page for Charlie a few years ago so people could follow our journey; the good bits and the bad bits! I want people to realise it’s not all plain sailing. I want people to realise how amazing, gentle and talented Arabians are and that you don’t need a purpose bred horse to do dressage. Arabians truly are heart horses; they are as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside. Bred for centuries to share the lives of their owners, Arabians need a job to do that involves interacting with their human. Charlie is not just my horse, he gives a little bit of himself to every child he connects with.

Advanced Medium level 1 point
Medium level 77 points
Elementary level 64 points
Southland winner of ESNZ Dressage Masters series level 3 to 5 in 2020 and 2021
2019/2020 Flying Horse Arabians in Dressage series Reserve Champion Purebred levels 3 and 4
2020/2021 Flying Horse Arabians in Dressage series Champion Purebred levels 3 and 4
2021 Flying Horse Arabians in Dressage 3rd South Island Hi points
2018 Top 3 Purebred Gelding New Zealand National Arabian Championships
2021 South Island Reserve Champion Purebred Arabian Paced and Mannered
2021 South Island Reserve Champion Senior Purebred Arabian Gelding
2021 South Island Hi Points Purebred Gelding
2021 South Island Hi Points Champion of Show
2022 South Island Champion Purebred Arabian Paced and Mannered
2022 South Island Champion Novice Ridden Purebred Arabian
2022 South Island Champion Open Ridden Arabian
2022 South Island Supreme Ridden Arabian
2022 South Island Hi Points Purebred Gelding
2022 South Island Hi Points Champion of Show

MAKAHIWI PHOENIX – 2019 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

MAKAHIWI PHOENIX, Chestnut Mare, 2003 (Lochaber Turk / Bluebird)
Breeder & Owner: C. Struan Duncan
Strain: Dahmeh Um Amr of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma, 1876)

The New Zealand Arabian Horse Society is pleased to announce the winner of their 2019 WAHO Trophy is the outstanding endurance mare, Makahiwi Phoenix. Her sire Ngapa Joussif was himself a previous winner of the WAHO Trophy, at the grand age of 29 back in 2006, and he also sired the 2009 winner, Cyden Sun, who was 27 years old at the time of the award. WAHO sincerely hopes these genes for longevity will also have been inherited by the lovely mare, Makahiwi Phoenix and we wish her a happy retirement from endurance competition in the future, and many fine foals.

Makahiwi Phoenix enjoying one of her many endurance competitions.

Citation by her Breeder & Owner, C. Struan Duncan:
“It was a midwinter day 2003, I was showing some friends around the farm, looking at some horses. I pointed out a mob of mares wintering in the hills, and noticed a grey mare standing halfway down a very steep ridge. There was a small brown bundle laying at her feet, and I thought, that’s strange, must be an early calf, but why is that mare standing over it. I thought I better take a look, so rode the bike up around the top, and walked down the ridge towards the mare. At her feet was a newborn filly foal, a chestnut with white socks. I picked her up, and with the mare following, carried her down the ridge and into a safe paddock. The mare was Bluebird, a 23 year old by Ngapa Joussif, out of Ngapa Velvet, who had only ever had one foal before, and we weren’t expecting another. The foal, Makahiwi Phoenix, by our lead stallion at the time Lochaber Turk (AU).

She turned out to be a stunning filly, and was duly backed and ridden out by Katrina Duncan. Her first novice endurance rides were based on the farm, and her career had begun.

Maureen and Les Davie then moved to town, and Maureen was looking for a horse to ride so I gave her Phoenix to have a ride on, knowing that she would never be sold out from under her. Here a partnership was born. From 2013 Maureen brought her through the distances nice and steadily. A weighted saddle was made by Leon Liversage especially so that Maureen made weight. By her second full season in 2014, she as starting to win a few rides and Maureen expressed a desire to have a go at a 160km ride. So a goal was set for the 2015 New Zealand Nationals at Taupo. Maureen stuck to the plan, taking her through the qualifying rides 1*, and then 2*, culminating in a successful 3* 160km ride at the New Zealand Nationals also winning the coveted Peter McLellan Memorial Trophy for the quickest lag times – 12 minutes in total for the entire day. 2015 would also see Phoenix and Maureen take out the National Distance Horse and Rider of the Year.

2016 was another full season, but with the New Zealand Nationals in the South Island, Phoenix was prepared for the Man V Horse event instead. She duly took the title, setting a course record which still stands.

2017 and the season’s goal was once again the New Zealand Nationals. This time with an Australian junior, Tahlia Franke, taking the ride. Maureen and Les spent the season preparing her, and Tahlia doing a pre-ride to learn about Phoenix. The result – Tahlia and Makahiwi Phoenix took out the New Zealand National 3* 160km event, and also the National Junior Distance Horse of the Year. In the meantime Maureen had also ridden Phoenix to a Gold medal at the 2017 Masters Games.

For 2018 the season was being set for Maureen and Les’ grandson, Jayden Loveridge, to ride Phoenix at the North Island Championships. Jayden had a very successful season on her, with some good wins, culminating in the North Island Junior 160km title. Maureen once again took Phoenix to the Man V Horse event at the end of the season, coming a close fought second.

Makahiwi Phoenix is a beautiful free moving mare, always looking to work. We have been blessed to have this late surprise adorn our stud. For this season she is again in training, but will be put to the stallion later in the season. We are excited to see what sort of foal she and Inshallah Colorado (AU) can produce.

This year Makahiwi Phoenix achieved her 3000km qualified rides (ESNZ only), thus making both the NZAHS Performance Roll of Merit, and the ESNZ Endurance Roll of Merit. Added to this she has done over 1000 km’s of qualified rides under WATRC, RADRS, DRNZ, and Man Versus Horse.”

List of notable achievements thus far:
• 2nd Central Districts 50km
• 1st Ruahine 40km
• 1st Waitomo 40km
• 3rd Ruahine 80km
• 3rd Ruahine CEI 1*, 100km
• 2nd Central Districts 80km
• 2nd Ruahine 40km
• 1st Ruahine 40km
• 2nd Counties 80km
• 1st King Country CEI 1*
• NZ National CEI 3* 160km
• NZ National Distance Horse & Rider
• 1st Ruahine 40km
• 1st Ruahine 40km
• 3rd Waikato 80km
• 2nd Ruahine 80km
• 1st Man V Horse
• 1st Waikato 81km junior
• 1st NZ National CEI 3*Junior 160km
• NZ National Junior Distance Horse
• 1st Masters Games
• 1st Ruahine 40km
• 1st Ruahine 40km Junior
• 1st Kohuratahi 80km Junior
• 1st North Island Junior 160km
• 1st Ruahine Junior 120km
• 2nd Man V Horse
• 1st Ruahine 80km
• 1st Waimiha DRNZ 40km
• 1st Waiouru CEIYJ2* 120 km

Photo: Makahiwi Phoenix enjoying one of her many endurance competitions.

