
Member Report from Australia
My name is Teresa Edwards and I am the newly appointed Registrar for The Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd. My co-delegate at the Registrars Meeting and for the Conference is Helen Dohan, former Registrar of Society, who has taught me all I know and to whom I am eternally grateful.
Like most, Australia has been severely affected by COVID-19 and the many, many lockdowns imposed by our governments between March 2019 and October 2021. In addition, Australia has also faced an array of natural disasters, with the worst being the Black Summer Fires in 2019-20, where more than 10 million hectares of land was destroyed. This was followed by multiple Flood Events and Cyclones in 2020 and 2021, with 2022 already seeing almost 20 different flood events.
Australians, although resilient, have been very adversely affected by these hardships and this is reflected in the reduction in numbers of registration and overall transactions with The Arabian Horse Society of Australia. The number of Imports and Exports however has greatly increased over the last three years. This is possibly because people have been unable to spend money travelling and therefore have additional funds that can be used for horse shopping.
Arabians and Arabian Derivatives continue to be used in many open events including Pony Club, Dressage, Eventing, Endurance, Racing, Show Jumping and Showing in both halter and ridden events with a few venturing into driving competition with success. Our annual awards recognising Arabians and Arabian Derivatives at Arabian and Open Events have been strongly contested since their inception, as have the Arabian and Arabian Derivative Ambassador awards, which recognise horses competing not only in Arabian Events but also their promotion of the breed in open competition and breeding stock producing such animals. It is wonderful to see that our breeders and owners are back being able to compete with their wonderful Arabians and Arabian Derivatives once again. With many of our Arabian Clubs back after a long hiatus, there are more than fifty Arabian Events planned this year alone. There are also over 120 Endurance rides taking place throughout Australia with 500 plus registered Arabians and Arabian Derivatives competing. The Arabian Horse Society of Australia hosts one major event each year, The Australian National Arabian Championships. Although parts of New South Wales were inundated with flooding before and during our 2022 Championships, our show had phenomenal numbers this year and it was a truly magnificent affair.
The Arabians Horse Society of Australia has not produced a published studbook since 2001, however, our studbook is published online at and is available to the public free of charge. It is updated every hour so is a very accurate record of all Arabian and Arabian Derivative horses registered in Australia. The Arabian Horse Society of Australia also manages the studbooks of a number of other Arabian Societies on behalf of WAHO and their Studbooks can also be found online via our database. The Arabian Horse Society of Australia produces a bi-annual publication, The Australian Arabian Horse News, published and edited by Australian Arabian Horse Society member, Kerri Hill. The Arabian Horse News is provided to all full and life members of The Arabian Horse Society and is also sold throughout Australia in news agencies to promote our wonderful breed. The magazine includes a broad range of interesting topics, ranging from artist and book reviews to news and events as well as educational articles.
The last three years has seen some truly magnificent Arabians being awarded the very prestigious WAHO Award. The 2020 WAHO Award was presented to the Arabian mare Simeon Saada, who has produced exceptional progeny over her breeding lifetime, with descendants being found all over the world. The Arabian mare Bremervale Charmed was the 2021 WAHO Award recipient. Bremervale Charmed was State, National, East Coast and Australian Champion and has now proven herself as an incredible broodmare, producing many Championship award winners both in Australia and overseas.
Our 2022 WAHO Award recipient is the Arabian stallion, Arfaja Alexi, the multi-award-winning grandson of the celebrated stallion Rasham. Arfaja Alexi excels in many disciplines and is producing the highest quality progeny that possess all his finest attributes.
On behalf of The Arabian Horse Society of Australia, we would like to thank the WAHO Executive Committee, Consultants, Katrina Murray and WAHO staff for their dedication and guidance to all Registering Authority Members. Further to that, we would like to thank The Royal Jordanian Equestrian Federation for hosting this event. Your hospitality is most generous.
Helen Dohan, Australia: My name is Helen Dohan and I am the Secretary and Registrar for the Arabian Horse Society of Australia. My co-delegate is Kristin Galea who is the Treasurer of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia.
On behalf of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia I wish to thank you all for attending this Conference. Many of you have travelled quite a distance to get here and we hope that we can make this Conference an enjoyable Australian experience, giving you some insight into our country as well as presenting some lovely horses for you to look at. Australia has been in the grip of the worst drought in living memory and although there has been some localised rain, it has not been enough to really assist breeders and owners as the price of stock feed skyrockets. This hardship has been reflected in a reduced number of registrations and a reduction in the number of participants at this Conference, and can expect to continue to be felt for years as less people breed Arabians.
Arabians and Arabian Derivatives continue to be used in a very large amount of horse events from pony club, dressage, eventing, showing, endurance, racing and even show jumping. The challenge facing the Society is how to keep introducing our wonderful breed to the general horse population. In 2018 the Society introduced some new awards in order to recognise Arabians and Arabian Derivatives competing both in Arabian and open events. Submissions for the 2018 Endurance Horse of the Year and 2018 Arabian Racehorse of the Year were so strong that the Society now recognises not only current competitors, but also those who have achieved success in previous years by awarding Lifetime Achievement Awards in these categories. A new initiative for 2019 is the introduction of the Arabian Ambassador and Arabian Derivative Ambassador awards, these recognise horses competing not only in Arabian events but also promoting the breed in open competition and extends to breeding stock producing such animals. Nominations for the 2019 WAHO Trophy award were the strongest ever received, confirming the interest of members in this prestigious award. This year the Trophy was presented to an outstanding broodmare whose descendants are winning at the highest levels both in Australia and overseas. Those attending the WAHO parade on Saturday afternoon would have witnessed Mulawa Kara Mia MI receiving her award, surrounded by some of her descendants.
The Society underwent a restructure in 2018 with two companies formed, one to conduct events and the other to oversee judge training and to licence judges. An annual judges’ conference is held in the first weekend in July each year and rotates around the country, giving all members the opportunity to attend. This year we were pleased to welcome New Zealand guests to this conference which can be attended by members and enthusiasts as well as licensed judges.
The Society has not published a printed stud book for many years. Our online stud book is freely available on the Society website and this is updated daily. The online stud book underwent a major upgrade in 2018 and now offers much more detail and improved search facilities.
I wish to thank the Australian WAHO team for their dedication to this Conference, Katrina Murray for her assistance and advice, the Emirates Arabian Horse Society for kindly sponsoring the translation costs, and the Farrell family and Marion Richmond for hosting all the WAHO guests tomorrow. I hope that you will enjoy your Australian experience and visit our wonderful country in the future.
Helen Dohan, Australia: Registration numbers of horses in Australia have remained fairly stable since the last Conference. The Purebred numbers decreased slightly and the Arabian Derivatives continue to be very popular. Membership has remained fairly constant. Import and export numbers again remain relatively stable, at least those that are recorded as exported are stable, as we still have a problem with endurance horses being exported to the Middle East with no paperwork requested at the time of export.
