Trophy Winners
BELL SIHR – 2013 WAHO Trophy Winner – Denmark
BELL SIHR, Grey gelding, 2007 (WH Justice / Bell Alima)
Breeder: Bell Arabians, Anne-Mette Juhl Jensen, Owner: Kirk Arabians
Strain: Hamdani Simri (Selma)
The Danish Society of Arabian Horse Breeding (DSAH) has announced that the winner of their 2013 WAHO Trophy is Bell Sihr, awarded for his excellence in dressage. Here is his citation from his owners:
Bell Sihr was born in 2007 and bred by Bell Arabians. He is by the well known sire WH Justice and out of Bell Alima (Halim Witez / Bell Mimika). Shown lightly as a yearling, Kirk Arabians bought Bell Sihr in 2011 and he soon proved to be an exciting dressage horse.
He is an incredibly beautiful and kind gelding with a good compact body and 3 super gaits with lots of power. He is very teachable and has a beautiful sparkle when he works.

Bell Sihr ridden by Signe Kirk Christiansen in training

Bell Sihr ridden by Signe Kirk Christiansenat the European Championships in Janow Podlaski

Bell Sihr admiring his WAHO Trophy
In 2013 he won the Classic Allround Cup at the European Championship in Vilhelmsborg, wherein , inter alia, he won the FEI ICP dressage class with 67.439 %. Also in 2013 we competed in dressage achieving one LA2 to 71.034 % and 67.279 % to LA4.
Since winning the WAHO Trophy, Bell Sihr has continued to progress. In 2014, he had his debut in MB0 and MB2 level dressage, ridden by his owner, Signe Kirk Christiansen, winning the Danish National Dressage Championship title. He also took the title of Classic Pleasure Champion at the 2014 European Sport Championships for Arabian horses. We are very excited about Bell Sihr’s development and are confident that he will do very well in the future .
WANILA – 2012 WAHO Trophy Winner – Denmark
WANILA, Chestnut Mare, 1994 (Ansata Nile Pasha / Wanessa)
Breeder: Husted Arabians, Gunnar Husted, Owners: Husted Arabians, Niels & Lone Husted
Strain: Not Recorded (Family of Murana I, 1808)
The Danish Society of Arabian Horse Breeding (DSAH) has awarded their 2012 WAHO Trophy to the successful show and breeding mare, Wanila. She is the grand-daughter of Washa, the 2006 WAHO Trophy winner in Denmark. Here is her citation from her owners:
Wanila was born at our stud in 1994, sired by the legendary Ansata Nile Pasha and out of one of our best foundation mares – Wanessa (by El Mokari out of Washa). Wanila’s show career was long and successful with championship titles across Europe. She quickly became a well-known lady on the show circuit and gave us, as her breeders, great recognition around the world.

Wanila with Niels & Lone Husted
She also proved to be one of those top show horses that can also pass on their best attributes to her offspring – especially with respect to her type and movement. Among others, her first son Wan-Kahli, born in 1999 by FS Bengali, is a multi champion in the show ring and now himself the sire of numerous champions. At the stud today we have three daughters of Wanila – two of them (Wakhida by Khidar and Walena by El Sid) are themselves broodmares, and her last foal Wantasia by Juwel OS was born in 2013. All three have been successful at the shows and we look forward to the coming generations. There is no doubt that Wanila has brought huge honour and pride to Husted Arabians over the past two decades.
TAMON – 2011 WAHO Trophy Winner – Denmark
TAMON, Grey Gelding, 2000 (Wagant / Narissa)
Breeder: Brian Jensen, Owner: Bækbølling Arabians, Family Viuf
Strain: Maneghi Hedruj of Ibn Sbeyel (Ferida, 1886)
The Danish Society of Arabian Horse Breeding (DSAH) has awarded their 2011 WAHO Trophy to the dressage gelding, Tamon. Here is the citation from his owners:
We were so lucky to become owners of Tamon in 2006. He was an unshown gelding by Wagant (El Mokari/Warissa) out of Narissa (Ibn El Mokari/Sophonia), and was only lightly started under saddle at the time. Tamon soon proved to be a special ‘one of a kind’ horse, because in addition to his unrivalled temperament we discovered that he had a real capacity for dressage. In time we realized that we had acquired a truly golden treasure.