WILLOWVALE SAARFARI – 2018 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

WILLOWVALE SAARFARI, Grey Stallion, 1995 (Eastwinds Axiom (AU) / Dellmount Ardys)
Breeder: Noel Evans. Owner: Jenny Klemra
Strain: Dahman Um Amer of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma, 1876)

The New Zealand Arabian Horse Breeders Society has awarded their 2018 WAHO Trophy to the 20-year old grey stallion, Willowvale Saarfari. It is worth mentioning that he is by the same sire as New Zealand’s 2006 WAHO Trophy winner, Willowvale Picasso, and that his daughter Zaha Magic, whose dam is New Zealand’s 2007 WAHO Trophy winner Bushland Gai Sharee, has twice been National Champion Ridden Mare. The Trophy Presentation will be made at the NZAHBS AGM in May 2018.

The following Citation is provided by his Owner, Jenny Klemra:
With the purchase of Willowvale Saarfari, our ‘perfect stallion’ had arrived. In 1996 he won the New Zealand National Supreme Champion Purebred title at the age of 14 months. Little did I realise that at that time he would soon be grazing in our paddock and become an important part of Golden Shelter Arabians. Willowvale Saarfari was purpose bred by the late Noel and Gaynor Evans of Willowvale Arabians being of the ‘golden cross’ – with his Spanish, Crabbet and Egyptian bloodlines. Saarfari’s bloodlines on both sides of his pedigree need no introduction, they are world renowned in both type and performance – with El Shaklan on his sire’s side and Ralvon Pilgrim on his dam’s side he was always destined to be a star.

Saarfari has excelled in both ridden and halter classes, his show record is overflowing with major awards. Winning nine New Zealand National titles, he is Roll of Merit at Halter and Elite Roll of Merit in Performance. I cannot put into words what Saarfari has brought to Golden Shelter Arabians – with his wonderful progeny and the people we have met through him which has brought us to where we are today. He is more than we could have wished for and to us he epitomizes what the Arabian is all about. He has taken us on the most amazing journey.

Show Record – some of Willowvale Saarfari’s achievements:

  • National Junior Champion
  • National Supreme Champion
  • Twice National Reserve Champion Stallion
  • Twice National Champion Costume
  • National Top Five Costume
  • Twice National Champion Ridden Purebred
  • National Reserve Champion Ridden Purebred
  • National Top Five Ridden Purebred
  • Three times Supreme Champion Taranaki All Arabian Show
  • Supreme Champion Royal Easter Show
  • North Island All Breeds Show Champion Stallion of Show
  • Champion Stallion Horse of the Year Show
  • Champion Ridden Purebred Horse of the Year Show
  • Three Times Champion Purebred Under Saddle Taranaki All Arabian Show
  • Champion Ridden Horse of Show Taranaki All Breeds Show
  • Champion North Island Ridden Purebred
  • Champion Ridden Purebred Auckland Arabian Spectacular
  • NZAHBS Roll of Merit – Halter
  • NZAHBS Roll of Merit – Ridden 2004
  • NZAHBS Elite Roll of Merit 2004

Progeny – some results of his progeny’s achievements:

  • Golden Shelter Esperanza (Manton Mushoni) – Open Eventer & multiple wins 1.20m Show Jumping
  • Golden Shelter Davaaron (Court In Bed) – Multi National Champion/Reserve Inhand & Ridden, four times Supreme Champion North Island Championships
  • Zaha Magic (Bushland Gai Sharee * New Zealand’s 2007 WAHO Trophy winner) – Twice National Champion Ridden Mare, Champion/Reserve Ridden Mare Auckland All Arabian
  • Golden Shelter A’armira (War Princess) – Open Eventer/Show Jumper, NZPCA Dressage Team Whangarei
  • Hadif Cogito Ergo Sum (High-Tail It) – National Top Five Filly, Multi Champion/Reserve
  • Paragon Ayisha Sa’ar (Cyden Hannah) – National Top Five Filly, Multi Champion/Reserve
  • Paragon Saaruukh (Cyden Hannah) – National Top Five Colt, Champion Junior Taranaki All Arabian
  • Golden Shelter Omar Shaarfiq (Waimeha Mallenie) – National Reserve Junior Gelding
  • Golden Shelter Maarjestyk (War Princess) – Multi Supreme/Champion/Reserve
  • Ratanui Moonlight Candi (Four Winds Shiraya) – Supreme Champion
  • Golden Shelter Saysha’ar (Sayidah) – Champion Junior, Reserve Champion, Top Five Purebred
  • Golden Shelter Na’arilah (Echolands Samantha) – Supreme/Champion/Reserve Mare Taranaki All Arabian
  • Omaka Silver Angel (Del Mar Aqua Angelia) – National Reserve Champion Ridden Mare, Reserve Champion Ridden South Island Championships
  • Shaarif PA (Cyden Hannah) – National Champion Junior Gelding
  • Lotus Blue Moon (Rademon Khadija) – three times National Endurance Champion

WINDVALE FARAZ – 2016 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

WINDVALE FARAZ, 2002, Grey Gelding (Tahira Faris x Windvale Azleta)
Breeder: Sue Ferguson. Owner: Ellenna Caudwell.
Strain: Dahman Umm Amr of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma, 1876)

The New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders Society Inc. is proud to announce the winner of their 2016 WAHO Trophy. Windvale Faraz is a 13 year old gelding, standing at just 147cm but with great athletic ability and courage. Known at home as “Noah”, he was bred by the late Sue Ferguson of Kaikohe and has been owned by Ellenna Caudwell since January 2012. Since then the pair have gone from strength to strength in a variety of disciplines. Over the last four years he has competed successfully at many different events, including in open competition against other breeds. As can be seen from the following achievements, he has been a great ambassador for the Arabian Breed, winning the NZAHBS Young Achiever award with his owner/rider in 2014 and 2015.

Pony Club: Noah has attended Pony Club with Ellenna attending many rallies, camps and training squads. They represented Franklin District Pony Club at the North Island Showjumping Championships in 2013 gaining an individual 5th place. Later in 2013 they represented Franklin Thames Valley Pony Club at the Horse of the Year Teams Showjumping and then at the New Zealand Pony Club Eventing Championships held in the Hawkes Bay. Ellenna also passed her Pony Club C+ certificate riding Noah. In 2014 they were again selected for the New Zealand Pony Club Eventing Championships, this time the team won the overall title and Noah and Ellenna finished 8th overall in the 95cm section. They have gained wins and placings at many Franklin District events from Ribbon Days to Dressage and Showjumping. In January 2016 Ellenna gained her full New Zealand Pony Club B Certificate riding Noah.

