

Member Report from Belgium


Marc Somerhausen, Belgium: My name is Marc Somerhausen, I am the Secretary of the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry, known as BAPS.  We thank the President and the Executive Committee of WAHO, the Australian Organizing Committee for giving us the opportunity to meet again and we thank all the locals for their fine welcome.

In 2018 we registered 284 pure-bred Arabian foals. This is a bit less than usual, but a bit artificially so, the overlap into 2019 due to late registrations should be of 15% and this should bring the numbers back to normal.  Imports and exports are about at the usual level.  Belgium has a lot of professional trainers where horses from all over the world are trained to take part at national and international shows.  Breeding stallions come into our country for a certain time for our breeding technology and now, mares for embryo transfer are coming too, we insist that all these horses are tested on CA and SCID for the ET operations.  About 25% of our foal production is now by Embryo Transfer.

Each year there are about 4 shows that are recognized by ECAHO, of which one is an amateur show.  These numbers are dropping badly, nobody wants to organize any more low class shows.  These shows are organized by members of our Society except the National Championship for Arabian horses that is organized by the Association BAPS. In 2018 we also hosted the European Championship for Arabian horses in Belgium.

In 2018, 14 national endurance days took place and 3 international days were organised by the Federation.  BAPS encourages the Belgian riders in these rides by organizing the BAPS-Challenge.  The participating horses must be purebred Arabian horses or crossings of pure-bred Arabian horses, registered in Belgium, and in the ownership of members of our Association.  We also organize with the Belgian Equestrian Sport Federation a conformation competition for young sport and endurance horses.  For the three first editions of these we have had over 35 participants in each event.

Since 1989, a small group of breeders and owners of purebred Arabian horses in Belgium took the initiative to start racing.  In 1994, the Arabian Horse Racing Club of Belgium was founded. Last year, 11 races were organized at the racetracks in Belgium.  BAPS helps to sponsors these races.  To encourage this activity, the WAHO trophy 2018 was awarded to a merited racehorse named Conchita D.A.

In Belgium we also heavily support an organization for dressage, “Dressuur Arabische Paarden” (DAP). This Association organizes 6 competitions each year.  One group has over the years emerged to go on to eventing on the national scene and is starting to enjoy good results, like a second position in open class for one of their riders. Each year in the spring and autumn our stud book organizes the stallion licensing.  After being admitted, all stallions will have a breeding licence for life.  All stallions are also accepted for breeding, this is only informative.  At the age of 5 years the stallions may be re-presented to obtain a premium.  To promote the Arabian horse BAPS publishes a year book, we did it this year and in the three previous years, this is a new concept.  We have also put our stud book online now on our website and it works in real time.  This was our report, thank you very much.


Marc Somerhausen, Belgium: Thank you, my name is Marc Somerhausen, I am the Registrar and Secretary of the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry. We thank His Majesty King Hamad, His Highness Sheikh Isa Bin Salman Al Khalifa, the organising committee and the President and Executive Committee of WAHO for hosting and making this Conference possible. This is the report for the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry, or BAPS.

I won’t mention all of our statistics, you can find them on the yellow sheet, but the most important are these. In 2016 we registered 332 Purebred Arabian foals which is 27 less than in 2015. In 2016 we imported 100 horses and exported 246 horses, which is more or less the same as in 2015.

Belgium has a lot of professional trainers, where horses from all over the world are trained to take part in National and International shows. Also breeding stallions can come to our country for certain time and benefit from our breeding technology. The estimated number of living horses is 7,000. We allow embryo transfer and we allow multiple foals per mare.

Each year in Belgium there are about 7 shows which are recognised by ECAHO, these shows are organised by members of our Society. The horses are shown in halter and ridden classes. The National Championships for Arabian Horse are organised by the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry itself, and it was them that did it in 2016. Every two years the European Championships for Arabian horses takes place in Belgium.

Every year 25 meetings representing over 100 races are organised in endurance in Belgium. BAPS encourages the Belgian riders by organising a challenge, the participating horses must be purebred Arabian horses or a crossing of purebred Arabian horses registered in Belgium, and in the ownership of members of BAPS. The winners of the BAPS Challenge receive money prizes. Members of BAPS who are the owner of a horse that takes part in the European or World Championship in endurance are encouraged through sponsoring.

We have started in January last year organising a conformation competition for sport and endurance horses. For the first two editions we have had over 35 participants on both events. Since 1989 a small group of owners and breeders of purebred Arabian horses in Belgium took the initiative the start racing. In 1994 The Arabian Horse Racing Club of Belgium was founded. Last year 12 races were organised at the race tracks in Belgium. BAPS sponsors these races. Since 1995 Belgium has an organisation for dressage, “Dressuur Arabische Paarden” (DAP), and more and more enthusiasts of Arabian horses are interested in dressage and in taking lessons. We have 6 competitions every year. BAPS is also supporting education for in-hand and ridden trail by way of clinics.

Each year in spring and autumn our stud book organises the stallion licensing show, stallions that are or will be 2 years old before the end of the current breeding season may be presented for the first time. After being admitted they will have a breeding licence for life. At the age of 5 the stallions may be re-presented to obtain a premium, but that is not a mandatory rule. All stallions are accepted as a breeding horse.

To promote purebred Arabian horses BAPS is publishing a year book for 2016. Each year BAPS selects the horse that has been the most remarkable over the past years, whether it is showing or endurance and this horse will receive the WAHO trophy. In 2016 the WAHO trophy was won by the stallion Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D, born in 1997, by Ansata Sinan out of Navarrone “P” owned by Dion Arabians. All details about the stallion and the reasons for giving him our WAHO trophy for 2016 will be published on the WAHO website.

We also have an online studbook on the website  From 1st January 2015 BAPS no longer requires the SCID test for each male foal, but instead only the stallions used for public breeding are tested. Furthermore the stallions will have to be tested on CA, the test have to be done on the same hair sample as the horse’s DNA for parentage. The same goes for mares used for embryo transfer. SCID or CA carrier horses are not excluded from breeding, but those tests will be published on the BAPS website for the information of the breeders.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you a word of appreciation for my predecessor Mr. Winand Bijnens, from whom I had to take over a year ago. His fine work as Registrar and Secretary of the Belgian studbook made it possible for me to go on with registration of our horses without any break. Which brings me this thought: A well-kept studbook is not only one where registration is well carried out, but is also one made for your successors, hopefully for future generations. Thank you.


Winand Bijnens, Belgium: My name is Winand Bijnens, the Registrar of the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry. We thank the Qatar Racing & Equestrian Club, the Organizing Committee and the President and Executive Committee of WAHO for making this conference possible. This is the report of the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry.

I won’t mention all our statistics, you will find them on the yellow sheet, but the most important are these. In 2013 we registered 312 pure-bred Arabian foals which is more or less the same as in 2012. In 2013, we imported 100 horses and exported 220 horses, which is an increase for both figures. Belgium has a lot of professional trainers where horses from all over the world are trained to take part at national and international shows. Also breeding stallions come into our country for a certain time for our breeding technology. The estimated number of living horses is 6,000. We allow Embryo Transfer and we allow multiple foals per mare.