The most popular activities are still showing and endurance, although racing is enjoying a lot of interest and the two bodies promoting Arabian racing have been working very hard to increase its profile and exposure. Arabians are also used extensively for out-crossing with other breeds, and are popular mounts for pleasure riding. The Australian Arabian Stud Book for purebreds and derivatives is online and updated daily. This facility can be accessed by all enthusiasts for no fee and can be found by the link on the society website.
Genetic testing for Arabian breeding stock is being phased in and this has received a very positive response from our members. There is no discrimination between carrier and non-carrier animals and the owner has the option of whether to retain the results as confidential, or request for them to be released online. The trend at the moment is that more and more breeders are choosing to declare the carrier status of their horses, whatever the result.
Two purebred stallions have been chosen as the WAHO Award recipients for 2016 and 2017. The 2016 winner Klass, owned and bred by the Farrell family of Mulawa Arabians, has been an amazing show horse and sire. He is a National Champion in halter classes and under saddle in multiple disciplines and has proven to be an extremely prepotent sire with progeny winning at the highest levels not only in Australia but also in Europe and the USA. In 2017 the winner is Crave FF, owned and bred by Kate and Doyle Dertell of Future Farms. Crave is also a National Champion halter and saddle horse whose progeny are also winning at that level in Australia and overseas.
We would like to thank the Executive Committee of WAHO for accepting our offer to host the 2019 WAHO Conference in Australia. I would also like to thank the very hard working team who have organised this wonderful Conference, and his Majesty King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa and His Highness Sheikh Isa Bin Salman Al Khalifa for hosting this marvellous event.
Helen Dohan, Australia: Mr. President, Executive Committee and Members of WAHO, my name is Helen Dohan and I am the Secretary and Registrar of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia. With me is the Society Chairman, Allan Preston. We would like to begin by thanking His Highness Sheikh Abdullah Bin Khalifa Al Thani and the Qatar Racing and Equestrian Club for their generosity in hosting this conference again in Qatar.
Despite the downturn in the horse industry in Australia, the Arabian horse has continued to remain popular. Registration numbers are fairly constant, at 600-700 a year, and membership is steadily increasing. The number of horses imported and officially exported has increased and we know that a number of other endurance horses have left the country without official documentation. The Society has had a major management restructure this year resulting in the amalgamation of some jobs and the premises have recently been sold and a new office purchased.
Genetic testing continues to be a major concern to our members and discussion occupied a large amount of time at the Annual General Meeting earlier this year with members voting overwhelmingly in favour of mandatory testing of Arabian breeding stock and mandatory disclosure of results.
Since the last WAHO meeting a number of WAHO trophies have been awarded. The 2013 winner was the stallion Sunland Australian Ambassador, a very successful performance stallion who was also consistently successful in open dressage competition as well as being an excellent sire of performance progeny. 2014 saw the gelding Kathmar Park Maverick winning the award. A major winner in hand and under saddle, he was also a successful sire prior to being gelded. In 2015 the Trophy will be awarded to the very successful stallion Klass. Apart from being a multiple Australian Champion at halter, under saddle and in working events, this superstar sire has produced major winners in Australia and around the world.
Arabians compete in a number of disciplines in Australia with the most prominent being the showring and endurance. Thanks to generosity from overseas, racing is finally beginning to forge ahead with a number of races conducted in 2014.
The Society no longer produces printed studbooks, but our online studbook is updated daily and is freely available. Thank you very much for your attention, I hope that you all have an enjoyable and productive conference in this lovely country.
Brother Peter McIntosh, Australia: Mr. Chairman, and members of WAHO. I bring you the greetings of the Chairman of our Arabian Horse Society, Mrs. Coralie Gordon who greets the hosts of the World Arabian Horse Organization Conference in Qatar and wishes the participants from many different countries a successful and convivial Conference.
We wish to announce that our WAHO Trophy horse for 2010 is the purebred gelding Sarisha, a very successful and consistent endurance horse owned by Keryn Mahoney in Tasmania, having completed more than sixteen thousand kilometres in endurance competition. Australia escaped much of the turmoil caused by the global financial crisis, but the uncertainty created nevertheless has seen a reduction in the number of purebred Arabians being bred and being produced at shows. This is not so for our 7 Derivative-Arabian registries, happily producing saddle horses of the highest calibre which have lifted the standards of the saddle classes at our shows. We took a momentous decision during 2010 to standardize the minimum percentage of Arabian blood required by our registration of Derivative horses, namely 12.5%. This includes Anglos. We realise this could have implications for future importation of Anglos. Before we made the move to standardize at 12.5% we were starting to have some Derivatives, especially the ponies, with a very low percentage of Arabian blood. An amnesty was granted to all breeders until August 2012, the formal beginning of our Australian breeding season. After that date all Derivatives registered must have a minimum of 12.5% Arabian blood.
We have become increasingly alarmed at the encroachment of genetic disorders such as SCID, Lavender Foal Syndrome and Cerebellar Abiotrophy. As there are tests for these we have encouraged our members to use them and to report the results on our online studbook where we have created headings for the reports. Our intention is to move on in time to full transparency of test results as happens for Quarter Horse breeding and many responsible dog breeds. The move is generally popular with our members. We are stressing the need to know. At the moment our regulation requires the prior testing of all first-season sires being nominated as a first step in a larger commitment.
We celebrated the 30th Anniversary of our National Championships with the 2011 Show in Tamworth, New South Wales. More than 400 Arabian horses participated in a five-day show, which included an 80 kilometre endurance ride as well. Our 2011 National Champion stallion is Syrah Stud’s Eklipse and the 2011 National Champion mare is Mulawa Charisma. We rotate the National Championships between States each year. We have many Affiliate Clubs in each State, providing a range of shows, dressage days, trail riding and promotional events, most of these are taking a more hands-on approach to introducing the Arabian horse to the general public. The Arabian Horse Society will participate in our large Horse Fair, Equitana, in the next few weeks. Earlier this year, a huge step was taken in the progress of Arabian racing in Australia, when the inaugural race was held at Caulfield Racecourse in Melbourne, a race-day which showcased the United Arab Emirates with displays of art, dancing and fine food, all of which proved very popular with the racegoers. The Shadwell Arabian Mile, sponsored by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, was won by Virginia Dodson’s seasoned endurance horse cum racehorse, Franshar Park K Shah. Our National Arabian Racehorse Association directors Maureen Milburn and Virginia Dodson participated in the World Arabian Racing Conference in the Hague in June. Next year the Shadwell Mile is to be run once more, generously sponsored by Sheikh Hamdan, and additionally Australia is to be honoured with the hosting of the Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahayan Cup and the first ever Ladies Fegentri Cup. After many years of lobbying with State Racing Authorities, it appears that Arabian racing may be becoming more popular in Australia. The sport of endurance is continuing to grow, absorbing many of our horses, especially purebred Arabians. In June 2011 our FEI Endurance Festival and Australian Championship was held at Toorbul. The 160 km ride was won by an unregistered partbred mare, 2nd and best conditioned horse was the purebred mare Kurrajong Concorde. She also won the famous Tom Quilty ride, in which the best conditioned award went to Lauralyn Notorious. An Australian-bred Arabian gelding, SAS Alexis, took individual bronze in the World Equestrian Championships in Kentucky and was part of the gold-medal winning team from the United Arab Emirates.