Dressage: Noah qualified and competed at Horse of the Year 2014, gaining a 5th place in a level 1 Dressage class, 30 minutes after the dressage placing Noah gained a 3rd place in a 1.10m Showjumping class. Noah and Ellenna were also selected for and attended an Equestrian Sport New Zealand (ESNZ) Pony and Young Rider Dressage Camp. He also attended the North Island Secondary School Dressage Championships with placings over three years, and in 2015 the Pukekohe High School team he was part of won the Overall Open competition.

Noah loves cross country, he has competed at ESNZ events with placings at CNC 105 including 2nd at Puhinui Horse Trials and 6th place at Kihikihi Horse Trials. He has also competed at CNC* (1.10m cross country) placing 5th, he is one of only a handful of ponies competing at this level. He has been lucky enough to attend an ESNZ eventing clinic with Jock Paget.

Arabian Shows: Noah has attended the Auckland Arabian Spectacular on two occasions, his major successes were in winning the in-hand classic action in 2013, and winning the liberty class and the ridden classic action in 2015.

A&P Shows: Round-the-ring jumping is another area of success for Noah, he has gained many wins and placings his best results are from the Franklin A&P show where he was placed 1st many times including the Champion Hunter and winning the Gold Cup. The following day he received ribbons in the Arabian in-hand and ridden classes. He has competed in a few A&P shows in the Arabian Section winning many ribbons and has never been un-placed in the classic action classes.

Showjumping: A change in direction in 2015 has seen Noah compete mainly in showjumping. He has had placings at ESNZ Graded events including 2nd (class of 19) and 3rd at 1.20m; Taupo Christmas Classic 5th (class of 40) in the Pony Accumulator 1.25m; Auckland Manukau Showjumping Pony Grand Prix 1.20-1.30m placed 5th (double clear, approximately 20 in the class). Noah is now jumping Premier Pony Grand Prix 1.25-1.35m. He has competed in many school showjumping events for Pukekohe High School, highlights include being a member of the winning team for the Equestrian Cup in 2014 (over 50 teams in the competition), placings at the North Island Secondary Schools Showjumping Competition in 2015 (2nd and 6th in classes of 56) and a 3rd in the Jigsaw helping the School Team finish 3rd overall.


Derby: Equidays has provided Noah with a great competition – the Pony Derby. This class has been run for the last three years, with 40 plus ponies in this competition. Noah has placed 9th in 2013, 4th in 2014 and 5th in 2015. He has been the only pony to place every year.

CYPRUS AL THAQIB – 2015 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

CYPRUS AL THAQIB, Grey Gelding, 2007 (Joda Aloof / Cyprus Alii Esperance)
Breeder: Penny Buckthought, Cyprus Arabians, Owner: Liana Mikaera
Strain: Kehailan Rodan (Rodania, 1869)

The New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders Society has announced that the winner of their 2015 WAHO Trophy is Cyprus Al Thaqib, a 15.3hh Purebred Arabian gelding by Joda Aloof (AU) out of Cyprus Alii Esperance, bred by Penny Buckthought of Cyprus Arabians. This citation is by his owner, Liana Mikaera.

“Chaos” deserves this trophy not because he has won a showing or endurance national championship, because he hasn’t and probably never will, because that is not my passion. Chaos deserves this trophy because he is versatile and is changing the way people perceive the Arabian breed. People who thought I was nuts, buying him for eventing and show jumping, are completely taken aback by his talent. He has had many top coaches comment on his ability and potential to be a great horse.

Cyprus Al Thaqib with his owner Liana Mikaera

Cyprus Al Thaqib with his owner Liana Mikaera

I purchased Chaos when he was 18 months old and I was 17 years old. I have produced him myself and am very proud of all we have achieved so far. Chaos was shown in hand as a two and three year old and won many Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons at shows like Feilding and Manawatu A&P’s in the Arabian section and also local riding club events.

When he was 4 years old I started Chaos myself, he was the first and easiest horse I have ever broken in. I showed him under saddle as a four year old and at his first two shows he received Reserve Champion and at his third he was Champion and best mount suitable for a beginner, this was just a couple months after being broken in. He then continued in leaps and bounds, winning his first ever show hunter round with the judges commenting that he would make a top show hunter horse. He was selected a few months later as the reserve for the Manawatu Team to compete at North Island Show Hunter Championships.

My passion is for show jumping and eventing so we didn’t continue down the show hunter path, instead he excelled at show jumping and eventing as a 5 year old placing 2nd in his second ever one day event at Pre-training Level then moving up to Training Level and placing there as well. Chaos placed in nearly every show jumping event he entered up to 1.10m and also placed in all the dressage competitions he was entered in. He represented Feilding Pony Club on numerous occasions winning in games like bending, flag race, barrel race, mug race and also helping bring home the best team jumping trophy.

This last year Chaos has had show jumping wins and placings up to 1.25m, schooling 1.45m at home. Placings up to Pre-Novice Level eventing, schooling 1* and 2* level. He has had placings in Level 2 dressage, schooling higher level movements like half pass, shoulder in, leg yield. For a 7 year old Arabian horse, or 7 year old at all, this is a huge achievement over a variety of disciplines in a short time and as a team we will only continue to improve and promote the Arabian breed further. In addition he does liberty work, can bow and shake hands and do bare back bridle-less dressage and jumping.

CYPRUS AL THAQIB, (Joda Aloof / Cyprus Alii Esperance)

CYPRUS AL THAQIB, (Joda Aloof / Cyprus Alii Esperance)

CYPRUS AL THAQIB, (Joda Aloof / Cyprus Alii Esperance)

CYPRUS AL THAQIB, (Joda Aloof / Cyprus Alii Esperance)

Chaos’ biggest achievement to date was at the 2014 Horse of the Year Show. We took him there for the experience in a big atmosphere and were not expecting to come home with any ribbons. He was double clear in both 1.15m show jumping rounds, putting in the first double clear in one class and placing 6th out of 140 competitors, this for a 6 year old Arabian gelding that was never bred for jumping, is a huge achievement. He was also probably the only horse there to fall asleep waiting to go into the show jumping arena showing his incredible easy going nature.

Chaos was recently placed 4th in the 1.10m class at Central Districts show jumping out of a huge class of 96. The next weekend at Feilding A&P show he won his first ever round-the-ring jumping competition. The following week we had the vet out because although he achieved great results he hadn’t been feeling 100%. After a vet and farrier visit he was diagnosed with laminitis. Luckily we caught it in time and after a month of careful monitoring he came right. It just goes to show how much he didn’t want to let me down and kept jumping even though he was in pain.

Chaos is truly a one in a million horse and a great ambassador for the Arabian breed. He has captured the hearts of many people who normally are not particularly fans of-Arabians and has quite a following on Facebook. He is awesome.

