Mrs. Caroline Sussex
In 1995, at age 35, I became a member of the Arab Horse Society Council. I served on the Ridden Events Committee and on the Stud Book and Registration Committee of which I have been a member ever since, with the exception of one year. I am currently a Directly Elected member of that Committee. Whilst on Council, I chaired the AHS Premium Scheme Committee and the Arab Horse Society Marathon Committee. I produced the AHS Newsletter for some years, when I was a member of the Public Relations Committee. I became Vice-Chairman of the Arab Horse Society Council in 2006. I have also been a past Director and Secretary for the Crabbet Organization and been involved in the organizing of two Conventions, including dealing with all the finances. I also edited the Crabbet Magazine. I am an Arab Horse Society National Judge and run my own business at home.
In 1999 I joined WAHO as a Life Member attending my first WAHO Conference in Queensland Australia in 2000. I have attended every Conference since then, many times as the UK Delegate. I feel very honoured that in 2016 I was asked to join the WAHO Executive Committee. I have written many articles, attended numerous seminars particularly on breeding, have visited many countries with Arabian horses and have used this knowledge in understanding WAHO’s aims to help all countries. I look forward to working on behalf of the WAHO members. My love of the Arabian Horse and the Middle East is life long and special. I have always had the welfare of the Arabian horse at the forefront of my vision, in every activity in which they take part, and will continue to do all I can to promote, preserve and look after this special breed.