The use of artificial insemination and embryo transfer techniques has continued to grow, opening up the use of semen from around the world. In this, the Australian purebred Arabian is becoming a more cosmopolitan blend of some of the winning bloodlines seen in the world’s top shows. Australian Arabians also compete successfully overseas, including breeders like Mystica Arabians of Western Australia, Eagleridge Stud of New South Wales which bred the 2010 US National Champion mare, Eagleridge Passionata, and as well Mulawa Stud is also exhibiting internationally, and with success. The Arabian Horse Society launched its book, The Arabian Horse in Australia Volume 7, which showcases many activities being pursued by Arabian owners in Australia. Our online studbook which can be freely accessed without charge continues to be enormously successful, as both a source of information and as a promotional tool. To this we have added two Facebook pages, which aid in communication and keep members in touch. Next year we will be live-streaming our National Championships. While we are having some of the same problems as our counterparts overseas with falling numbers at shows, we are continuing to be innovative in using all the communication means available to us.
Thank you for your attention, and we thank particularly Your Excellency and the members of the Qatar Racing and Equestrian Club for sponsoring this Conference. Thank you.
Brother Peter McIntosh: Our Society, like many other Arabian groups throughout the world, is taking a stand against cruelty to Arabian show horses and in a recent letter from our Chairman, Mrs. Coralie Gordon, addressed to all our members, she appealed as follows, “I ask your help in eradicating one of the greatest scourges our breed has faced in its long history – the cruelty many of our Arabian horses have to suffer in the name of winning in the halter showring”.
Many parts of our country have been in drought for the past five years and this is affecting the number of horses being bred. Added to this, we experienced an enormous setback in the horse industry in Australia during the 2007/2008 breeding season because of the outbreak in our country of the dreaded Equine Influenza (EI) in the states of Queensland and New South Wales in August 2007, at the beginning of our breeding season. Movement of mares to stud was generally not possible and hence the number of foals bred in 2008 was reduced. The resultant ongoing finances of the Society are of necessity being carefully monitored at the present time. Because of the Government-imposed restrictions in the movement of horses we were unable to stage any shows and our National Championships in 2008 were cancelled. All our principal Shows have been finding it difficult to attract entries after such a long break.
I am happy to include the various statistics as requested. The current Volumes No 26 & 27 of our stud book are to be published in 2009 covering the years from 2002 to 2008. Our stud book is also available online for no fee, and is updated daily. In 2007 there were 21 imports, in 2008 there were 12. As regards recorded exports, and I emphasize recorded, in 2007 there were 84 and in 2008 there were 58. Many purebred Arabians are being exported for endurance riding without being reported, in addition to these. The numbers decreased because of the impact of the Equine Influenza outbreak. We are using DNA solely, for parentage verification. Microchipping is not compulsory but microchip numbers are recorded if done. Many horses were microchipped during the Equine Influenza epidemic, and endurance horses are also being microchipped. Artificial Insemination, transported semen both imported and exported, Embryo Transfer, multiple foal registrations per mare per year by Embryo Transfer, are all allowed and being used by some breeders.
Showing, both halter and ridden, trail riding for pleasure, and endurance riding, are the most popular activities of our Arabian horses. The Society participated in the Equitana Asia Pacific in November 2008 in Melbourne, with horses participating in Breed displays and a promotional stand in the exhibition hall.
Our WAHO Trophy for 2008 was awarded to the endurance stallion Chip Chase Sadaqa, bred by Pam and John Roydhouse of Chip Chase Park, both of whom are present here at the Conference.
2007 is a most significant year for Australia as our Society is celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the foundation of our Arabian Horse Society which was established in 1957. Prior to 1957 our horses were registered with the British Arab Horse Society or in a section of the Australian Stud Book for thoroughbred or racing stock.
The Arabian horse has a much longer history in our country and this year our Society, as a result of the research of the late Peter Clarke, is embarking on the publication of the history of our first Arabian Stud, which was the Quambi Stud established by Sir James Penn Boucaut in South Australia towards the end of the nineteenth century. This stud was commenced with horses purchased from the famous Crabbet Stud, and he registered his Purebred stock in the British General Stud Book. His are our first recorded mare families. And they are still growing with the passing years. Interestingly, the original aim of Sir James was to import and breed pure to be used to improve the light horse breeds of our country and hence commenced the tradition of breeding outstanding Derivative Arabian horses which now form a considerable part of our Australian Registry. We feel that our Derivative Registry is quite unique as besides Part Arabians and Anglo Arabians we have a registry for Arabian Ponies, Arabian Warmbloods, Arabian Riding Ponies, Quarabs and more recently Arabian Stockhorses.
Our publication ‘The Arabian Horse in Australia and New Zealand, Volume VI’, which was released in 2006, chronicles the breed’s history in Australia from the earliest days of European settlement to the present, with emphasis being on the period since the mid 1950’s.
Showing is a popular activity in Australia, both in-hand classes and a great variety of ridden classes as well, at approximately 75 shows per year. This year in March we also celebrated the Silver Jubilee (25th anniversary) of our National Arabian Championship Show and this was marked with appropriate silver sashes as well as the usual trophies. We have also commenced this year a system of Awards for those who have rendered outstanding service to the Society in the promotion of the Arabian horse.
We are pleased to report the growing popularity of Endurance riding and hardly a weekend passes without a well attended ride in some part of the country, with well over 100 rides each year. The aim is preparation for the Tom Quilty which is the Premier event in Endurance in Australia. The breeding of endurance horses is becoming most popular in our Studs and in 2008 we are planning to stage our first 26-mile Marathon race along the lines of the UK model. There is also a renewed interest in racing.
The current Stud Book is Volume 25 published in 2001 and Volume 26 due to be published this year. A CD-Rom is also available and our online Stud Book can be viewed at our website, The number of Purebred foals registered in 2005 was 530 with a small increase to 585 in 2006 while imports and exports have continued to increase, and interestingly we have been exporting quite a number of show horses in the past year, whereas the main focus of exports in recent times has been our endurance horses. We are using DNA for mandatory parent verification of foals. Microchipping is not compulsory but is recorded if done. Artificial insemination, Transported Semen imported or exported, Embryo transfer and multiple foal registrations per mare per year by embryo transfer are all allowed.
Our Registry and our Head Office has recently updated our Computer software and we now have a very efficient turn around in our documentation. The use of our online Stud Book is increasing with the Website being updated on a daily basis and our website becoming quite popular now with our members.
In 2007 AHSA reported 511 foals registered, 84 exports and 21 imports.
Trophy Winners
KYARNDA LODGE PANACHE – 2024 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
Kyarnda Lodge Panache – 1990 grey stallion. (Arabian Lodge Andre / Burnam Adjanette). Breeder: Michelle Johnson. Owner: Ian & Debra Watson. Strain: Managhieh Sebeylieh (Nejdmieh, 1914)