RULA – 2014 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

RULA, Grey Mare, *1993 (Simeon Shomer / Seetha)
Breeder: Beverley Jones, Owners: Gerald & Suzanne Spratt and Bev Jones, Gerzanne Stud
Strain: Kehaileh Dajanieh (Dajania, 1876)

The New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders Society has named the exceptional 21-year old broodmare Rula as the recipient of their WAHO Trophy for 2014. This citation is from her proud owners.

Gerzanne Stud is honoured to accept the prestigious 2014 WAHO Trophy, presented to our beautiful old mare Rula. Rula is a fourth generation mare at Gerzanne and the last daughter at the stud of Simeon Shomer, a grandson of the immortal El Shaklan. Rula has an impeccable pedigree with names like Tuhotmos, Bint Jehan, Gai Parada and Dresden featuring in her lineage.

Rula with breeder/owner Beverley Jones.

Rula with breeder/owner Beverley Jones.

Rula incorporates the bloodlines of three stallions imported into New Zealand by Gerzanne Stud – Fakhr El Nil from the United Kingdom and Santarabia Shammar and Simeon Shomer both from Australia. On her dam line is the Crabbet broodmare Robinia by Shafreyn out of Ruheym, imported from Australia as a foundation mare at the Stud. She is certainly a wonderful blend of beautiful horses.

Having won many A Class Championships, Rula is an Elite Roll of Merit recipient at Halter and Progeny. She has had 9 filly foals in a row – all full sisters – no colts – all by Simeon Shemini (AU) (Asfour x Simeon Shuala). They are listed below with their achievements: –

  • SS BINT SEETHA – 2001 NZ National Champion Filly and 2003 NZ National Champion Mare and Multi A Class Champion – plus Roll of Merit at Halter
  • SS SHULA – South Island Champion Filly
  • SS TALI – not shown
  • SS SUKHA – Top Five Filly
  • SS ARI – 2007 NZ National Champion Mare plus Multi A Class Champion
  • SS SURI – 2007 NZ National Reserve Champion Filly
  • SS ABIDA – 2009 National Top Five Intermediate Filly. “Lilly” as we call her is “almost the perfect Arabian” – and extra special because by genetic chance she is one of only a handful of Arabians worldwide with an extremely rare coat colour – she was born white, from a conservatively-marked chestnut sire and a grey dam.
  • SS SILAH – 2009 NZ National Top Five Junior Filly and 2011 NZ National Top Five Intermediate Filly
  • SS SULA – 2013 NZ National Champion Intermediate Filly

Rula was always rather “stand offish” until she fell in love – not with Simeon Shemini, but Dorsey our pet lamb – they were inseparable and Rula became very loving. During halter training for her first show with David Marshall – Dorsey did the “standup” and trotted out perfectly side by side with Rula. Show day arrived – who came too? – Dorsey. However on our return home the love affair ended the moment she stepped off the float. To this day we are not sure why, but perhaps it was Dorsey who turned Rula into the beautiful mother she became to her family of girls.

Rula with her new born foal.

Rula with her newborn foal.

AA MYSTIC CHARM – 2013 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

AA MYSTIC CHARM, Grey Mare, *2001 (Bold Fyre / AA Mystique)
Owner/Breeder: Melville Gubb, Araleigh Arabian Stud
Strain: Dahmeh Umm Amr of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma, 1876)

AA Mystic Charm, 2013 WAHO Trophy Winner, New Zealand, with rider Rosemary Revell

AA Mystic Charm, 2013 WAHO Trophy Winner, New Zealand, with rider Rosemary Revell

AA Mystic Charm, winner of New Zealand’s 2014 WAHO Trophy, was bred by Melville Gubb of Araleigh Arabian Stud and is a Bold Fyre (US) daughter out of the great broodmare AA Mystique by Gai Cadet (US). AA Mystic Charm (known to her friends as Charm) is an attractive and athletic grey mare and has been a great ambassador for the Arabian breed, proving herself both in the show ring and in the endurance field. On her female line she traces to the oldest existant Australian foundation mare line, that of Sherifa, bred in the early 1890’s by Sir James Penn Boucaut from his two imported Crabbet horses, Rafyk and Dahna.

Charm has something special, a family and visitor’s favourite from birth. In 2005 her first National Show preparation was done, only to be shut out of her 3 year old class on a technicality. She went on to win Senior Classic Head, and was represented in both of her parents’ progeny 1st placings. At the 2010 National Championships in Christchurch, Charm was a Top 5 Qualifier.

Charm started her endurance career as a 5 year old. Her go forward, independent attitude, inherited from her sire has served her well. Her regular rider, Rosemary Revell, feels that she was born to go the distance of endurance. To date she has completed over 2,300 endurance kilometres. She has won a CEI* 90km and Best Conditioned, completed four 120 CEI** rides with a 1st placing and Best Conditioned at the 2013 North Island Championships, two 4th placings, and a qualifier.
In her first attempt at a 160km CEI*** ride at the 2012 North Island Championships Charm was 2nd in a competitive time of 9 hours 53 minutes. Two weeks later Charm entered the show ring at the New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders’ North Island Championships held in Hawera, and was awarded the Reserve Champion Mare title and placed in all three of her riding classes with a 1st, a 2nd, and a 3rd.

We at Araleigh Stud consider this to be our greatest achievement in the 50 years that we have existed – a feat never been done before. We consider AA Mystic Charm to be an excellent ambassador for the Arabian breed and a worthy recipient of the WAHO Award.

KARAMEA BAY SHADOW – 2012 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

KARAMEA BAY SHADOW, Bay Gelding, *1991 (El Kheir Galal/Karamea Mira). Breeder: Alison Steward. Owner: Sandra Haywood. Strain: Dahman Umm Amer of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma, 1876)

Karamea Bay Shadow was bred by Alison Steward of Karamea Arabians. Karamea Bay Shadow (known as Shadow to his friends) is by the late El Kheir Galal who is the sire of many very successful halter and performance horses and his dam is Karamea Mira. His pedigree traces on the female line to some of the earliest imports to Australia and thence to New Zealand.

Shadow started his show career in 1995 with breeder Alison and was later shown successfully through to March 2000 with owner Robyn Barker. Shadow excelled in the show ring and took many major placings in several A Class Shows and also many wins and placings at local A & P Shows. The biggest highlight of Shadow’s show career was winning the title of Reserve National Champion Inhand Gelding at the NZ National Arabian Championships in 1999.