Each year in Belgium there are about 7 shows that are recognized by ECAHO. These shows are organised by members of our Society. The horses are shown in halter, ridden classes and liberty classes. The National Championships for Arabian Horses was organised by the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry itself in 2014. Every 2 years, the European Championships for Arabian Horses take place in Belgium. Also, the Egyptian Event Europe is organised in Belgium for the Pyramid Society each year.

Each year about 35 endurance races are organised in Belgium. BAPS encourages the Belgian riders by organising the BAPS-Challenge. The participating horses must be pure-bred Arabian horses or crossings of pure-bred Arabian horses, registered in Belgium, and in the ownership of members of BAPS. The winners of the BAPS-Challenge receive money prizes. Members of BAPS who are the owner of a horse that takes part at the European or World Championship Endurance are encouraged through sponsoring.

Since 1989, a small group of breeders and owners of pure-bred Arabian horses in Belgium took the initiative to start racing. In 1994, the Arabian Horse Racing Club of Belgium (AHRCB) was founded. Each year, about 10 races are organised at the racetracks in Belgium. BAPS sponsors these races.

Since 1995 we have had an organization for dressage, “Dressuur Arabische Paarden” (DAP) and more and more enthusiasts of Arabian horse are interested in dressage and in taking lessons. Others were already familiar with dressage for years and were very happy with the foundation of their own Club. We have about 7 competitions each year. Western riding is a very new discipline but there are some enthusiasts who want to start up an association.

Each year in the spring and autumn our studbook organizes the stallion licensing show. Stallions that are or will be 3 years old before the end of the current breeding season may be presented for the first time. After being admitted, they will have a breeding licence for life. At the age of 5 years the stallions may be re-presented again to obtain a premium, but that is not a mandatory rule. All stallions are accepted as a breeding horse.

To promote purebred Arabian horses, BAPS has published a book and a DVD about Arabian horses. Each year BAPS selects the horse that has been the most remarkable over the past year, whether that is in showing or endurance and so on, this horse receives the WAHO Trophy. In 2014, the WAHO Trophy was won by the mare FM Gloriaa, born in 2007, by WH Justice out of Psity of Angels, owned by TRS bvba, Mr. James Swaenepoel, and bred by Mrs. Mieke Sans. She is an exceptionally beautiful mare who has impressed everyone with her great appearance. All details about this mare and the reasons for giving her our WAHO Trophy 2014 will be published on the WAHO website.

The BAPS committee has two members who are responsible for updating the knowledge of our members. In 2013, the National judges course was finished with an exam and was completed. The National judges have to pass the ECAHO exams before they are listed on the European list of judges.

From 1st January 2015, BAPS will no longer require the SCID test for each male foal, but instead only the stallions which are used for public breeding will be tested. Furthermore, these stallions will have to be tested on SCID but also on CA. The tests have to be done on the same hair sample as the horse’s DNA for parentage has been analysed. The same counts for mares who are used for embryo transfer. Horses which are SCID or CA carriers are not excluded from breeding but they will be published in the BAPS magazine to inform the breeders. Finally in 2013 BAPS published studbook 12, the next volume is due in 2017. We also have an online studbook on the website Thank you Mr. President.


I am Winand Bijnens, Registrar of the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry. We thank His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Khalifa Al Thani, the Qatar Racing & Equestrian Club, the Organizing Committee and the President and Executive Committee of WAHO for making this Conference possible, a really unique event in the horse world. This is the report of the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry.

In 2010, the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry issued the studbook online in which all pure-bred Arabian horses registered in Belgium are entered. You can consult the studbook online through the following internet address, . The studbook online is updated monthly, even weekly. Of course, the latest paper volume is also available for those who wish to add the book to their collection. This volume 11 covers the period 2005-2008. The estimated number of living Arabian horses in Belgium is 6,000. Some figures in the information sheet you have need some explanation. The number of registered foals has increased from 397 in 2009 to 444 in 2010, although we should note that some of these were born in the previous year and delays in their registration were due to the mandatory rules for micro-chipping in the EU, which can lead to a slight delay in administration for all authorities involved. In fact the number of foals actually born in 2010 has decreased from 413 to 347, but is similar to 2008 when 343 were born and more than in 2007 when 311 were born. So overall our figures remain fairly steady. The number of imports and exports are more or less the same each year, with an average of 80 imports and 130 exports. The number of exports is higher than the number of imports each year. Belgium has a lot of professional training stables where Arabian horses from all over the world are prepared for both national and international shows. Also foreign breeding stallions do come into our country for a certain time, sometimes for semen collection and freezing at licensed quarantine facilities, sometimes on lease. This may explain the fairly high number of exports, as a lot of these show horses are sold on to other countries or they return to their homeland at the end of the show or breeding season.

The main organized activities for Arabians in Belgium are the usual ones of Showing, Endurance and Racing, as well as Dressage and a little bit of Western Riding which is also popular. And of course recreational riding remains the most important use of Arabian horses in Belgium. Each year, members of our Society organise about 5 shows, all recognized by ECAHO, at which halter, ridden and liberty classes are offered. Every 2 years, the European Championship for Arabian Horses takes place in Moorsele, and in addition the Egyptian Event Europe is organized annually in Belgium. The estimated number of horses taking part at the shows is 200 or just under 4% of the living Arabians in Belgium.

Endurance is probably the oldest equestrian sport popular with Arabian horse riders in Belgium, it is coordinated by 3 organisations: VLP, LRV and KBRSF. Each year 35 races are organized. Our Society actively encourages Belgian riders by organising the BAPS-Challenge, in which participating horses must be Arabian horses or Arabian-derivatives registered in Belgium, and the owners of the participating horses must be members of BAPS. The winners receive money prizes. Also, members of BAPS who own a horse that takes part in the European or World Championship in Endurance, at which events we are proud to say that our Belgian riders and teams do very well, is encouraged by BAPS through sponsoring. The estimated number of registered Arabians regularly taking part in endurance is 100, just under 2% of our Arabian horse population.

Racing has been organized in Belgium since 1989, when a small group of breeders and owners took the initiative to start racing. The Arabian Horse Racing Club of Belgium (AHRCB) was founded in 1994. Each year, about 10 races are organized at the racetracks in Belgium, last year it was a bit less due to the restoration of some racetracks. The estimated number of horses taking part in racing is approximately 20, which represents only about half of one per cent of our Arabian horse population.

In 1995, the organization “Dressuur Arabische Paarden” (DAP), specifically for Arabians competing in dressage, was founded. More and more Arabian horse enthusiasts were interested in dressage and in taking lessons, others were already familiar with dressage for years and all of them were very happy with the foundation of their own club. DAP organises about 7 competitions each year, and the best horses also take part in open competition against other breeds. The estimated number of horses taking part at dressage is approximately 75, or 0,75 % of the population. Western riding for Arabians is rather new in Belgium, and as yet there is no club for this discipline but there are a number of enthusiasts who want to start an association. In the meanwhile, the Arabians compete against other breeds and some do very well.