The Arabian Horse Society of Australia is proud to announce that the winner of their 2024 WAHO Trophy is the stallion, Kyarnda Lodge Panache. His owner, Mrs. Deb Watson and her daughter Kellie, were presented with his award at the 2024 Australian Arabian National Championships. Kyarnda Lodge Panache was a most worthy recipient, selected not only for his own successes, but also for producing many show winners and a multitude of performance winners both in Australia and on the world stage.

Maya by Panache racing on the Gold Coast

El Teena by Panache
ARFAJA ALEXI 2022 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
Arfaja Alexi Grey stallion, 2001 (Arfaja Robard/Arfaja Alicia)
Breeder: Ronald William Ryan Owner: Fiona Jane Seymore
Strain: Kehailan Rodan (Rodania, 1869)
The Arabian Horse Society of Australia is delighted to award the 2022 WAHO Trophy to the stallion Arfaja Alexi.

Arfaja Alexi in the show ring
Words by Jane Seymore, owner.
Arfaja Alexi is a Pure Crabbet Arabian Stallion, he is the grandson of the celebrated stallion Rasham (Greylight / Sparkle). Rasham was the Australian National Halter Champion stallion in 1985 and the only Crabbet stallion to win this award.
In 2003, we purchased Arfaja Alexi as a rising 2 year old colt and our journey for the past 19 years with this outstanding stallion has been nothing short of remarkable. In 2010 Alexi started his liberty training with the world renowned Double Dan Horsemanship team. In 2011 Alexi made his liberty debut at Equitana in Sydney as part of the Arabian Horse Breeders Alliance Showcase. The crowd pleasing highlight was when he was lying on the ground eating grass as Dan Steers cracked a stock whip over his head.
After his success at Equitana, Alexi moved into the exciting world of advertising and has graced the covers of International Magazines, used in fashion photoshoots for social media, and has been featured twice in the Tuito Arabi Magazine.
Due to Alexi’s sharp intelligence and extraordinary work ethic, it was a natural progression into the show ring. In 2013 Alexi started his show career competing in both Arabian and open show rings. It was on his first outing that he achieved the NSW State Champion title in both led and ridden classes.

Alexi excelled at Open Pony Dressage and for the following 3 years, he represented the Arabian Horse at the highly competitive NSW Dressage State Championships. No matter the class or conditions, Alexi gave his all.
Some of his highlights have included:
2013: NSW State Titles, Champion Ridden Arabian Stallion
2015: East Coast, Champion Arabian Show Hunter Stallion
2016: Crabbet Arabian Performance Show, Champion Ridden Arabian Stallion
2017:· NSW Triple Crown, Champion Dressage Novice
- East Coast, Champion Arabian Dressage Novice
- National Stud Show, Champion Dressage Novice
- NSW State Titles, Champion Dressage Novice
- Manning Valley Regional, Champion Dressage Novice
- Hunter Valley, Champion Dressage Novice
As a sire, his progeny so far are of the highest quality and possess all of his best attributes. Alexi is a charismatic, athletic, and classic true-to-type Arabian Stallion. He loves human companionship and forms strong bonds with those in his life. Alexi is a true showman and we are proud of all of his achievements throughout his career. I feel very privileged to be his owner and involved with this extraordinary Arabian Ambassador.
BREMERVALE CHARMED. Black/Bay mare, 2001. (Desperado / Bremervale Spellbound). Breeder: Jill Toft. Owner: Doyle & Kate Dertell. Strain: Managhieh Sebeylieh (Beni-Kaled, 1918)
The Arabian Horse Society of Australia is pleased to announce their 2021 WAHO Trophy has been awarded to the broodmare, Bremervale Charmed, who is herself the dam of two previous WAHO Trophy winners.

Citation from her owners:
Bremervale Charmed has been an incredible mare for us here at Future Farms. We purchased her as an 8 month old foal from Bremervale Stud 19 years ago and what she has created for us is incredible.
As a show horse, Charmed was a State, National, East Coast and Australian Champion winner. To make it even more special, she was Doyle’s first Australian Champion purebred breeding stock winner as a 2year old and our son Kody’s first Australian Championship purebred winner shown by a youth, when Kody was 5 years old. Not just a beautiful show horse, Charmed has proven herself as an incredible broodmare.
Although we have always joked she is the Princess forever on the farm, as she has never produced a filly, her 7 male progeny include:
Crave FF – Multi State, National, East Coast and Australian Championship winner both in-hand and ridden. WAHO trophy winner in 2017.
Prince Charming FF – Multi State, National, East Coast and Australian championship winner both In-hand and ridden, he has been a very successful endurance horse and racehorse, open hack and dressage winner. WAHO trophy winner in 2018.
Cava FF – Multi championship show horse, who mainly competed as a very successful flat race and endurance horse, including state championship wins.
Sir Charmed FF – National, East Coast and Australasian Breeders Cup Champion, Scottsdale
Reserve Champion, Las Vegas World Cup Reserve Champion and Bronze Supreme Male.
Cratos FF – Multi A and AA class championship winner.
Cards FF – Multi A class supreme and Reserve National Stud Show Champion.
Cartier FF – Multi Championship winner before Covid and waiting to come out and be shown this season
Charmed now has over 200 grandchildren in Australia alone, and her legacy shines through in most of our FF horses, both purebred and derivative. Her ability to produce incredible type on all her progeny, with correct structure, good heart rates and superb minds has created a super successful family of horses spanning the world in so many disciplines.
MULAWA KARA MIA MI – 2019 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
MULAWA KARA MIA MI, Chestnut mare, 1995 (GLF Apollo x Karmaa)
Breeder and Owner: Mulawa Arabian Stud Pty Ltd.
Strain: Kehaileh Rodanieh (Rodania, 1869)
The Arabian Horse Society of Australia has announced that the winner of their 2019 WAHO Trophy is the outstanding aristocrat broodmare, Mulawa Kara Mia MI. The Trophy was presented by WAHO President Peter Pond at a public ceremony during the Australian Arabian Ambassadors Presentation as part of the 2019 WAHO Australia Conference celebrations, during the East Coast Championships Show at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre. ‘Kara’ was paraded with a selection of her outstanding descendants, to public acclaim.