Listed below some of Shadow’s Major Show results:

  • 1995 – Arabian Spectacular – 1st Classic Action & Champion Gelding
  • 1996 – Northern All Arabian Show – Champion Gelding, 3rd in Top 5 of overall show
  • 1998 – North Island Arabian Championships – Champion Purebred Gelding
  • 1999 – North Island Arabian Championships – Champion Purebred Gelding
  • 1999 – NZ National Arabian Championships – Reserve National Champion In hand Gelding
  • 2000 – NZ National Arabian Championships – Reserve National Champion Costume & 1st Novice Ridden Purebred

Sandra Haywood purchased Shadow in June of 2000 knowing he would make the perfect family horse. It didn’t take long for Shadow to progress through the Endurance novice system to gain open status. Shadow excelled quickly and was the winner of many 40-80 kilometre rides in his first couple of seasons and continued this trait throughout his entire career whilst also excelling in FEI events up to 3 Star Level.

Shadow is a lovely natured horse with a laid back attitude, he does not waste any energy or get over excited. He also has a naturally low heart rate and his average lag time is between 2-3 minutes, this was a huge advantage especially in the longer distance rides where good lag times are essential for faster completion times and of course gaining leads on fellow competitors. Shadow was successful in both the Junior and Open divisions taking major placings in both, including three Championship Titles.

Listed below are Shadow’s major endurance results (Championship’s/FEI-CEI Star Events etc):

  • 2002 – Taupo World Masters Series Ride 1st 120k** Junior & Best Conditioned
  • 2003 – North Island Championships 1st 100k** Junior & Best Conditioned
  • 2003 – NZ National Championships 1st 100k** Junior & Best Conditioned
  • 2003 – North Island Championships 3rd 100k** Open
  • 2004 – NZ Horse of the Year Public Display Q 65k Open
  • 2005 – North Island Championships 10th 100k** Open
  • 2005 – NZ National Championships 4th 100k** Open
  • 2005 – Taupo Labour Weekend Ride Q 120k Open
  • 2006 – North Island Championships 9th 160k*** Open
  • 2006 – Ruahine Premier Points 3rd 100k Open
  • 2007 – Wellington Premier Points 3rd 100k Open
  • 2007 – NZ National Championships 1st 100k** Open
  • 2008 – NZ National Championships 9th 160k*** Open
  • 2009 – North Island Championships 4th 120k** Open
  • 2010 – North Island Championships 3rd= 80k CEN Open
  • 2011 – NZ National Championships 3rd 60K CEN Open

Shadow was twice the recipient of the beautiful “Registered Purebred Arabian Competing under its NZAHBS Registered Name” Sash – first in 2003 and again in 2004 in the 100k** Junior & Open events.

Shadow is now retired. At 21 years young he is sound and well. He competed right up until the end of last season. His total lifetime endurance kilometres are 6000, there are only a handful of horses that have completed this distance and those that have are on the Endurance Distance Roll of Merit for life. This is a huge achievement showing that Shadow is the perfect ambassador for the Arabian breed, versatile at excelling in both show ring and endurance and proving a worthy recipient of the WAHO Award.

Click to Enlarge
Karamea Bay Shadow with Sandra and Gemma Haywood

HFA BREZNIR – 2011 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

HFA BREZNIR, Bay gelding, *1995 (Simeon Sadir / Shaaltarah).
Breeder: David Marshall. Owner: Paula Humphries.
Strain: Kehailan Dajani (Dajania, 1876).

“MY TRUE AMBASSADOR” by Paula Humphries, owner.

HFA Breznir is a bay Purebred Gelding, bred by David Marshall of Christchurch in 1995. He is by Simeon Sadir (AU) and out of Shaaltarah. Brez was purchased as a rising 3 year old from Monese Ball where she competed him to 1998 NZ National Champion Junior Led Gelding. I couldn’t believe my luck when I found him, standing at 16hh he was everything I was looking for, for endurance.

Click to Enlarge
HFA Breznir and owner, Paula Humphries
Photo credit Carmen Yuite

After only owning him a short time he injured his leg and was put on paddock rest for 6 months. This made for a slow start to his endurance career. He went on to complete nearly a thousand kilometres in endurance with only one vet out and has done distances up to 100km. He was found to have excellent heart rates and a natural ability. After receiving numerous offers on him, and not wanting to sell him I decided to start showing him. This was definitely the right choice.

Brez has been competing in Arabian classes under saddle since 2001 and has won 16 Champions or Reserves. He has been in the top placings at every show including being ridden in Western, Show Hunter, Endurance Classes and Paced and Mannered. Brez competed at the 2006 Fairlie A & P Show in the Open hack section. This show is the biggest one day A & P Show. He was awarded Reserve Champion hack against some very successful show hacks. Brez has done most of the Cromwell Mini Shows between 2003 – 2009, competing in the Arabian sections and also the Hack ring for Jumping, Dressage, Games, Cross Country, Round the Ring Jumping, Western Pleasure and Western Trail, always with a top 4 result. Brez has done FEI Jumping, Cross Country Jumping and Derby Jumping and been placed in the top 4 every time. Brez has won High Point of Show more than five times including at Mini Shows, has been Supreme Ridden and was awarded his Roll of Merit Led in 2004 and his Elite Roll of Merit in 2010.

Brez has been to Western Shows competing against very experienced Quarter horses to win in the Western Pleasure. He placed Top 3 in the Western Trail and Barrel Racing. It is amazing the great comments we get from people as they have never seen an Arabian compete against them. Brez was to be retired in 2008 after being found to have a rare form of cancer, but after his operation and two years off he yet again came out and showed his true worth taking home at the NZ National Championships 2010 the Champion Amateur Rider, Champion Paced and Mannered, Champion Western and also got Top 3 in the Led, Liberty and Show Hunter.

Brez has the most amazing nature and will try anything asked of him – and everything he does, he does it well. My young girls would rather ride him than their own ponies and it is not unusual for people to see us riding through the township on Brez and leading a pony off him.

HFA Breznir is a true ambassador for the Arabian breed.

KARAMEA EVITA – 2010 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

KARAMEA EVITA, Grey Mare, *1982 (Gai Cadet / Karamea Farah).
Bred and owned by Alison Steward.
Strain: Dahmeh Um Amr of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma, 1876)

Text by Alison Steward, Karamea Arabians

We have been truly blessed to have bred such a wonderful mare as Evita. Typey, graceful and gentle, she is the quintessential Arabian mare. Now in her 28th year, she still dances and prances when she is having a paddock change. On arrival, she kicks up her heels and takes off across it just to show she is feeling good about life.

Evita is a very typical example of the famous Gainey cross. Her dam, Karamea Farah was by Gai Aristocrat (US), giving Evita Gainey bloodlines on both sides of her pedigree. We knew that she was special when she was born and that she would remain with us for life, it was as simple as that. She was destined to play a big role in the stud and she achieved way beyond our expectations.