To promote the breed, BAPS has published a comprehensive book on the Arabian horse, with wonderful photos by the world famous photographers of the Van Lent family, each new member receives a book for free and BAPS has a stand at each show where we sell the books to the new interested visitors. BAPS has also published a promotional DVD with some very nice film footage of Arabians in Belgium, this is sold at both shows and events. It is given for free to our new members and if anyone from WAHO is interested in a copy of our book or our DVD, do let me know by email and I will send it to you.

Each year BAPS selects the horse that has been the most remarkable over the last year for the WAHO trophy which is officially presented at the Belgian National Championship Show. In 2010, the WAHO Trophy for Belgium was won by the stallion Orfeo, 21 years old by Pedant out of Opala, owned by Leo Liesens and bred by the Haras des Iviers. He is a remarkable endurance horse and has an outstanding international endurance record. All details about this stallion and the reasons for him being awarded our WAHO Trophy for 2010 have been published on the WAHO website.

The BAPS committee has two members who are responsible for updating the knowledge of our members. We use our website, which is, for a lot of this information, most of the website is available in Dutch, French and English and, within a few months, in German. Every 3 months BAPS issues a magazine named BAPS-News, which is very much appreciated by our 1000 members. Last but not least, in 2011 we organized 2 national judging courses, one in Dutch and one in French. After this course an exam is organised, the people who pass will be placed on the National list of show judges. This concludes the Belgian Report. Thank you.


Foals registered: 377

Horses Exported: 137

Horses Imported: 90


I am Winand Bijnens, Secretary, and my co-delegate is Jean Dardenne, President of the Belgian Arabian Horse Society. We would like to thank His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said, The Royal Court Affairs, and the Organizing Committee, the President and the Executive Committee of WAHO, for making this Conference possible. It is a really unique event in the horse world.

The Belgian Arabian Horse Registry’s current stud-book published is Volume 10. This volume covers the period 2001 to 2004. Our next volume, number 11, is to be published in 2009. In 2008, BAPS registered 238 purebred Arabian foals. We imported 55 horses and exported 56 horses. The number of foals born has decreased a little bit and this due to the Belgian legislation that all horses should be microchipped before registration. As there is still a lot of administration to do, in all authorities involved outside BAPS, there is a slight delay. The number of imports and exports are more or less the same as in the last two years. In 2006, due to the WAHO rule that each horse should be registered in the country of birth, the number of imports increased with a total of 93 and the number of exports tripled from 52 in 2005 to 161 in 2006. In 2007, the number of imports decreased again to 68 and the number of exports to 94. The estimated number of living horses is 5,500. Since 1st July 2008 all Belgian horses have to be microchipped. The system we are using is ISO 11784. We allow Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer and we allow multiple foals per mare.

The popular activities for purebred Arabian horses in Belgium are showing, endurance, racing, dressage, and western riding. Each year we organize about 5 Shows that are recognized by ECAHO, these shows are organized by members of our Society. The horses are shown in the following ways: halter, ridden classes and liberty classes. Every two years, the European Championship for Arabian Horses takes place in Moorsele, and every year the Egyptian Event Europe takes place in Belgium. The estimated number of horses taking part at each of these shows is 250.

Endurance is probably the oldest riding discipline, and is coordinated by two organisations: VLP and KBRSF. Each year 35 endurance rides are organized in Belgium. BAPS encourages the Belgian riders by organising the ‘BAPS-Challenge’. The participating horses must be purebred Arabian horses or crosses of purebred Arabian horses, registered in Belgium, and the owners of the participating horses must be members of BAPS. The winners of the BAPS-Challenge receive monetary prizes. Members of BAPS who are the owner of a horse that takes part in the European or World Endurance Championships is encouraged by BAPS through sponsorship. The estimated number of horses taking part in endurance is about 2%.

In 1989, a small group of breeders and owners of purebred Arabian horses in Belgium took the initiative to start racing. In 1994, the Arabian Horse Racing Club of Belgium was founded. Each year, about 10 races are organized at the racetracks in Belgium, and BAPS sponsors these races. The estimated number of horses taking part is racing is 0.5%.

In 1995, the organization “Dressuur Arabische Paarden” (DAP) was founded. More and more enthusiasts of the Arabian horse were interested in dressage and in taking lessons. Others were already familiar with dressage for years and were very happy with the foundation of their own club. On a yearly basis, DAP organises about 7 competitions. The estimated number of horses taking part at dressage is 0.75%.

The discipline of Western Riding is rather new in Belgium. Unfortunately, there is no club yet for this discipline but there are a number of enthusiasts who want to start an association.

Each year in October, BAPS organises the Stallion Licensing Show. Stallions that will be 3 years old in the next breeding season may be presented for the first time. Then they have to represent at 4, 6 and 8 years old. The stallions of 8 years and older may be excused from of presentation each year. All our stallions are accepted as a breeding stallion, if they do not have hereditary defects.

To promote the purebred Arabian horse, BAPS has published a book on the Arabian horse, with nice photos by the world famous photographer, Van Lent. This book contains the origin and history of the breed, its exterior and characteristics, the families and types, the different bloodlines, the influence of the purebred Arabian horse to other breeds, information on the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry and on the different disciplines. Each new member receives a book for free and at each show, BAPS has a stand where it sells the books to the new interested visitors. BAPS is also working on a promotion DVD which will be sold at shows and events and we will present it for free to all Members of WAHO within a month.

Each year BAPS chooses the horse that has been the most remarkable over the last year, to receive the much desired WAHO Trophy which is presented at the Belgian National Championship show. In 2008, the WAHO Trophy for Belgium was won by the mare Krizia, she is 19 years old by Pedant out of Krisella, owned and bred by Haras des Iviers. She had an outstanding international endurance record herself and so also have her offspring, even to the second generation. All details about this mare and the reasons for her being awarded our WAHO Trophy for 2008 have been published on the WAHO website.

As regards education, the BAPS Committee has one member that is responsible for the information of our members. Every 2 years, BAPS organises a judging course, one in Dutch and one in French. After this course, an exam is organised and BAPS asks the members of its Annual General Meeting to nominate the candidates who passed the exam to become a Belgian judge on the National list. The national judges have to pass one more exam from ECAHO to be on the European list of judges. Thank you.


The current published stud book of Belgium is Volume 10, it covers all entries between 2001 and 2004, our next volume number 11 is due for 2010 and it will cover all entries between 2005 and 2009.

The number of purebred Arabian foals registered in 2005 was 409, in 2006 we registered 280 foals. The number represents an increase due to an increasing demand on the market and probably the issuing on an introductory book which we produced to promote our horses on a broader scale. Active breeding stallions in 2006 numbered 217, active breeding mares in 2006 number 350. We imported 91 horses in 2006, as a result of the new WAHO rule that a horse has to be registered in the country where it stays. The number of exports in 2006 was 151, this was double the number from 2005. We like to think that the quality of our horses is the reason for this success.

We do parent verification by DNA, using blood-samples. We do micro-chipping as of 1 January 2007 on all foals within 4 months after birth. All our horses will be chipped by July 2008. We use the chips of ISO standard 11784 and 11785. We allow Artificial Insemination, transported semen and Embryo transfer.