Tamon ridden by Shannon Viuf
Tamon can be ridden and handled by all, he is goodness itself, although at times he can be a certain gentleman who will only talk when it suits him. He is a horse you can always rely on when ridden, and over the years he has proven to be one of the best all around purebred Arabian horses in Denmark.
Some of his results, ridden by owner Shannon Viuf:
- Bronze medal EM Classic Pleasure
- Ext. Club Tournament TBR 1st Place LA4 69.06 %
- Winner of Arabic Riding Club Dressage Cup
- DM Bronze Medal
- All-Nations-Cup riding competition Aachen: 3rd place L2 74%
- Christmas Event TBR: 1st Place MB1 61.75 %
CA KUPONA – 2010 WAHO Trophy Winner – Denmark
CA KUPONA, Chestnut mare, 1998 (Kupol / Zazada)
Breeder: Calbar Arabians, M. & G. Heitmann, Owner: Ulrichsdal Arabians, Judy Oehlenschlæger
Strain: Hamdanieh Simrieh (Selma)
The Danish Society of Arabian Horse Breeding (DSAH) has awarded their 2010 WAHO Trophy to the outstanding broodmare, CA Kupona, bred by the long established Calbar Arabians Stud and the pride and joy of her owners at Ulrichsdal Arabians.

CA KUPONA, WAHO Trophy Winner of Denmark 2010
With her classic Russian and Polish pedigree, and an excellent show record herself, CA Kupona has proven to be a wonderful producer. As a yearling, CA Kupona was Junior Champion at Gilleleje and Junior Reserve Champion at Vilhelmsborg, and took 2nd place in her class at the All Nations Cup in Aachen. The following year she was Junior Reserve Champion at Gilleleje, then in 2001 she was named Junior Champion at the Danish National Championship, and in 2004 she took the title of Senior Reserve Champion at the Danish National Championship.
Of her many foals, the most outstanding to date is the 2010 chestnut filly UL Sid Parma, who has travelled the world with outstanding success at the top international title shows. Here are just a few of the results of some of the foals of CA Kupona:
- UL Coupon, 2003 stallion by LM Polaris: National Reserve Champion. Ridden horse.
- UL Barolo, 2004 stallion by LM Polaris: International Champion and National Reserve Champion
- UL Lucca, 2007 mare by El Sid: Multi-champion, National Champion and Best in Show
- UL Just Alba, 2009 mare by WH Justice National Reserve Champion, Scandinavian Silver Champion. Broodmare.
- UL Sid Parma, 2010 chestnut filly by El Sid: International multi-champion, Best in Show, Best Head, World Silver Champion Filly
FAIR ORKAN – 2009 WAHO Trophy Winner – Denmark
FAIR ORKAN, Chestnut Gelding, 2001 (LM Polaris / Bint Quahir)
Owners/Breeders: Family Frandsen
Strain: Kehailan Rodan (Rodania, 1869)
The Danish Society of Arabian Horse Breeding (DSAH) has awarded their 2009 WAHO Trophy to the dressage gelding, Fair Orkan. Here is his story, from his owner/rider Lise Frandsen.
In 2009, I was the lucky recipient of WAHO trophy for Fair Orkan, in recognition of his achievements in dressage. He was bred by my family specifically to be my future dressage horse. Starting with some successes in halter classes, this talented little horse is now trained up to FEI Intermediaire 1 level in dressage. Here I will mention our major achievements together over the years.
In 2008 we won the Championship for Purebred Arabians and obtained several awards in Denmark for dressage competitions as well as awards at the international All Nations Cup show in Aachen.
In 2009, we again won the Danish dressage championship for Arabian horses and managed to win the Silver medal in the Prix St. George level dressage at the European Arabian Sports Championships as well as the Classic All-Around Championship Bronze medal. We made almost a clean sweep in dressage at the international show in Aachen.