Left to right: Peter Pond, Leonie Williamson (Chairman, AHSA), Cameron Bonney, Greg Farrell, Mulawa Kara Mia MI, Jane Farrell and Julie Farrell. Photo credit Glenys Lilly
Citation provided by owners:
At 23 years of age, Mulawa Kara Mia Mi is the senior member of the universally renowned Karmaa family of international champions in residence at Alabama Stud, Australia. An icon in her own right as the source the most prolific branch of her esteemed dam family, ‘Kara’ is beloved the world over as the maternal source of Arabian excellence for elite breeding horses, show horses & equine athletes.
Born in the third Mulawa-bred foal crop of her venerated US-imported sire GLF Apollo (Diamond Padron x Per Brio by Percussion), Mulawa Kara Mia MI did much to advance his prolificacy as a sire of superior quality progeny with a distinct modern appeal. The lucky number three also played a role in Kara’s destiny as the third foal – and third successive daughter – of her immortal dam Karmaa, an East Coast & National Stud Show Champion Mare who founded the most important and influential dam family at Mulawa, whose resounding impact still reverberates worldwide. A daughter of World Champion Stallion Kaborr (Naborr x Bint Kholameh by Adibiyez) & United States National Reserve Champion Mare AN Marieta (AN Malik x AN Fayrosa by Fadjeyn), Karmaa was bred by WAHO Founding Member Jay Stream and his wife Dorothy, while her dam was on lease to Tom Chauncey Arabians. This combination of genetics in Mulawa Kara Mia MI’s pedigree, a blend of Spanish, Egyptian, Russian, Polish, Crabbet & foundation American breeding, with a generous dose of globally influential show & breeding horses, has made her an invaluable broodmatron whose impact continues to exponentially evolve and expand across four continents.
A successful show horse herself as a young mare, Kara has left an indelible mark on the breed as a broodmatron both at home and abroad in her most important role for Mulawa. With a lifetime production record of a modest eleven foals, Kara has achieved Aristocrat Dam status with seven champion produce, a near perfect record considering both Mulawa Dancing Flame & Kartier MI were both lost prematurely prior to being shown. All four of her surviving daughters have become invaluable broodmatrons with multiple champion produce of their own. Of these daughters, three – Mulawa Kiara, Krystal MI and, most importantly, Karess, have produced sons who have matured into sires of significance, the result of which has disseminated the Mulawa Kara Mia MI influence around the world. Karess is, most incredibly, the dam of five sons (and counting) who have been used as chief sires both in Australia and abroad, including Australian National Champions Kavalle MI in North America & Konfidence MI in Thailand, the former of which has an impressive siring record of 50%+ champion progeny worldwide, while the latter has emerged as an important sire of endurance athletes in Southeast Asia.

2019 WAHO Trophy Winner Kara Mia MIphoto: Sharon Meyers
The exceptional Mulawa Kara Mia MI granddaughter Klassical Devotion MI (Klass x Mulawa Kiara) is now owned by HE Sheikh Abdullah bin Mohamed Al Thani in the UAE. A twice Australian National Champion, she has achieved success for her family on the international stage in the Arabian Gulf, the most competitive arena for the Arabian horse in the world, while producing the next generation of champions for her happy new owner. Closer to home, the twelve year old matron Karess made her show ring debut this past November at the National Stud Show, winning the Senior Champion Mare title in spectacular style alongside her daughter, Kavalia MI (by Gazal Al Shaqab), as Champion Arabian Presented by a Youth & Reserve Champion Arabian Handled by a Non-Pro, and in turn her son, Ne Khe Sahn (by Advise MI), as Champion Yearling Colt & Champion Junior Colt Handled by a Non-Pro. This inspiring success for three-generations of the same dam family in one single afternoon was enhanced by the success of two other Karess sons earlier in the season at the NSW State Titles as Katar MI (by Abha Qatar) was named Champion Senior Stallion, & Kharacter MI (by Advise MI) was named Champion Junior Colt.
Descendants of Mulawa Kara Mia MI are now thriving and impacting the breed on four continents, contributing significantly to the advancement of breeding & athletic achievement in important emerging communities such as China & Thailand, amongst the leading centers of activity in Europe & North America, as well as in the heart of the Arabian homeland in Qatar, the United Arab Emirates & the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With nearly ten important male descendants siring the next generation of excellence around the world, dozens of multi-generational descendants succeeding at the elite level of equine sport on the global stage and her best producing daughters, granddaughters & great-granddaughters in the primes of their lives, the influence of Mulawa Kara Mia MI is destined to exponentially expand, both positively and profoundly, over the next several decades. Wherever her influence is felt around the world, the excellence of the Australian Arabian horse is celebrated and esteemed.
Now retired from broodmare duties, Mulawa Kara Mia MI still upholds her daily responsibility of raising the next generation of excellence at Mulawa as a full-time ‘nanny’ for the yearling fillies maturing at Alabama Stud in the Upper Hunter Valley in the heart of Australia’s Horse Capital outside of Scone. Healthy & vibrant, and still as endearingly charming as the day she blessed the world with her presence, Mulawa Kara Mia MI is an undeniable testament to the enduring excellence of the Arabian mare and to the inherent attributes for which the Australia-bred Arabian horse continues to be respected around the world.
PRINCE CHARMING FF – 2018 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
PRINCE CHARMING FF, Grey gelding, 2007 (Brumarbas Future / Bremervale Charmed)
Breeders & Owners: Doyle & Kate Dertell, Future Farms
Strain: Managhi Sebeyli (Beni-Kaled, 1918).
The Arabian Horse Society of Australia has awarded their 2018 WAHO Trophy to Prince CharmingFF – the horse that can do it all!
Prince Charming FF is a 11 year old Purebred Arabian gelding sired by BruMarBas Future (Imp USA) and out of the beautiful Bremervale Charmed – making him a maternal brother to superstars Crave FF and Sir Charmed FF. Bred and owned by Future Farms, Prince has taken on all before him in every discipline he has attempted.