Our horses compete in such different activities as endurance, shows, dressage, western riding and flat races. There are normally around 7 shows, 12 race meetings and 92 endurance rides annually. All activities are organized by different societies with close links to our Registry and who are sponsored by BAPS. We issued an attractive introduction book about the Arabian horse in 2000 and a new edition in 2006, due to its overall success. It had a great response in the press and we have motivated a lot of new people to buy an Arabian horse, as our statistics show.

We have a form of stallion licensing activity and an education programme for new National show judges, which are both very successful.

In 2007 Belgium registered 311 foals, and processed 93 exports and 65 imports.

Trophy Winners

FA Monaco – 2024 WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

FA Monaco  2014, chestnut gelding. (M.M. Sergio / Princess Odessa). Breeder: Flaxman Arabians. Owner: Lotte Lenaerts. Strain: Not recorded (Secretaria, 1935)

BAPS are delighted to have awarded the 2024 WAHO Trophy to the deserving gelding FA Monaco.

FA Monaco and Lotte Lenaerts

Citation from his owner, Lotte Lenaerts

FA Monaco came to me, Lotte Lenaerts at the age of 3.5 years as a small, fine and very insecure horse. We took it easy for the first 3 years and only participated in DAP competitions. Yearly he would rise one level and at each level he won the title of Belgian Champion twice.

FA Monaco & Lotte competing in dressage

After 3 years we felt it was time to expand and in addition to the DAP competitions (where he continually won Belgian titles), we took part in competitions against other breeds like warmbloods. Here too, we have had the title to our name for 3 years and we now compete at PSG level.

In 2022 we participated in the European Championships in Austria for the first time. He we won the title of Newcomer Champion Classic Pleasure and reserve Newcomer Dressage champion.

FA MOnaco & Lotte in costume

In 2023 we participated in the AIW cup in Denmark, where we won all dressage tests with flying colours and achieved 2nd place in the AIW cup. At the European Championships in 2023 we were crowned European Dressage Champions.

2024 has been our top year. We became double Belgian champions in level 3 at the DAP. Then at the European Championships in Austria we achieved the following results:

  • Newcomer champion Arabian native costume
  • Master champion dressage
  • Vice master champion hunter pleasure
  • Master champion classic pleasure
  • Vice master champion Arabian native costume
  • European champion dressage
  • Vice European champion hunter pleasure

FA Monaco & Lotte in a prize giving

To end our season we took part in the All Nations Cup in Aachen, where FA Monaco achieved these fantastic results:
– 1st master dressage
– 1st master hunter pleasure
– 2nd Arabian native costume
1st master classic pleasure

Soon there will be the honouring of the UDR champions, where we will ride among the warmbloods. Here we achieved Champion M10 and Champion PSG.

In the meantime, FA Monaco has grown into a beautiful, self-confident and willing to work horse. FA Monaco is not always the easiest, he is very knowledgeable and loves to play the clown of the stables, but that is precisely why I think he is so great. I cannot be prouder of FA Monaco. We continue to train quietly because FA Monaco still has so much margin and I hope that 2025 will be just as successful.


SD MENGALI  Chestnut Gelding, 1999. (Menesco MB / Pinsa D).  Breeder: Sabrina Francois, SD Arabian Horses. Owner: Pietro Di Geronimo.  Strain: Kehailan Ajuz (Hagar, 1872)

BAPS is pleased to announced their 2021 WAHO Trophy winner is the remarkable endurance competitor, SD Mengali.

SD Mengali ridden by Pierrot Di Geronimo

There are horses which – without necessarily landing prestigious victories, picking up international medals or racking up championship podium places – make their mark courtesy of the regularity of their performance, their sheer tenacity and personality, and in doing so define an era, an entire generation and beyond.  In the world of Belgian endurance competition, the above certainly applies to SD Mengali whose high level of constancy and consistency over a 12-year career continue to command admiration and huge respect to this very day.

The veritable phenomenon that is this liver chestnut gelding, no taller than 150cm with a tough and sturdy character, was born in 1999, bred by Dominique and Sabrina Francois at their SD Arabians in the southwest of Belgium.  His pedigree comprises mainly Russian bloodlines with additional old English and Crabbet lines, both known for their excellence in producing not just show horses but also top quality endurance horses.

The long-time owner of SD Mengali, Pierrot Di Geronimo, who was a member of the armed forces and an excellent sportsman, only took up riding at the age of 40.  When he acquired SD Mengali as a 4-year old in 2003, all he originally wanted was a horse for his wife, Pascale Blanche, for some gentle riding and trekking.  Before long, attracted by the idea of the sport of endurance, Pierrot took over the ride.  He made up for his lack of technical skills by an incredible number of long and slow rides out on the hills, as he had the benefit of living in an area which eminently lends itself to this type of training. Showing lots of patience and a highly meticulous approach, Pierrot managed to turn the young SD Mengali into a genuine athlete over the course of two years. Impressed by the rider-horse pairing, veterinarian Isabelle Caudron showed the duo the way to endurance racing, where they were very quickly spotted by the staff of the Belgian National team. This marked the start of a beautiful true story.

Between 2005 and 2017, and despite some time off due to injury, SD Mengali finished 21 International Endurance Races, covering distances varying from 80 to 160 km, with a success rate of around 80%, feeling at home on any kind of terrain, whether this be mountain or desert.  He also completed numerous national trials between 20 and 80 km. He completed no fewer than twelve 160-km races and 7 Belgian National Team selections.  SD Mengali represented Belgium in 4 Endurance World Championships (2008, Malaysia; 2010, USA; 2012, UK; and 2016, Slovakia) and 3 European championships in 2009, 2011 and 2013. In 2009 and 2011, SD Mengali joined the lofty ranks of the European Top 10.  When he was retired from competition at the end of the 2017 season at a venerable 18 years of age, SD Mengali had completed 34,000 kilometres, 4,500 of them in competitions.

“Mengali and Pierrot, Pierrot and Mengali”. Two names that were inseparable for over a decade, which, to this very day, command huge respect for their flawless track record, even though it did not come with honorary titles or medals. Humble, discreet, hard-working, patient, self-sacrificing and bound by a close-knit bond. The story of this pairing is a lesson in values.

Today, SD Mengali, Pierrot and Pascale still live in the Ardennes that are so dear to them, based at the European Horse Centre of Mont-le-Soie as the stables’ caretakers. Remaining active into what will soon be his 23rd year, SD Mengali is taken out for long daily rides by Pascale. In 2021, he added another 1,500 kilometres to his name.  Meanwhile Pierrot, now at age 65, seems to have finally found a worthy successor for SD Mengali in another liver chestnut gelding, Hahdes Nheeon, born in 2014 and again mainly of Russian and old English bloodlines, which he has already trained up to International level. Why change the habit of a lifetime?