Fair Orkan ridden by Lise Frandsen

Fair Orkan ridden by Lise Frandsen
Since winning the WAHO Trophy in 2009, our international success has continued every year, including the silver medal twice more in dressage at the European Arabian Sports Championships, and second place at the International Championship in Austria in the FEI Intermediaire I class. The highlight of our year in 2013 was winning the Gold medal for dressage at the European Arabian Sports Championship.
Fair Orkan is a super good and reliable riding horse and we have had many wonderfully happy and successful years together. He will always have a special place in my heart.
MALIKAH – 2008 WAHO Trophy Winner – Denmark
MALIKAH, Bay mare, *1984 (Ibn Mohafez / Sheila).
Breeder/Owner: Jean Laursen.
Strain: Seglawieh Jedranieh of Ibn Soudan (Ghazieh)
The recipient of the Danish WAHO trophy 2008 is Malikah (Ibn Mohafez x Sheila), and the Danish Society of the Arabian Horse has chosen to award her the trophy because they feel that it is extremely important to remember the fantastic mares that are the corner stone of all breeding of Arabian horses. Malikah has made a big mark on the breeding of Arabians in Denmark and especially her daughters have proven to be very good broodmares who, in spite of not having had a great number of foals, have done very well indeed.
Malikah (which is Arabic for queen) was born in 1984 at the farm of Jean Laursen after her dam Sheila (Silver Scenario x Samirha) had paid a visit to the German Junior Stallion Champion and Elite Stallion Ibn Mohafez (Mohafez x Brawura), who was bred, owned, and shown by the Schultz family. Ibn Mohafez was a handsome, correct horse with a lovely expression and great movements with a lot of push from behind. He was shown in Denmark in 1986, where he was awarded 88 points – and at the same show Malikah won her class for 2 year old fillies and was also awarded a gold medal. Malikah’s dam Sheila was imported in utero from Horsey Island, England in 1976, together with for instance Emba and Pacific, who were both to become extremely important for the breeding of Arabians in Denmark. Sheila was a lovely, liver chestnut mare, she had a beautiful expression and much type and at the same time a very correct conformation.
Malikah is a very expressive mare who reflects the best of her pedigree – the Egyptian type from Mohafez, but also a super elastic movement and the great front inherited from her damline. Best of all, she has the most wonderful, gentle spirit and she is a joy to be around, in the stables as well as out on the pastures. Malikah has 3 daughters, full sisters by Pacific, all three of whom are still with their breeder, Jean Laursen. Due to the condition of the market, they have not been put in foal very often, and yet they have all produced progeny that have made an impression in the Danish field of Arabian horses. Gaia and Amirah have been shown and have both been awarded gold medals – Gaia was also Reserve Champion Mare. Malikah’s daughters have produced for instance Pacat (Abhat x Pacifica/Malikah), who won the endurance race Hedelandsløbet 2008, Demir (Symba x Gaia/Malikah), who has produced several successful progeny, among others TA Demirah and TA Jamal, who were Reserve Junior Mare Champion and class winner of 2 year old colts respectively at the Danish Nationals in 2004, and Gomir (Gomel x Amirah/Malikah), who is active in dressage where he competes in open LB and LA classes and is doing very well indeed. Furthermore, Malikah’s handsome son, Amlet, was used under saddle and was a much loved performance horse who unfortunately sired only two foals before his untimely death in 2003.
Malikah has reached the age of 25 and she is enjoying her age with dignity with her breeder and owner Jean Laursen, surrounded by children and grandchildren. The next generation are ready to conquer the world and some are already well on their way to continue the heritage of success, that goes with this family. Aksinja, 1999 (Symba x Samitna, ex Amirah) has already been awarded a gold medal in 2005 and she is to be bred for the first time in 2009.
The Danish Society of the Arabian Horse expresses their heartfelt congratulations to Malikah – and not least to Jean Laursen for having bred this amazing mare.
Text by Anne Finnerup
MILASTICA – 2007 WAHO Trophy Winner – Denmark
MILASTICA, Chestnut Mare, *1992 (Mikado / Tadia).
Breeder: Henrik H. Knudsen. Owner: Anne Marie Rasmussen.
Strain: Kehaileh Rodanieh (Rodania)
The presentation of the WAHO Trophy has become a joyous recurrent event. It offers an opportunity to appreciate the versatility and great qualities of the Arabian horse.
This year – 2007 – the WAHO-trophy goes to a very conspicuous and beautiful chestnut mare. Through a number of years Milastica has been an outstanding representative of the breed. With her owner and rider, Anne Marie Rasmussen, Milastica has been active in the dressage school at various events. This couple has been a loyal participant at our yearly ridden championships and is always a joy to look at!
Without exception, they have been placed at every Arabian ridden show event in the country. A remarkable feat by all accounts! In 2002 Milastica was Horse of the Year in the Danish Arabian Riding Club and at the 2006 Danish Championships they won all four classes they started in, i.e. LA2, LA4, PRT and JRH. Furthermore, Milastica and Anne Marie have proved that the Arabian horse can go up against warmbloods and hold their own! The warmblood horse has been bred with the sole purpose of excelling at dressage or jumping. Consequently they have the advantage when competing in these disciplines. This fact does not, however, deter this bold and beautiful couple. In 2007, they participated at the annual animal fair in Odense, and in a class of 32, of which several were warmbloods, they placed an impressive second. This result is in a class by itself and must be termed outstanding – can anyone imagine a better ambassador for the breed?