Prince was sold into a partnership between Terri Love of Temar Arabians and Future Farms as a weanling colt, and this partnership showed Prince initially in halter as a colt, then under saddle and halter as a stallion. During this time, Prince won championships at State, National, National Capital, East Coast and Australian National Championships in both led and ridden as an entire. His first filly was also shown not long before he was gelded and was named Gold Champion at the Australasian Breeders Cup.
By the age of 6 Prince had won just about every championship as an entire shown horse on offer, and with our son Kody Dertell riding him at home since Prince was 4, it was decided that Prince would be gelded and come out and do it all again as a gelding. Not long after he was gelded, we sold Terri Love’s half share in Prince Charming to Helen and Andy Hardwick of Al Sahrae Arabians, and Prince not only came out as a show gelding, he also had a new purpose and that was to teach Brittney and Evan Hardwick to ride. Brittney also was showing Prince in hand at the shows alongside Kody – he was proving to be the best youth and amateur horse teaching them both the ropes!
In late 2016, Al Sahrae sold their half share to Future Farms and to this day the Dertell family still own Prince Charming FF outright. Since this time, Prince has successfully competed in flat racing (winning multiple starts), is an open book endurance horse, has won in halter, saddle, dressage, open Galloway hack classes, western, show hunter, Bridle path hack, working stock horse, freestyle, sporting, working hunters, leading rein and various fancy dress events. He also has carried the flag and done the official opening at multiple shows as well as at home at our open days and functions. Prince also has been the Arabian representative at multiple Equitana festivals where he loves to be petted all day and eat ice creams with kids that come to visit!
To have a can do temperament and attitude to life is one thing, though to have incredible type and style as he does, Prince Charming FF really is the horse that can do it all! He is the true ambassador for Arabian Horses in Australia.
DESPERADO – 2016 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
DESPERADO, Bay Stallion, *1992 (WN Dasjmir / Bremervale Aquarius)
Breeders: G.M., P.W., W.A., D.R. & R.J. Toft & C.L. Burgess
Owner: Jill C. Toft, Bremervale Arabians
Strain: Hamdani Simri (Sambry, 1904).

DESPERADO – 2016 WAHO Trophy Winner of AustraliaPhoto: Stuart Vesty
The AHSA has announced that the winner of their 2016 WAHO Trophy is the veteran stallion, Desperado. The following citation is from Warwick Toft:
“From the day he was born, we knew that Desperado was special. So much so that he didn’t need a prefix to identify him. He was simply, Desperado, sired by WN Dasjmir (imported from USA) out of one of Bremervale’s special mares, Bremervale Aquarius. It is unquestionable that Desperado has been one of the most influential Arabian Stallions in Australian Arabian Horse history. Not only has he himself been a Queensland State Champion, Australian National Champion 2&3 year old colt as well as Reserve Australian National Champion Stallion, his progeny have proven to be just as successful across a wide range of disciplines, including halter, performance and endurance.
To this date, Desperado has sired more than ten Australian National Champions, six Reserve National Champions and over twenty Australian National Champion Top Tens. As well as being the grandsire of numerous Australian National Champions in both halter and performance. Most notably his grand-get Bremervale Loreal has won over seven Australian National Championship titles for performance. However, although it is clear that he has had a profound impact on the Australian Arabian scene; his influence extends far beyond our borders. His son, Bremervale Andronicus ++++// (Desperado x Bremervale Rhapsody) who was Australian National Champion Colt, is one of the leading Arabian Breeding Stallions in the US with Al Marah Arabians. Bremervale Andronicus has won two US National Champion Sport Horse in Hand titles and US National Champion Top Ten Western Pleasure Horse. He is one of the only stallions to be awarded a Legion of Masters and a Legion of Excellence and is the only winner of Masters and Excellence to have sired multiple winners of these two awards. In 2012 Andronicus was ranked third in the USA on the top sires for regional purebred winners, only behind Marwan Al Shaqab and DA Valentino. His progeny have now won over 30 US National Championships and Scottsdale Championships. Other notable stallions by Desperado in USA include Bremervale Enforcer and Rahere. Both these two stallions have left a profound impact on the Arabian industry in America with progeny winning Scottsdale Signature Classes, Scottsdale Championships and US National Championships.
Desperado has also proved himself as a leading endurance sire with his progeny winning numerous FEI Championships around the world, including Asia, the Middle East and Australia. Bremervale Lucille (exported to Malaysia won gold at the Sukma 80km FEI 1 star event. Further to this, Bremervale Arrogance was a Bronze Medal winner as a part of the Australian Youth Endurance Team at the 2011 World Youth Endurance Championships in Abu Dhabi. Bremervale Arrogance also won a team silver medal in the 2011 Trans-Tasman event held in South Australia, where he also won Best Conditioned and second place over the line. Furthermore Bremervale Arrogance held the Australian Record for the fastest qualifying ride for 120km FEI by an Australian Youth. Bremervale Savannah has now successfully made the transition from FEI 2 star endurance mare, to be an A-Class Champion under saddle. Her full brother Bremervale Bey Rafael is also an A-Class Champion Stallion under saddle. Desperado also has three progeny who completed the Tom Quilty Gold Cup before being exported to the UAE.

DESPERADO – 2016 WAHO Trophy Winner of Australia
Other Desperado progeny who have excelled in their chosen field include Bremervale Reflection (exported to UAE) who won the Dubai International Arabian Horse Championship for Ridden Mares & Geldings and Bremervale Pocahontas who was New Zealand National Champion Stallion.
To date, Desperado has progeny in over 20 countries worldwide, and is the sire of National Champions in 6 of these countries. To mention all of the achievements of his progeny would take pages and pages, but we would like to pay tribute to them all.
There is no doubt that Desperado produces offspring of outstanding athleticism and beauty, but it is the temperament and intelligence of his children and grandchildren that truly sets him apart from other stallions. It is an honour to break-in and train these horses and the pleasure that Desperado offspring have brought families and Arabian enthusiasts over the years cannot and will not ever be able to be quantified. Bremervale is very lucky to have bred such an outstanding individual, but even more lucky to call him our friend.”
KLASS – 2015 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
KLASS, Grey stallion, 2003 (TS Al Malik/Karmaa).
Owner/Breeder: Mr. Greg Farrell, Mulawa Arabian Stud Pty. Ltd.
Strain: Kehailan Rodan (Rodania, 1869).
The Arabian Horse Society of Australia has announced that their 2015 WAHO Trophy winner is the stallion Klass.