MESSI  2020  WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

MESSI   2012 Grey Stallion.  (Dahess / Jeanne D’Arc). Breeders: – Viktor & Dorien Keersmaekers. Owner:  Vido Keersmaekers. Strain:  Shuweyman Sabbah (Cherifa, 1869)

BAPS is pleased to announced their 2020 WAHO Trophy winner is the excellent racehorse, Messi.

Messi racing

Citation from Nelly Philippot-Hermanne, President AHRCB (Arabian Horse Racing Club of Belgium):

After two very impressive second places in Group I races in France during the autumn, the home-bred and home-trained Messi went on to win one of the most prestigious international races of the 2020 season.  This great achievement is well deserving of the WAHO Trophy award, as it marks a first for Belgium in terms of obtaining such a result.

The Keersmaeker-family started over 25 years ago breeding show-Arabians, but with athletic potential.  Their horses, mostly of Russian bloodlines proved their success in this goal during the early races organized in Belgium by AHRCB. When the French racing Arabians came beating our local-breds, Viktor and Darien and their son Timo decided to breed with some French bloodlines in their quest for a winning race-Arabian.  They imported Hase de Colmar (Tidjani / Cheri Bibi) and bred Jeanne d’ Arc out of her, by Dormane, first racing both of these mares before they turned to their breeding duties.  All the offspring of Jeanne d’ Arc, with different French-bred sires, have been very good race-horses, but none has proven himself like Messi did this season.

The stud of Timo Keersmaeker, Vido Arabians, has now shrunk to a dozen horses, due to the age of Viktor and the passing of Darien.  Among them the best is undoubtedly the 8 year old Messi, already a proven racehorse with many wins and places to his credit in Belgium.  Despite the heavy professional workload on Timo, he decided to train Messi himself at home this season, and the results were quickly there: two wins in Belgium as soon as racing could re-start after Covid-confinement (June), one second place in Germany and next he decided to go for the major challenges: two Group I races in France in the autumn, against some of the best horses of Europe, in both of which Messi finished an excellent second.  In fact he was beaten by only a short head in the the Qatar Arabian World Cup, the Arabian equivalent of the Arc de Triomphe.

Timo then decided to aim ever higher, and try a trip to the Middle East for one of their most prestigious and valuable races, worth over a million Euros: the Sheikh Zayed Jewel Crown at the Abu Dhabi Equestrian Clup.  Messi’s incredible 3.5 lengths victory in this Group 1 race, in which he overpowered a world-class international field, was truly a stellar performance.

Congratulations are due not just to Messi himself, but also to his breeders and owners the Keersmaekers family, to his trainer Timo Keersmaekers, as well as to his jockey Patrick Dobbs.



ETERNITY IBN NAVARRONE-D – 2016 WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

ETERNITY IBN NAVARRONE-D, Grey Stallion, 1997 (Ansata Sinan/Navarrone “P”)
Breeder: Mr. & Mrs. Despeghel-Van Hee, Dion Arabians
Owner: Mrs. Martine Van Hee

Belgium has awarded their 2016 WAHO Trophy to the internationally renowned stallion, Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D.

Photo L-R: Gerard Oben, Martine Van Hee, Tom Shoukens.
Photo credit: Jan Kan

He was born into the loving hands of Martine Van Hee on 9th June 1997. Observing his first steps, it struck Martine after only a few minutes… A star was born!

Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D follows the lead of his mother: the world-famous mare Navarrone “P”, herself a former winner of Belgium’s WAHO Trophy in 2007. That same honour being conferred to Eternity now, makes Martine very proud.

His renowned show record, from his debut in 1997 as Belgian foal champion to his last title as 2015 Platinum Champion in Paris, is too long a list to elaborate on. Altogether Eternity won 23 titles. These are only some of his fantastic eye catchers:

  • 4 times Belgian National Champion
  • European Junior Champion in 1999
  • ECAHO Champion Stallion of the Year in 2004
  • Dubai Champion Stallion in 2005
  • Twice All Nations Cup Champion in Aachen, in 2004 and 2007
  • Junior World Champion in Paris in 1999
  • Senior World Champion in Paris in 2004
  • Platinum World Champion in Paris in 2015

Not only as a show horse, but also as a breeding stallion Eternity has made his mark. These are but a few of the champions bred by Martine herself:

  • Destiny Bint Eternity-D won gold as a yearling at the Tulip Cup in the Netherlands, gold in Wels (Austria), gold at the Elran Cup and gold at the All Nations Cup.
  • Nijem Ibn Eternity was Triple Crowned Champion.
  • Noor Bint Eternity-D was National Champion and International Champion in the UAE
  • Jhullyus Ibn Eternity-D was National and International Champion and European Reserve Junior Champion
  • Hypnotic Ibn Eternity-D was Belgian National Champion, International Champion and European Reserve Champion
  • Fever Ibn Eternity-D was European Junior Champion

There are many more International and National Champions all over the world!

To crown his show record and at the same time end his show career, Eternity was awarded the 2015 Platinum Trophy in Paris. Martine obviously hopes for Eternity to remain in good health for many more years, and for him to produce many more outstanding foals.

RUKBAN DIKRUHU MMN – 2015 WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

RUKBAN DIKRUHU MMN, Chestnut Gelding,*1998 (Ibn Barrada / Dikra Estasha)
Breeder: Mrs. Nellie Philippot-Hermanne
Owner: Mrs. Rachel Jaumotte
Strain: Kehailan Dajani (Mlecha, ca. 1840)

RUKBAN DIKRUHU MMN - 2015 WAHO Trophy Winner of Belgium

RUKBAN DIKRUHU MMN – 2015 WAHO Trophy Winner of Belgium

The Board of the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry (BAPS) has decided to award their 2015 WAHO Trophy to the extremely successful endurance gelding, Rukban Dikruhu MMN, in recognition of his extraordinary performances and distinguished career in national and international endurance competitions, in particular for the Belgian endurance team:

National competitions with his owner, Rachel Jaumotte

  • 8 Q1 from 40 km, 3 Q2 from 60 km, 1 Q3 from 80 km
  • 11 to 12 class 1 from 80 km finished including 2 with best condition awards (2004 and 2005)
  • 2 class 2 from 100 km


  • 3rd championship LEWB 80 km – 2006 in Baileux
  • Vice champion 80 km – 2007 in Renlies

International competitions (CEI) representing Belgium

  • CEI ** 2006 – Bierbeek – 120 km: 12th
  • CEI ** 2007 – Libramont – 100 km: 1st
  • CEI *** 2008 – Mont-Le-Soie – 160 km: 4th Championship of Belgium
  • CEIO *** 2008 – Gubbio (It.) Nations Cup – 160 km: Individual Bronze Medal, Team Gold Medal for Belgium
  • CEI **** 2008 – Terrengannu (Malaysia) World Championship – 160 km: 10th (1st of the Belgian riders and 2nd of the European riders)
  • CEI *** 2009 – Mont-Le-Soie – 160 km: 4th Championship of Belgium
  • CEI **** 2009 – Assisi (It.) European Championship – 160 km – Individual Silver Medal,

After these performances Mrs. Jaumotte was persuaded, with reluctance, to sell ‘Rukban’ to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, with the promise that her much loved horse would be returned to her at the end his endurance career for the United Arab Emirates. Between 2009 and 2013, when Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum was the owner, the horse continued to excel at endurance and achieved the following results in international endurance competitions – including a World Championship team gold medal for the UAE:

  • CEI *** 2010 – Euston Park (GB) – 160 km: 2nd
  • CEI **** 2010 – Lexington (USA) World Championship – 160 km:, 7th individual and Team Gold medal
  • CEI * 2010 – Bou Thib (UAE) – 100 km: 9th
  • CEI ** 2012 – Euston Park (GB) – 120 km: 4th
  • CEI * 2013 – Bascara (SP) – 100 km: 26th

After the ride in Spain, Rukban Dikruhu MMN was retired from competition and returned, as had been promised, safe and sound to Rachel Jaumotte. Delighted to be back home, he now lives in well deserved and happy retirement, keeping fit by enjoying regular non competitive pleasure rides with his friend Rachel.

