MAHAB, Grey stallion, (Dahab / Mahmouda)
Breeder: Otto Schmidt Owner: Inge Kühne
Strain: Dahman Shahwan (El Dahma 1879).
The German Arab Horse Society (VZAP) selected the stallion Mahab as their winner of the WAHO Trophy 2007. The award was made at the 2007 All Nations Cup in Aachen, with a very nice presentation ceremony.
Mahab’s achievements include the following: Class winner and Reserve Champion, Marbach 1998. 3rd place All Nations Cup, 1998. Best in Show, Paderborn 1999. Classwinner, International Show, Kreuth 1999. Combination-Class (Riding & In-Hand) winner, Paderborn 1999. 2nd place, German National Championships, 2000.
Mahab has also proved an excellent ambassador for the Arabian breed in Germany, being several times winner and very many times places in Dressage, also in open competition against other breeds. This is a great achievement in a country where dressage is highly competitive. He is trained and ridden for dressage by Susanne and Hans-Jorg Radant.

Susanne Radandt on Mahab and her husband Hans-Joerg with son Philipp being presented with
the WAHO Trophy by Dr. Hans-J. Nagel, WAHO President.
(Photo: Susanne Boesche)