KLASS, 2015 WAHO Trophy Winner in Australia
Setting industry records and redefining the standard of excellence for the Arabian breed worldwide is just another day in the life of Klass, born in January 2003 and proudly bred by Mulawa Arabian Stud. A superlative example of the Australian-bred stallion excelling at a world-class level, the aptly named Klass is a son of imported Brazilian National and subsequent Australian Champion Stallion TS Al Malik, and Mulawa-foundation mare Karmaa, a daughter of World Champion Kaborr and United States National Reserve Champion Mare AN Marieta. There is an additional nice connection to WAHO in his pedigree, as Karmaa was bred by WAHO’s founding President, the late Jay Stream, and his wife Dorothy.
In the show ring, Klass’ record is unparalleled, as he is the only horse in the history of the Arabian breed to be named champion in all four divisions of colt/stallion halter at the prestigious East Coast Championships with an undefeated record: as a yearling, two year old, junior and senior stallion. Even more impressive are his achievements at the Australian National Championships, the continent’s ultimate honour, where he was named Australian National Champion in three successive years: first as National Champion Stallion (2009); followed by National Champion Purebred Stallion Under Saddle (2010); and finally, in classic versatile Arabian style, National Champion Working Stock Horse, amongst both purebreds and Arabian derivatives (part-bred Arabians).

Enhancing his incomparable success as a show horse, Klass continues to prove his greatest contribution to the Arabian breed as a sire. Having covered only a select cross-section of the Mulawa broodmares, he has proven an incredibly prepotent sire of world-class quality foals, stamping each and every one with his distinctive “classic-Arabian” look. Every single one of his foals shown since 2009 has earned championship honours in-hand and increasingly under saddle, most at Australia’s premier competitions and, more recently, on four continents overseas. His daughters are especially magnificent and accomplished, achieving an industry first at the 2014 Australian National Championships by winning all three of the National Champion Female titles: National Champion Yearling Filly – Klassical Devotion MI; National Champion Junior Filly – Klassical Presence MI; and National Champion Senior Mare – Klassical Dream MI. Klassical Dream MI is also the only other horse to equal her sire’s undefeated record as four-time East Coast Champion in every available halter division, as well as the first of the Klass offspring to win champion honours on five continents overall and in six countries overseas.
KATHMAR PARK MAVERICK – 2014 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
KATHMAR PARK MAVERICK Grey Gelding, 1994. (Mash / Zareefa).
Breeder: Austin, Margaret & Katherine McMahon & Margaret Parker.
Owner: Katherine M. McMahon & Margaret C. Parker.
Strain: Shuweyman Sabbah (Cherifa, 1869)
The Arab Horse Society of Australia are pleased to announce the winner of their 2014 WAHO Trophy, the 20-year old Kathmar Park Maverick. The following citation has been received from his co-owner, Margaret Parker.
At the recent Australian Championships in Melbourne there was much pride in the Kathmar Park camp when Kathmar Park Maverick was called upon to present ringside for the presentation of the 2014 WAHO Trophy. This trophy was awarded to Maverick to acknowledge his role as an Ambassador for the Arabian breed.
Over a career spanning 18 years Maverick’s versatility ranged from an impressive yearling colt, a commanding senior stallion, superior halter and performance gelding to a relaxed and easy going leading rein mount.

Kathmar Park Maverick, 2014 WAHO Trophy Winner in Australia
In the halter phase of his life there was a high degree of personal satisfaction in breeding, training and showing Maverick to the pinnacle of his career. Having accomplished this and not being ready to retire him, a career under saddle was the obvious next step. Although not broken in until he was a 10 year old, he was to become very successful in this field. As well as winning the title of Australian Champion Gelding under Saddle, Clint Bilson took Maverick to a further five performance Championships. His lifetime tally stands at 7 Australian Championships and he was the first purebred gelding to take both the Halter and Saddle titles.

Kathmar Park Maverick (Mash x Zareefa)
Michelle Young was next to benefit from his experience and together they enjoyed showing, adult riding and some dressage. Maverick retired from the ring in 2013 after several seasons as a “kids’ pony” competing in Leading rein and handler classes with the then 6 year old Matthew Parker. He has represented the Arabian breed at many expos and public displays including numerous appearances at Equitana where he was always a crowd favourite.
Maverick is the fairy tale Arabian. He has always had that special “something” that other people have admired and he has given us much happiness, immense pride and great satisfaction. We are all fortunate to be owned by him.
SUNLAND AUSTRALIAN AMBASSADOR, Chestnut stallion, *1984 (Al-Meraine Riff Raff / Campbelltown Harfa)
Breeder: Joyce I. Griffin. Owner: Narelle Kinnear, Nevertire Stud.
Strain: Kehailan Dejani (Dajania, 1876).
The Arabian Horse Society opf Australia is proud to announce that the winner of their 2013 WAHO Trophy is the veteran stallion, Sunland Australian Ambassador. His owner was presented with his award at the 2014 AHSA Annual General Meeting.
Sunland Australian Ambassador [“Fatso” to his friends] has spent almost his whole life as the adored centrepiece of Narelle Kinnear’s small but very active Nevertire Studfarm. There he has sired 25 registered progeny, with a very high percentage becoming successful showhorses like himself. Ambassador in both name and deed, this mighty chestnut stallion has won friends wherever he went, with his mesmerizing appearances in show classes, his superb length of stride, and the fact that he is quite a character, with many quirky stories to his name. At 30 years of age he is very much a senior citizen these days, showing all the appropriate signs of a life very well-lived.
His is a rags to riches story. He was bought by his lifetime owner Narelle Kinnear at a doggers sale during a period of severe drought, with unsigned papers to his name, and very much in need of some ‘tender loving care’. He had rainscald and a shaggy coat but he struck gold that day in his new owner and he would never be thin again! With perseverance his papers were put in order, as Narelle could see the potential there even in its raw state. His pedigree is a rich blend of some of the greatest early Crabbet bloodlines of Australia. He is in fact almost pure Crabbet. His sire, the rangy bay Al-Meraine Riff Raff (Shafreyn/Mutilla), had a long and consistent career in a variety of saddle events including Western, English, Stockhorse, Costume and Hunter Hack classes. His dam, Campbelltown Harfa (Santarabia Navarro / Iraki Mikasa) came from some of Australia’s oldest Crabbet bloodlines preserved by some of Australia’s oldest Arabian studfarms. Put together, this pedigree and its resulting phenotype made for a classically handsome Crabbet stallion, all curves and a big, impressive front, well-proportioned, with substance, bone, a great set of legs with a natural ability to move well, and a high flagging tail to proudly proclaim his breed. He also passes on his superb temperament to his offspring.
He was an eye-catcher from his first appearance as he captured many halter awards on his way to his true calling. He won Australian Arabian Roll of Merit Championships in both Halter and Performance, and a Merit in the Working section, yet he was never over-shown. He had a great trainer in Roger Fitzhardinge, who also rode the talented chestnut in his big events and Finals, while Narelle rode him in regular competition and dressage. He was a multi Supreme “A” and “AA” Grade Champion under saddle, with very solid results too at the Australian Arabian Championships in the years he was entered, competing in Dressage and Stallion Under Saddle. At the Australian Championships he was Australian Champion Elementary Dressage [1993], Reserve Australian Champion Novice Dressage [1993] and Australian Champion Medium Dressage [1996]. He was also Reserve Australian Champion Bridle Path Hack [1993], and Top Ten Stallion Under Saddle [1996]. There were 23 stallions under saddle entered in 1996 and one of the other Top Tens was his son Nevertire Magnum. He was Champion in Medium and Advanced Dressage at the Arabian Saddle Horse Championships of 1997. He was also the Champion Arabian Under Saddle at the East Coast Championships of 1995.