RUKBAN DIKRUHU MMN after he retired

RUKBAN DIKRUHU MMN after he retired

F.M. GLORIAA – 2014 WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

F.M. GLORIAA, Grey mare, *2007 (WH Justice / Psity of Angels)
Breeder: Mrs. Mieke Sans, Owner: Mr. James Swaenepoel, TRS bvba.
Strain: Kehaileh Moradi (Sahara, ca. 1840)

FM GLORIAA, 2014 WAHO Trophy Winner, Belgium

FM GLORIAA, 2014 WAHO Trophy Winner, Belgium

The Council of BAPS npo is very pleased to announce that they have decided to award their WAHO Trophy for the year 2014 to the exceptionally beautiful show mare, and now broodmare, F.M. Gloriaa who impresses everyone with her great appearance.
F.M. Gloriaa was bred by Mrs. Mieke Sans and was born in Kortemark in 2007. Her father is the already legendary WH Justice. Her mother, Psity of Angels, is a daughter of the phenomenal stallion Psytadel.
The sparkling F.M. Gloriaa won the All Nations Cup in Aachen, she won the European Championships in Moorsele and she was twice World Reserve Champion Mare in Paris. F.M. Gloriaa has travelled around the world; she got invited in the Middle East to win champion honors in Sharjah and Dubai.
F.M. Gloriaa now enjoys a normal life in the field at the farm of her recent owner Mr. James Swaenepoel, in Torhout.
She has produced 3 offspring so far, 2 fillies, one by Ajman Moniscione and one by Al Ayal AA. The grey colt that was born in 2014 is by SMA Magic One, one of the best Psytadel sons in the world. SMA Magic One was bred in Belgium by Marnix & Sonja Criel.
F.M. Gloriaa is now in foal to Marwan Al Shaqab. Her foal will be born in March 2015.

The WAHO trophy was presented in front of the audience during the Belgian Championships in the Azelhof, Lier, on the 6th of September 2014.

JK OMAR – 2013 WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

JK OMAR, grey stallion, *2002 (J.K. Nasser / MB Taliqaa)
Breeder and owner: Jean Dardenne, Haras de Meeffe
Strain: Dahman Shahwan (El Dahma, 1879)

Belgium is very pleased to announce that they have awarded their 2013 WAHO Trophy to the straight Egyptian stallion JK OMAR. His first descendants have achieved very good results in endurance. They include the 7 year old gelding CANNA D, who joined in the EWALRAID programme (Ecurie Wallonne d’Endurance) with the cooperation of the University of Liege. In 2011 he was Belgian Champion of the endurance horses of 5 years old. He won the championship for the 6-year-old horses in 2012 and the “Belgium Cup”. In 2013 he won his first CEI* (100 km) in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. From the 11 competitions he took part in, he obtained 6 victories and 3 second places. He was announced “promising sport horse” in 2012 by the GELP (Groupement Equestre de la Province de Liège). The stallion COSMOS D, another son of JK OMAR, won the bronze medal at the Belgian endurance championship for 5-year-old horses in 2011. In 2012 he won an 80 km ride in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. He was qualified at the CEI* from Rouvroy in 2013. COSMOS D also joined in the EWALRAID programme.

JK OMAR is also father of some beautiful mares who are equally promising for the demanding sport of endurance, including NOUR H, a 5 year old who was second in her first long distance race over 60 km in Rendeu. Another daughter of JK OMAR, the 5-year-old EPILOBE, was chosen for the EWALRAID programme as only Belgian-bred horse in 2013.

All descendants of JK OMAR which were introduced to the EWALRAID programme passed their veterinary tests (mostly diffraction tests and radiological examination of the feet and legs, examination of the movements). These horses also recover very fast after exertion.
JK OMAR gives his descendants a beautiful topline, very good legs and a pleasant character. His descendants are easy to introduce to the saddle. Due to the fact that JK OMAR passes all these qualities to his descendants, it is quite deserved that he receives the WAHO trophy! Congratulations!

JK Omar Belgium 2013 WAHO Trophy Winner

Photo: The presentation of the WAHO Trophy 2013 to JK OMAR during the Belgian Championship Show in Libramont on the 22nd of September 2013. From left to right next to JK OMAR: Jean Dardenne, owner of JK OMAR, Ali Shah who showed JK OMAR, Winand Bijnens – Registrar BAPS npo and Dr. Samy Abdellich, President of BAPS npo who gave the Trophy to Jean Dardenne who was very happy to receive it on behalf of his stallion. Picture copyright: Bart Beckers


DJAHMAL IBN KENDAL – 2012 WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

DJAHMAL IBN KENDAL, Grey gelding, *1996 (Ass-Kendal/N.A. Akiyda). Breeder: Henry Misson. Owner: Thierry Polet. Strain: Kehailan Moradi (Sahara, ca. 1840)

Dear Friends of the Arabian horse

The Board of the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry (BAPS) has decided to award the “WAHO TROPHY 2012” for the most deserving purebred Arabian horse to AMIKA, the name by which the Arabian gelding DJAHMAL IBN KENDAL is better known to our country’s young television viewers. He is truly an outstanding ambassador for the breed.

AMIKA (DJAHMAL IBN KENDAL) plays the starring role in a Flemish television series for young people carrying the same name, “AMIKA”, which was produced by the well-known STUDIO 100 production company. The TV programme is aimed at children aged 8 and up. In it AMIKA features as a riding-school horse. Together with Merel, a young girl with whom the Arabian gelding has a special bond of friendship, AMIKA goes through all kinds of adventures full of suspense, humour and romance. In all, 156 episodes of the series were aired by KETNET, the Flemish television network for kids, in the years 2008 – 2011. The series was a huge success, not only in Belgium, but also in many countries abroad (in Holland, Germany, Italy, Poland, etc.). At present a repeat of the series is running in Belgium, on KETNET again. In addition to DVD and CD releases of the popular programme, all kinds of associated items such as books, games, stationery articles, etc. were marketed, all bearing the image of AMIKA, the good old Arabian horse cherished by so many children.

