LEIS TOYLEH – 2024 WAHO Trophy Winner – Iran

LEIS TOYLEH  Bay stallion, 2011.  (Zolfaghar Bezhadi / Hobabeh Mojadami).  Breeder:  Haji Lefteh Hebchi.  Owner:  Mr. Ali Behzadi.  Strain: Wadnan Khersan (Khersani S.T. Taleghani I)

Citation from the Federation:

Our WAHO Trophy 2024 was awarded to the bay stallion, Leis Toyleh, born in 2011, as one of the best representatives of the Wadnan Khersan strain. His dam Hobabeh Mojadami being a royalty among the strain, and his sire also of the same strain. He was bred by Haji Lefteh Hebchi, a very well known breeder in Khusistan.

Leis started racing very young and very successfully against foreign bloodlines. He became very popular among horse breeders interested in using straight Iranian blood. Not only was Leis praised for his performance but praised also for the precious strain he belongs to.

At stud, he continues performing admirably. His progeny are embodying the same athleticism as their sire, ensuring them the same will to win.

The WAHO Trophy was presented to his proud owner and breeder in a warmly received public ceremony during a race meeting in Khusistan.

From left to right
Ali Behzadi, Lefte Hebchi and representative of Ministry of Agriculture.