Evita was only shown for three seasons during which she gained enough points to be awarded Roll of Merit at Halter. Her last ever appearance in the show ring was the only time she ever attended a National Show. She was awarded 2001 NZ National Champion Mare by Christine Jamaar-Demeerson of Belgium, who was astounded to learn that Evita was aged 18 years. It was a fantastic National Show for not only Evita, but for members of her close family. Evita also won the Classic Head title. She and her ¾ sister, Karamea Kalilah, represented their dam Karamea Farah to win the Mare Progeny Group. Kalilah also won Top 5 in the mare classes. Karamea Estara and Karamea Fantasia, both daughters of Evita, also won Top 5’s in their respective classes.

Photo: Karamea Evita with Alison Steward.  Photo credit: Bonni Paul.
Karamea Evita with Alison Steward
Photo credit: Bonni Paul

Evita had 10 foals, all greys. They are listed in order of birth:

  • Karamea Falco by Araleigh Kavanna. Gelding. Spent his life as a pleasure horse with the Haslam family.
  • Karamea Bandito by Araleigh Kavanna, Gelding. Open Endurance horse. Ridden by Sally Barber, he won the 100km lightweight division at the 1999 NZ National Endurance Championships. His career was cut short by his untimely death.
  • Karamea Masquerade by Araleigh Kavanna. Gelding. Successfully shown in ridden classes by Joanne McKeown.
  • Karamea Mareekah by Araleigh Kavanna. Mare. She was only ridden for a very few years by Sarah Campbell, a teenager at the time. Her main achievements were, 2000 North Island Reserve Champion Ridden Arabian. In 2000, she was also chosen to represent Northland and was the only Arabian in the team to go to Timberlands at Taupo. She was 2nd at the NZEF Northland Horse Trials, there were 40 competitors. She has also won numerous Championships under saddle in open classes as well as in show hunter classes.
  • Karamea Fantasia by El Kheir Galal. Mare. Owned by Lisa Campbell, younger sister to Sarah, Fantasia also had only a short career. At her first show she won Champion Novice under Saddle against other breeds. Her other achievements were Top 5 Ridden Arabian at the 2001 NZ National Arabian Championships. Lisa was just 13 years old at the time. Fantasia didn’t contest the halter classes which was really a pity. In a rare outing into Halter classes, she was awarded Reserve Champion Purebred Mare at the 2002 Arabian Spectacular. She competed against close to 20 mares for the title. Fantasia also won numerous Championships under saddle in ridden classes around Northland. She suffered a fatal illness in 2008. This was a tragedy for the Campbell family, who absolutely adored her.
  • Karamea Esmerelda by Fairview Kaptivation (AU). Mare. Has been awarded Top 5 at the three NZ National Shows that she has attended. In 2003, she became NZ National Reserve Champion Mare under the English judge, Emma Maxwell. She has also been awarded Roll of Merit at Halter. Esmerelda is the dam of Karamea Saphira, who at just 3 months of age was awarded Top 5 Junior Champion Filly at the 2009 NZ National Championships as well.
  • Karamea Estara by Fairview Kaptivation (AU). Mare. Sold to Chris Baker, she was Top 5 Junior Filly at the 2001 NZ National Championships.
  • Karamea Fantom by Fairview Kaptivation (AU). Gelding. Sold to Anna Scott. Any achievements are unknown.
  • Karamea Estella by Fairview Kaptivation (AU). Mare. She was shown twice only, before an injury ended her show career. Awarded Top 5 Junior Filly at the 2003 NZ National Championships, and Reserve Junior Champion at the 2004 Northland Classic All Arabian Show.
  • Karamea Estasha by Fairvew Kaptivation (AU). Mare. Owned by Maazea Arabians she has been shown only three times. She was 2007 NZ National Champion Junior Filly under Judge Liz Salmon, who said that she was “World Class”. In 2007, she was Supreme Champion Northland Classic All Arabian Show. In 2006, she was North Island Junior Champion.

We have retained both Esmerelda and Estella in the stud and they are proving to be very valued mares in their own right. We also have Evita’s beautiful granddaughter, Saphira by Madreya (AU), who we hope to start breeding with in 2011.

After Estasha was born, we made the decision not to breed Evita again due to her age. She became quite breathless during the birth, so we thought it best not to place her at any risk in the future. She has earned her retirement here and as the years unfold we know that there will never be another quite like her.

Thank you for recognising Evita’s outstanding contribution to the Arabian horse in New Zealand.

CYDEN SUN – 2009 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

CYDEN SUN, Chestnut Stallion, *1982 (Ngapa Joussif / Ngapa Ayda).
Breeders and Owners: Mary and Chris Tylden.
Strain: Dahman Um Amr of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma, 1876).

The New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders Society Inc. has awarded their 2009 WAHO Trophy to the veteran 27-year old stallion, Cyden Sun. He was bred Mary & Chris Tylden at their Cyden Arabian Stud in Morrinsville in 1982, and is still owned by Cyden Stud, being their senior Stud Sire. He is of ‘Ngapa Arabian Stud’ Colonial Crabbet bloodlines and is by the well known Endurance sire ‘Ngapa Joussif’ (born 1977, died aged 31 in 2008) who was himself awarded New Zealand’s WAHO Trophy in 2006.

Cyden Sun himself has earned a reputation for siring correct and very athletic, free moving determined progeny with an excellent work ethic and all-round ability for various equine disciplines and in particular Endurance competition, with a “Will to Win”. He has definitely helped to lift the overall profile of purebred Arabians in Open competition in NZ with progeny competing in Pony Club events, In-hand at Arabian, A&P and All-breed Shows, under saddle at A&P shows, Open Pony and Hack Championships, Eventing, Dressage, Equine Sports days and especially Endurance competition.

Cyden Sun has a delightful gentle honest personality. He has been a very important part of the Tylden family since his birth and his bloodline is greatly valued at Cyden Arabians. He has always been a very active horse who enjoys keeping himself fit ~ he is very free moving and agile and is still in very good health with no signs of arthritis at all and still fertile at 27 years, with two mares due to foal to him in August 2009. He always enjoys following his owners along the fenceline to check out what they are doing and is interested in anything new happening on the farm, in any visitors to the stud and is always keen to see if there are any “treats” being offered. Sun is a very quiet gentlemanly stallion and always easy to handle, very well mannered and kind with his mares and visiting mares, he runs with his own mares all year round. His herd mares foal with him and he is very protective of them, very kind and good with foals ~ he also enjoys playing with the foals.

He was broken in at 3 years old, then ridden on the 560 acre drystock farm as a working stock horse, a role he really enjoyed and he was a smooth and energetic ride with a very willing “go anywhere” attitude to work. He has always had a natural ability and aptitude for working stock and in particular cattle. Unfortunately his own riding career was limited due to no fault of his own as there were always other youngsters needing to be ridden and exercised and he was usually assigned to Stud duties.