AMIKA, a.k.a. DJAHMAL IBN KENDAL, has definitely attracted viewers’ attention to the purebred Arabian horse. The TV series starring him can be seen as an exceptionally positive means of promoting our Belgian breeding of Arabian horses. Therefore, the BAPS Board has decided to award the WAHO 2012 TROPHY to DJAHMAL IBN KENDAL.

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Left to right: Amika; Kelly Polet; Thierry Polet (holding Trophy);
Helen Hennekens-Van Nes; Ilse Verbruggen; Winand Bijnens.
(Photo credit: Jan Kan)

ORFEO – 2010 WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

ORFEO, Bay gelding, *1989 (Pedant / Opala).
Breeder: Mrs. Scohier-Geets, Fages Des Iviers. Owner: Mr. Leonard Liesens.
Strain: Kehailan Moradi (Sahara, ca. 1840).

BAPS is pleased to announce their 2010 WAHO Trophy winner is the remarkable endurance horse, Orfeo. The story of this small bay gelding’s career starts in the spring of 1997, when top rider Pierre Arould told Leo Liesens about this good Pedant son being for sale. Despite Orfeo throwing Leo off several times, he went ahead and bought him and soon forged a successful partnership.

In 1998, after a successful completion of a 160km ride in Gottingen, Germany, the pair represented Belgium at the Endurance World Championships in Dubai where Orfeo asserted himself as the top Belgian horse. In 19999 Orfeo won his first international 160km ride at Ermeloo in Holland, beating one of the best French riders, Jack Begaud himself. During the same year, Orfeo clinched 7th place at the European Championships in Badajoz, Spain. In 2000, back from another successful trip to Dubai, Orfeo won the Belgian Championships on 160km. The same year, he completed in 8th place at his second Endurance World Championships after a gruelling sprint on the racetrack. But afterwards the veterinarians diagnosed a tendonitis and there was the chance Orfeo would never compete again. However, after three years of good care and a slow rehabilitation, Orfeo came back in 2003 and won a 130 km in Belgium. Then in August 2003 he won one of the most prestigious races in France, the CEI*** at Compiegne. In 2005, he returned for the fourth time to Dubai, representing Belgium for the Endurance World Championships once more, where he led the Belgian Squad to the Team Bronze Medal. He was part of the Belgian team twice more, in 2005 at the European Championships in Compiegne where they won Team Gold, and in 2006 at the World Championships in Aachen.

In total, Orfeo took part in 4 World Championships and 2 European Championships, which is a record. He won three CEI*** and one CEI**. He completed eight 160km races which represents a record in Belgium. He finished his career in a blaze of glory – by completing his last 120km at the age of 20 years – in 2009 by the personal inviation of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum at Euston Park in England. And now, retired from competition, Orfeo is delighting his co-owner Maddy by bringing her every day to the “Zonienwoud/Foret de Soignes” near Brussels.

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Orfeo with his owner/rider, Leo Liesens

JK CATALYST – 2009 WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

JK CATALYST, Bay stallion, *1998 (PR Krystl Prince / Victoria II HPS)
Breeder: Family Oostervink. Owners: Mr. & Mrs. Juan & Ilse Murillo-Verbruggen

Belgium is very pleased to announce that their 2009 WAHO Trophy winner is the stallion, JK Catalyst.

His sire, PR Krystl Prince, now in Libya since 2005, is an American-bred Padrons Psyche son with numerous titles to his name, among them Reserve Junior Champion Stallion Lier, 1997, class winner Menton 1998, Top 5 at European and World Championships 1998, Reserve Senior Stallion Balen 1999, Champion Stallion Balen 2003. His spectacular movements made him the unbeaten international Liberty Champion, with victories in Kauberplatte DE 1999, Deurne NL 1999, Borgloon BE 2001 and 2002.

JK Catalyst’s Brazilian-bred dam, Victoria II HPS, (RSD Dark Victory / Hillah NA), stands for success, beauty and elegance, she is simply one of a kind and has achieved a spectacular international show record. To name some of her wins, in 1995 she became Junior Champion Filly in Lebach and Kauberplatte and that same year she was the Reserve World Champion filly in Paris. In 1996, she was the Senior Champion Mare in Aachen and 1998 brought her the title of Liberty Champion Mare in Deurne NL. One year later, 1999, she came to Paris and became World Champion Senior Mare. After all this, she went to the Middle East, where her successes continued. Last year, 2008, she was Senior Champion Mare at the Egyptian International show in El Zahraa. JK Catalyst is the only offspring of this exquisite mare in Europe.

And so, having established his pedigree, we can now talk about his own successes in the show ring. Amongst the various titles JK Catalyst has won over the years are: Junior Reserve Champion Stallion, Libramont 2000; Belgian Senior National Champion, Balen 2004; Senior Champion Stallion at the Arabian Masters in Bordeaux 2005, a year that also saw him as class winner in the Orientalica Show (Germany) and as Reserve Senior Stallion in Brecht. In 2006 he became Liberty Champion at the Elran Cup in Borgloon. It goes without saying that he is a first Premium stallion in the Belgian Stallion Licensing. In 2009, shown for the first time under saddle in the riding class in Libramont, he became Reserve National Champion. Whatever the results, wherever he has been shown, JK Catalyst has always been a particular favourite with the crowds.

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JK Catalyst’s co-owner Mr. Juan Murillo is presented with the WAHO Trophy by Mr. Winandus Bijnens from BAPS

Standing for 10 years at Murillo Training Center, JK Catalyst has produced many high quality and successful offspring, among them Catinia De Saile, MJ Catfire, Caresse, Kalinka Ghadan, AHC Eskardo, Ffayietta, Legolas, and many others. His winning offspring have not been restricted to Pure breds only – horses such as Cateras Pasha and Archangel Pasha show a fantastic show record. Both went this year to France, where they continued their success.

Aside from the showring, his offspring are also enjoying success in ridden disciplines as well. In 2007 Legolas was awarded the highest scores of the day during the dressage test in Brecht and in the same year he won Bronze twice at the DAP Championships and in 2009 he was National champion in the riding class in Libramont. Ffayietta is not only a class winner in the show ring, but she has also gone on to qualify for the CEI Endurance 100 kms distance after only 1 year in training. This brings her immediately to the top of the 6 year olds in Belgium for this demanding sport.

Together with his impressive and distinctive physique, JK Catalyst has a marvellous show attitude and likeable temperament, all of which is normally passed on to his foals. He is ridden at home without compromising his in-hand performances. Catalyst has a great character, he likes to play, show off and have fun, but he has a heart of gold. He loves taking little Maya Murillo on his back around the yard!

With this WAHO Trophy, BAPS acknowledges JK Catalyst as a Belgian-bred stallion of the highest quality who has produced quality offspring with amazing consistency, in both purebred Arabians and part breds, and we hope to see him and his progeny many times to come in the future. In short, JK Catalyst is a fantastic stallion, and above all a fantastic friend to so many of us.

KRIZIA – 2008 WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

KRIZIA,Bay Mare, *1989 (Pedant / Krisella).
Breeder: Eveline Scohier-Geets. Owner: Fages des Iviers – Scohier P.E.
Strain: Kehaileh Moradi (Sahara, ca. 1840).

