JAMIL IBN SHAKLAN P (SI), bay stallion, 2010 (Shaklan Ibn Bengali / Jaribah)
Breeder & Owner: Gregor Pintar
Strain: Not Recorded (family of Murana I, 1808)
The 2017 WAHO Trophy winner for Slovenia has been announced. The Trophy has been awarded to the magnificent breeding stallion, Jamil Ibn Shaklan.

Jamil Ibn Shaklan – 2017 WAHO Trophy Winner in Slovenia
In 2016 he participated very successfully in some International Shows:
- 15.4.2016, International B European show Milano, 2nd. in the stallion class
- 28.5.2016, International C European show Marbeio, 1st. in the class 5-7 year old stallions, Silver Champion Senior Stallion
- 16.7.2016 , International C European show Busto Arsizio, 1st. in the class 5-7 year old stallions, Silver Champion Senior Stallion
- 2.9.2016, International C European show Bergamo, 1st. in the class for 5-7 year old stallions.

Jamil Ibn Shaklan – 2017 WAHO Trophy Winner in Slovenia