Photo:  Mary and Chris Tylden with Cyden Sun.
Mary and Chris Tylden with Cyden Sun.

All in all, Cyden Sun is a very deserving winner of the WAHO Trophy as he has sired some of New Zealand’s top Endurance horses, plus many quality Show Champion ponies and hacks, Eventers and Dressage horses which are competing in Open company and are excellent ambassadors for the Arabian breed, with several very promising youngsters still to compete. Cyden Sun is also helping to lift the profile of NZ Arabians overseas with 5 progeny exported.

Below is a list of some of Cyden Sun’s best progeny and their major successes:

  • Armand (Cydel): CTR Champion & Open Endurance Competition horse: 1999 NZ Nationals – Intermediate CTR Champion; 1999 & 2000 North Island Champs – Intermediate CTR Champion; Wins & places in many 80km Endurance rides; Qualified Waikato Kiritihere 2000 CEI***160km; 4th CEI***140km NI Endurance Champs 2003; 4th CEI** 100km SI Endurance Champs 2003.
  • Cyden Banka: Multi Champion Show Hunter at A&P Shows from 1996-2005. Champion and Reserve Awards Mid Northern District which includes 15 Shows each year in Whakatane, Waikato, Te Kauwhata & Ngatea areas. Also Champion & Reserve Northern Districts Shows in Kaitaia, Waimate Nth & Whangarei etc. Also successful Dressage horse & Round the Ring Jumping Champion.
  • Cyden Cloud Dancer: Open Endurance horse: 1st NZ National Champs CEI**100km 2006; 3rd Overall 2006/2007 North Island Premier Points series. Exported to Australia and on to UAE.
  • Cyden Design: Has won numerous Ribbons & Championships in Open competition & A&P Shows.
  • Cyden Eagle: Novice Endurance horse.
  • Cyden Flame: Open Endurance horse. Exported to Australia.
  • Cyden Heritage: Has won many Ribbons at Ribbon Days and A&P Shows. Intermediate Endurance gelding. Is a wonderful trekking horse and Top Class Hunter.
  • Cyden Hero: Open Endurance Horse – won or placed in many 80km rides: 7th NZ National Champs 2001 CEI **100km; 4th Taupo October 2001 CEI *** 140km; 14th National Champs CEI***160km 2003; 1st N.I. Endurance Champs 2004 CEI***140km. Exported to UAE and on to Spain.
  • Cyden Immaal: Intermediate Endurance horse: 5th NZ North Island Endurance Champs CEI1*60km 2008.
  • Cyden Juulla: Very successful Show mare in-hand & under saddle. Also Novice Endurance mare.
  • Cyden Kay: Open Endurance mare with many Open rides to her credit: 1st 120km Premier Points Ride 2007 Taupo; 6th NZ Nationals CEI**120km 2007; 2nd NZ National Endurance Champs CEI***160km 2008; 1st Overall 2007/2008 North Island Premier Points Series.
  • Cyden Mark: Open Endurance gelding. Exported to Australia.
  • Cyden Nite: Talented Open Endurance gelding: 6th NI Champs CEI** 120km Jan 2009.
  • Cyden Omar: Novice Endurance horse.
  • Cyden Opal: Novice Park Hack – Novice Endurance.
  • Cyden Phantom: Novice Endurance gelding.
  • Cyden Sharif: Open Endurance gelding with over 1200kms to his credit: 4th Open 80km Jan 2007; 1st Open 80km AWEC Nov 2007; 3rd Open 80km Waitere 2008; 17th NZ National Champs CEI**100km Ruahine 2007. Exported to UAE.
  • Ngapa Magnum: Novice Park Hack in Open Competition at many A&P Shows.
  • Ngapa Satin: Winner in-hand Arabian Shows.
  • Relko Apollo: Pony Club Eventer & successful show jumper.
  • Relko Rainbird: Open Endurance horse with many wins and placings in 80km rides: Nationals 1999 CEI*** 160km 6th & 1st Part Bred Arab; Nationals 2000 CEI*** 160km Qualifier.
  • Te Woatu Alliegance: Novice Endurance mare. Champion Partbred in-hand. Champion under saddle and Show-jumping.
  • The Emperor: Successfully competed in Open Horse Trials and Dressage Competitions.
  • The Highlander: Open Endurance Horse who has achieved over 3000 kms & won or placed in many Endurance competition rides: 2nd & Best Conditioned at HOY Endurance CEI***120km 2007; 1st Premier Points ride Taupo 120km Oct 2006; 2nd Overall 2006/2007 North Island Premier Points Series.
  • Willowpark Sundrift: Top Pony Club Eventer and Multi Champion Hunter.
  • Willowpark Sunflyte: Multi Champion & Supreme Arab Partbred in-hand.
  • Willowpark Sunsfire: Multi Champion Hack & Medium Dressage Horse in Open company.
  • Zaha Baz: Open Endurance horse.

AA PARADE – 2008 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

AA PARADE, Grey Gelding, *1985 (Gai Cadet/Araleigh Myra).
Breeder: Mr. R.M. Gubb, Araleigh Arabians. Owner: Greg & Jacki Bickerton.
Strain: Dahman Abu Amr of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma, 1876)

The New Zealand Arab Horse Society is proud to announce the winner of their 2008 WAHO Trophy. AA Parade, now 23 years old, has had a remarkable career both in the showring and in endurance and is a very worthy winner of this award. The Trophy was presented at the 2009 NZAHBS Annual General Meeting. AA Parade took the award ahead of a very strong group of fellow nominees.

The son of the outstanding imported American-bred stallion, Gai Cadet and Araleigh Stud’s foundation mare, Araleigh Myra, his full sister AA Mystique is also producing some extremely successful horses both in the showring and endurance.

From 1987-1990 AA Parade won 6 Championships and Reserve Championships at “A” Class shows. He began his career in endurance as a 5-year old, and has carried on competing well into his 20’s. From 1994-1997 he was based at the Cambridge Stud, where he was exhibited in their “Horseworld” attraction as an example of the Arabian breed which involved being paraded in hand and shown in costume, he also provided photo opportunities for visitors who could pose with him.

AA Parade was purchased as a ‘retired’ endurance horse by Greg and Jacki Bickerton of Morocco Arabians in 1997, initially as Greg’s introduction to an Arabian riding horse, with the intention of taking part in the popular sport of CTR (Competitive Trail Rides). As their partnership developed, Greg chose to try his hand at Endurance as well, and it soon became evident that AA Parade was at his happiest when competing. Over the years they have reached the highest levels of this sport in New Zealand. With successes and high placings too numerous to mention, the highlight of his career, aged 17, was when AA Parade won the 100 km FEI*** ride at the 2003 National Championships. In 2004 he participated in the inaugural endurance event at the Horse of the Year, which was a display of the sport for members of the other disciplines to gain a better understanding of endurance. It was the most public endurance race ever held in the country, finishing at night under lights in the main stadium in front of a crowd of 10,000 people.