Because of her great endurance history and great descendants, the Board of Directors of the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry decided to dedicate their 2008 WAHO Trophy to Krizia.

This bay mare, born in 1989, is bred and owned by Fages des Iviers, the Scohier Family. Starting her endurance career in 1996, she went on to become one of Belgium’s best mares in this demanding sport, with a great international record:

  • 1996: the year of the qualification
  • 1997: March: Badajoz (Spain): 160 km; July: Ardennaise (Belgium): winner of the 160 km; September: Pratoni del Vivaro: European Championship, 160 km, first selection for the Belgian National Team
  • 1998: March: Rio Frio (Portugal): 130 km; April: Alcochète (Portugal): 160 km; December: Dubai: World Championship: 160 km and a second selection for the Belgian National Team
  • 1999: April: Elvas (Portugal): 160 km; May: Spa: Belgian National Championship: 130 km and best condition; October: Elvas Badajoz: European Championship: 160 km, 3rd selection for Belgian National Team at a speed record of 17.5 km/h
  • 2000: July: Goettingen (Germany): 160 km

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In 2001, she ended her career after the World Championship for Young riders in Spain. She completed 8 races of 160 km and she was never eliminated.

Krizia then went on to become a broodmare, and is the mother of numerous stars in endurance, including the excellent mare Khiva by Waracz, born in 1993. Khiva won the bronze medal at the Belgian National Championship in 2002, over a distance of 160 km. and was twice in the Top 10 at major rides such as Moulins Engilbert, Florac – Lalbenque – Sommant.

After finishing her sports career, Khiva also became a broodmare and is the dam of potential future endurance horses such as:

  • Krianza: born in 2004, sire Waracz
  • Krézus: born in 2005, sire Djain (Djelfor x Varoussa, world champion in 2002, daughter of Persik)
  • Krypton: born in 2007, sire Pamir El Milora (Milora Park Blue Fire x Movoska: both winners at the 160 km)
  • Krizos: born in 2008, sire Pamir El Milora

NAVARRONE “P” – 2007 WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

NAVARRONE “P”, Grey mare, *1987 (El Khadir “P” / Navarra “P”)
Breeder: Mr H.D. Philips Owner: Dion Arabians, Mr. & Mrs. Despeghel-Van Hee.
Strain: Not Recorded (family of Verana, 1934).

Navarrone “P” is a very beautiful 20 year old broodmare of significance. Her pedigree is Golden Cross Spanish/Egyptian, her incredible appearance and her dancing movements are the combination of a noble Arabian horse and an elegant gazelle. She has descendants of up to 3 generations among which can be found many National and International Show Champions, including winners of the Nations Cup, European Championship and World Championship titles. Her descendants also include an ECAHO Champion and a Dubai Champion, a Triple Crown winner and a double World Champion. Her 2 most famous sons to date are the multi show champions, Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D and Escape Ibn Navarrone-D.

Because of her great show history and great descendants, the Board of Directors of the Belgian Arabian Horse Registry decided to dedicate their 2007 WAHO Trophy to Navarrone “P”.

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SPIRIT MB – 2006 WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

SPIRIT MB, Chestnut Stallion, *1992 (Pobeg / Daicha).
Breeder: MB Arabian Horses. Owner: Claude Tomberg.
Strain: Kehailan Rodan (Rodania 1869).

The Belgian Arabian Horse Registry has announced that the stallion Spirit MB has been awarded their 2006 WAHO Trophy. This stallion’s pedigree combines a high percentage of Russian lines with old English and Crabbet lines.

Since his early years, Spirit has competed in open dressage competitions against other breeds. He was the winner of his first open competition (E4) on the day of his fourth birthday. Thereafter, Spirit was successful at the Belgian Championships for Young Dressage Horses of 4 years. After these results, Spirit and Claude have been trained by the well known Patrick Le Rolland. They also went to Germany, the kingdom of dressage, to perfect themselves. Despite the long journey, they travelled regularly to Germany for training and competing. Now that they have reached a good standard, Spirit and Claude are going to a very high level trainer, Wolfgang Grattop, who has worked with some of the best German team horses and the Olympic champion, Salinero.

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Mr. Windandus Bijnens, BAPS Registrar, presents the 2006 WAHO Trophy for Belgium to Spirit MB
and his owner, Mrs. Claude Tomberg.
Photo credit: Jan Kan

Spirit is now competing at “S” level in the official competitions of the Belgian Federation for Equestrian Sports and he has competed up to Intermediaire I level.

In ECAHO sport horse competitions, Spirit won the bronze medal at the last European Championships. He has also for several years helped Belgium to win third place at the Sports Nations Cup at Aachen.

For an Arabian stallion to compete and succeed against other breeds on the highly competitive European dressage circuit is not common, and Spirit MB is therefore a real example of what can be achieved by talent and determination from both the horse and the rider. Belgium is very proud of his achievements and consider him to be an excellent ambassador for the Arabian breed.

ONADO – 2005 WAHO Trophy Winner – Belgium

ONADO, Grey stallion, *1998 (Ass-Kendal / Alissah).
Breeder and Owner: Mr. Johan Verstrepen, Dijkhoeve Arabians.
Strain: Seglawi Mukhalladi (Merjane 1866).

The Belgian Arabian Horse Registry (BAPS) decided to select their 2005 WAHO Trophy winner from the discipline of Arabian racing. As of 2001, when he started his career on the racetrack, Onado has won 7 races from 37 runs, and a total of Euros 20,736 in prize money. He was also placed 2nd 7 times, 3rd 10 times, and 4th 3 times. This outstanding achievement led to him being awarded the titles of AHRCB Belgium Racehorse of the Year 2004 & Best Belgian-bred of the Year 2004. He is trained by his owner and breeder, Johan Verstrepen.

Onado showing his exceptional enthusiasm for racing which helped him win Belgium's 2005 WAHO Trophy. (Photo credit: Lamia Leclerq)

Onado showing his exceptional enthusiasm for racing which helped him win Belgium’s 2005 WAHO Trophy. (Photo credit: Lamia Leclerq)

Onado is not just a great athlete but also a true to type Arabian. Definitely the darling of the crowd, even among thoroughbred race-goers, he performed as well over short distances (winning a 1300m race at Duindigt, where he is still the record-holder for that distance, and gaining a creditable 3rd place in Newbury 2005 in a Gr. I race over 1200m), as he did in the longer races, proving his typical Arabian staying power by winning a 3000m race in Boitsfort in 2002. As a race-horse, he looks and behaves as an Arabian, his tail carried high like a banner as he always tries to take the lead from the start and shows every determination to keep that lead to the finishing post.

As his breeder, Johan is very proud of Onado and also of his dam, Alissah, whose four sons all became “Horse of the Year” in the AHRCB-races. Ganesh Ibn Kendal, full brother to Onado, is now active in endurance-riding. Sadly, Alissah passed away in 2005, but hopefully her daughters Lakshmi El Kendal (full sister to Onado ) and Nowara D.A.(by Djel Bon) will duly replace their mother at Dijkhoeve Arabians for more successful racing-progeny.