In 2002, Milastica was shown in hand at the National Show in Kgs. Thisted. Here, she proved that she is not all about performance – she is also a beautiful horse. She was awarded a gold medal and placed 3rd in her class.
For some time, Anne Marie had been looking for the horse that could meet her expectations. A beautiful chestnut with sparkle, charisma, and good performance abilities. The first time she laid eyes on Milastica she knew that this was the horse she had been looking for such a long time and bought her immediately. At that point in time, Milastica was considered a problem horse. She had had several homes and not all riding and handling had been as desired. She didn’t like farriers or strangers and preferred to move with her head up in the air. It was a lot of work, but with patience, training, and understanding, she has become the horse we know today! And Milastica is not your average horse – she has got will, spirit, and strength. She loves to work and gives everything she has to please her owner, rider, and friend.
Her sire was the stallion Mikado, who was an excellent racehorse and among other titles was named Arabian Racehorse of the Year in 1992. And there is no doubt about it: Milastica is her father’s daughter. The beautiful copper-red colour, the high tail carriage, and not least the very special personality. Just like Milastica, Mikado had will, spirit, and strength and he loved to work. Milastica is out of the mare Tadia, who is by Touche. Touche was also a fantastic athlete, he jumped MA classes and passed the 30 days performance test, just as he was awarded a big gold medal at the DSAH International B Show in 1999. Milastica reflects her pedigree in the best possible manner.
This amazing mare has yet to deliver a new little wonder to continue this epic. Until this happens, we will enjoy every second that we can still watch Milastica perform the difficult and wonderful art of dressage!
Text by Kirsten Ibsen; Translation by Anne Finnerup
WASHA – 2006 WAHO Trophy Winner – Denmark
WASHA., Chestnut Mare, 1982 (Shalom / Warissa).
Breeder: PAJB-Arabians. Owner: Lisa Kiesbuy.
Strain: Not Recorded (Family of Murana, 1808)
The Danish Society of Arabian Horse Breeding (DSAH) has awarded the 2006 WAHO Trophy for Denmark to the mare WASHA. Now 23 years old, this beautiful mare from the so-called “Danish W” line founded by the well known German-bred mare Warissa, has not only achieved show ring success herself, but has also become breeder’s dream of a very special broodmare whose progeny are often even better than she is.
Her dam Warissa’s influence is immortal in Danish Arab horse breeding. With an international pedigree including bloodlines from Crabbet, Egypt, Poland, Argentina and Germany, Warissa was most often bred to El Mokari (who has become a legend in Denmark) yet until now her true successor has undoubtedly been WASHA, by the Egyptian/Spanish stallion, Shalom. The Bedouin tradition of retaining the first daughter has been proved true in this case.
It is true to say that WASHA has inherited the qualities of her famous dam in all areas, a feminine beauty of harmonious balance with the classic face and characteristic big black eyes that are the very special “Warissa heritage” and which are passed on from generation to generation. WASHA was a show champion both as a filly and as a mature mare. In 1993 she had the special honour to become Senior Mare Champion, best Danish-bred Horse and Best in Show at the Danish National Championships. More importantly, as a broodmare she has consistently passed on the extraordinary beauty and charisma inherited from her dam, no matter which stallion she is bred to and no matter their bloodlines.
Owned in turn over the years by her breeders PAJB-Arabians, by the Husted family and now by Lisa and Steven Kiesbue of Mekka-Arabians, WASHA is the dam, grand-dam and great-grand-dam of many consistently high quality foals. Just to mention two of her direct offspring, there is the up and coming young stallion Laheeb Ibn Washa (by FS Eternal Flame), now proving himself as a sire through his son Mahfouz (out of Mekka). WASHA’s most famous daughter is undoubtedly the beautiful chestnut Wanessa, by El Mokari. This multi-champion mare is very well known in Denmark both as a show mare and in her own right as a broodmare and in turn is the dam of the incomparable show-stopper Wanila by Ansata Nile Pasha, who herself produced the champion show horse and significant sire Wan Kahli (by FS Bengali) and also as the ultra-feminine Wadiah (by Khidar).
Now living in retirement with her proud and happy owners the Kiesbue family, the grand old lady WASHA remains very beautiful despite her advancing years, still showing off her extraordinary floating movement, with her tail carried high and proud. This is truly a “once-in-a-lifetime” mare. The DSAH would like to offer the breeders and owners of this distinguished and much-loved mare their sincere congratulations on winning the well-earned 2006 WAHO Trophy for Denmark.
CON-TIKKI – 2005 WAHO Trophy Winner – Denmark
CON-TIKKI, Grey stallion, *1985 (Condor / Lissa of Valissa]).
Breeder: Hans Peter Kragh. Owner: Sonja Van Willingen.
Strain: Kehailan El Krush (Dafina 1926).
The Dansk Selskab for Arabisk Hesteavl (DSAH) have awarded their 2005 WAHO Trophy to one of the best endurance horses in the country. Con-Tikki and his owner, Sonja Van Willingen, have taken part successfully in this tough athletic discipline not just at home, but have also flown the flag for Denmark as they competed all over the world
Con-Tikki, who is of mainly old English bloodlines with a dash of Egyptian through his dam’s sire, has completed over 5,000 kilometres in 16 seasons of top level competition in endurance. His titles include four Danish National Championships from 10 efforts in this event, and he has won gold, silver and bronze medals for the Danish National team. He has been on the Danish National Team since 1993, participating in the World Championships 3 times and the European Championships twice. He is still fit and well the age of 21.

Con-Tikki with his owner,
Sonja Van Willingen.