Since 2003 AA Parade has acted as lead horse for the team’s younger endurance horses, instilling a calmness and sense of security for the newcomers. AA Parade has completed 6,249 lifetime kilometres in competitive endurance, being one of only a handful of horses to have achieved this in New Zealand.

With his classic beauty and movement, his top class athletic ability and his wonderful temperament, AA Parade is a true gentleman, he is the ultimate versatile Arabian horse and a stellar Ambassador of the Arabian breed in New Zealand.

Photo:  AA Parade with his owner, Greg Bickerton
AA Parade with his owner, Greg Bickerton

BUSHLAND GAI SHAREE – 2007 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

BUSHLAND GAI SHAREE, bay mare, *1983 (Gai Cadet / Hiland Princess).
Breeder: Mr. D.G. (Peter) Rowe. Owner: Lynda Guy.
Strain: Kehaileh Dajanieh (Dajaniah 1876)

The announcement that Bushland Gai Sharee had been awarded New Zealand’s WAHO Trophy for 2007 was made at the New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders Society Annual General Meeting.

Sharee first entered the show ring in 1990 and won her first championship at halter. She has since gone on to win 11 champions at halter, 13 reserve champions at halter. Her riding career started in 1991 and she has been awarded 18 ridden championships and 16 ridden reserve championhips. Among these was the New Zealand Reserve Champion Ridden 1995 and the New Zealand Champion Ridden in 1996 at Christchurch. She received her Roll of Merit Ridden in 1996 and her Roll of Merit Halter in 1998. That same year she also received an Elite Roll of Merit.

She has also competed in Arabian costume classes, dressage and showjumping with some success. Sharee has also promoted the Arabian horse by attending street parades, visiting schools and participating in “Red Nose Day.” She attended the promotion of the Arabian Horse at the Royal Easter Show for 10 days, along with other horses. In 1993 she attended the unveiling of the “Egyptian Garden” at the Hamilton Gardens dressed in Arabian costume and entertained visitors to the “Drive Thru Christmas Show” as one of the Three Kings. Sharee has been used as a riding school horse for a period of approximately six months and she also introduced two young riders to the world of the ridden Arabian and taught a six year old to ride. Her last show was 2005, entering into the Led Ring Class for her young rider and winning lots of ribbons to his great delight.

Lynda Guy with Bushland Gai Sharee
Lynda Guy with Bushland Gai Sharee

Sharee was retired from the Arabian show ring in 2003 at the age of 20 and is now a successful broodmare, so far producing a gelding and a filly for Zaha Arabians. She now shares the paddock with her mother, Hiland Princess (born 1974). For Lynda and John Guy, it was the culmination of many successful and happy years of showing a true Arabian ambassador who has been successful not only as a halter horse and under saddle at Arabian and open company events, but has shown herself in a fine light at “people events” such as Red Nose Day.

NGAPA JOUSSIF – 2006 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

NGAPA JOUSSIF, Grey stallion, 1977 (Grey Swirl / Ngapa Maid).
Breeder: Owners: Linda & Stuart Cottle, Delight Arab Horse Stud.
Strain: Dahman Um Amr of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma 1876).

The New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders Society Inc. have awarded their 2006 WAHO Trophy to the veteran stallion, Ngapa Joussif. A highly valued working Arabian stock horse and good mate for his owner Stuart, ‘Joussif’ has been a valued part of the Cottle family for 22 years, since he was 7 years old. Always very reliable, kind and energetic to ride, he also was unflappable with working dogs barking around him, and a stock whip being used off his back when working cattle, this very versatile athletic horse achieved many “Converts to the Arabian Horse Faith” and gained much respect for the Arab Breed in an area which was a notoriously anti-arabian.

Joussif is always very much a “gentleman”, very good with mares and to handle. He was well behaved in company and went on several CTR rides accompanying our children on their ponies. He was likened to a Rolls Royce or Mercedes to ride by several very good riders and was a natural at jumping with the comment being made by two very experienced Show & one-day event riders that he was “the best horse I’ve ever ridden – so light, smooth, supple and responsive”. His ridden career was ended at 22 due to a serious injury, nowadays Joussif is enjoying retirement and looks very well at 29 years of age.

A very good ambassador for the Arabian breed both within New Zealand & internationally due to his progeny and in particular his son Zephyr’s great achievements which put New Zealand Endurance “on the map” in the mid 90’s both at home and overseas. This international recognition is continuing with eight “Joussif horses” now having been exported and successes such as ‘Zanthus’ winning a Heavyweight Quilty & BC, plus he has recently won an important 120km race in Dubai in a very fast time. Joussif has therefore achieved International recognition for New Zealand bred Arabian horses.

As a youngster only Joussif did very well in halter classes, but was not shown since due to no fault of his own, just because where he lived there were very few shows. His progeny however have done exceptionally well in the show ring, in particular ‘Delights Azeem’ has achieved a New Zealand National Supreme Exhibit title. Joussif has in fact produced many halter and ridden show winners in New Zealand which have also successfully competed under saddle against other breeds, thus helping to achieve a better reputation for Arabians. He epitomizes the real genuine “New Zealand-bred Performance Sire” and has made such a tremendous contribution to his country’s Arabian horse scene, particularly in endurance.

Linda & Stuart Cottle with Ngapa Joussif
Linda & Stuart Cottle with Ngapa Joussif

WILLOWVALE PICASSO – 2005 WAHO Trophy Winner – New Zealand

WILLOWVALE PICASSO, Chestnut stallion, 1999 (Eastwinds Axiom / Taralea Trafeiya).
Owner and breeder: Noel & Gaynor Evans.
Strain: Kehailan Rodan (Rodania 1869).

The New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders Society had awarded the 2005 WAHO Trophy to the stallion Willowvale Picasso, bred and owned by Noel and Gaynor Evans.

Willowvale Picasso – 2005 WAHO Trophy Winner of New Zealand

Willowvale Picasso is the only New Zealand bred horse to cross the Tasman Sea into Australia and win a National Title there, namely that of Australian National Champion Colt in 2002. He then returned to New Zealand and in 2004 won the title of New Zealand’s National Champion stallion. He left good foals sired when he was in Australia, many of which have won in the show ring at national level, and his foals in New Zealand are also of a high quality.

His pedigree is a classic mixture of ‘down under’ Colonial, Crabbet and Egyptian lines. We hope that his photo will be published on the WAHO website in due course.

WAHO was very sorry to learn that Mrs. Gaynor Evans has passed away since the award was made. We send our sincere condolences to her husband Noel, to her family and friends.