Sunland Australian Ambassador, 2013 WAHO Trophy Winner, Australia
He was also Champion Ridden Stallion at the National Arabian Stud Horse Show of 1992, where he also won the Medium and Advanced Dressage. These were in the days of big fields of impressive ridden stallions. He crowned all this by twice winning the WJB Murphy Memorial Trophy for the Best Ridden Arabian Stallion or Colt at the Sydney Royal Easter Show, in 1993 and 1994. He was the only stallion to have won in consecutive years and he only competed twice. He retired from showing in 1997 but by then his progeny were starting out.
Of course a stallion is twice-judged by history – once for his own prowess, and once more for the progeny he produces. Sunland Australian Ambassador did not disappoint. He reproduced his own considerable attributes in full, with a variety of well-bred Arabian, Thoroughbred and Pony mares.
His Purebred son, the chestnut Nevertire Magnum, was foaled in 1990, out of the mare O’Rhisleanne. Owned by Sue and Tony Warren, his list of wins in shows and dressage is huge. To highlight just a few – Champion Ridden Stallion of the National Arabian Stud Horse Show, Elementary Dressage Horse of the Year NSW 1996, Champion in the East Coast Cup 2001, Reserve Champion East Coast Cup 1997, Australian Champion Novice Dressage 1996, multi-Champion of the Arabian Saddle Horse Championships, who has also competed successfully in endurance.
Then there is Nevertire Baymann, a bay Purebred Gelding [1991 – 2007] out of Seona Bint Sorella. Once again his show career highlights are extensive, although cut short due to injury. He was Champion Bridle Path Hack at the Arabian Saddle Championships of 2001, as well as Champion Ridden Purebred Gelding that same year. He had been winner of the Silver Snaffle for Best Novice Purebred at that Show in 1997. He was Champion Ridden Purebred Gelding at the National Stud Horse Show of 2000. At the Australian Arabian Championships he had Top Tens in Novice and Elementary Dressage, and Ridden Purebred Gelding, as well as Australian Champion Elementary Dressage in 2002.
One of his purebred daughters is the chestnut Nevertire Intrigue, born in 1994 out of Kizmaha’s Alzena. She was Champion Ridden Mare 2002 and 2003 at the National Arabian Stud Horse Show, as well as Winner of the Lillaine Gedye Trophy for Ridden Purebred Mare at Sydney Royal in 2002, 2003 and 2004. In 2004 at the Australian Arabian Championships she was Champion in Novice and Elementary Dressage as well as Reserve Champion Mare Under Saddle. Her son Nevertire Just Dane, a 2006 Arabian Stockhorse by Waylon J Justice, is following along in her well-performed hoofprints. He was National Capitol Horse Show Supreme Champion Led Gelding of the Show in 2009, Triple Crown winner in 2013 in Led Arabian Stockhorse Gelding, as well as claiming Arabian Stockhorse Championships at the Australian Arabian Championships in 2010, 2012 and 2013. His saddle career has just begun, with Australian Arabian Stockhorse Championships in 2012 and 2013.
A busy little “person” who gives Narelle a great deal of pleasure is the chestnut sabino Arabian Pony Gelding Nevertire Mr Darcy out of Roseacre Black Lace. He is quite certain he is the most important pony in the entire universe, who started competition well with a Championship at the NSW Foal Show, a Top 5 at the Australian Championships, and a Reserve Championship at the East Coast Championships of 2006. After a few years’ break he once again resumed his career at the top both at halter and under saddle. He now has numerous wins and Championships in Novice and Preliminary Dressage to his credit including NSW Pony Dressage Preliminary Champion of 2009. He was Champion Led Arabian Pony Gelding in 2013 at the “Aussies”. Narelle, who is not tall, finds him a perfect size for riding, and a perfect mount for pony dressage which is very popular. He has also tried some jumping which he loves.
Other stars sired by Sunland Australian Ambassador include Nevertire Ishtar, a Partbred Arabian mare foaled in 1988, who notched up wins at the Arabian Saddle Horse Championships, Australian Arabian Championships and the Nationals, before going on to a successful eventing career with a junior rider. There is also a trio of Anglo Arabians – Nevertire Tiger Lilly 1998 – 2007, Nevertire Reminiscing 1999, and Nevertire Jack Flash 2002, all of whom have won and placed at the Australian Arabian Championships. Most of these horses also compete successfully in open competition.
SARISHA – 2010 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
SARISHA, grey gelding, *1986 (Saran / Mareshah).
Breeders: Michael and Judith Bourke. Owner; Keryn Mahoney.
Strain: Dahman Abu Amr of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma, 1876)
Keryn Mahoney writes: When I was told Sarisha (Saran x Mareshah) was chosen by the Arab Horse Society of Australia as the winner of their 2010 World Arabian Horse Organization (WAHO) Trophy, I felt a rush of mixed emotions.
Pride in him for his achievement, amazement that he was to be awarded this prestigious honour and humility and gratitude for literally giving me the ride of my life. All of that, mixed with a flood of love and respect for the greatest horse I ever had the pleasure of partnering.
Sarisha is a purebred Arabian gelding bred by Michael and Judith Bourke and was born October 1, 1986.
Looking back I recall Sarisha on the day we met as a 15.1hh, well conformed grey gelding. I remember him then as a wily, rangy, determined Arabian with a glint in his eye and a fondness for himself and it seems like only yesterday! But that was back in 1991. Who would have thought in 2011 that I’d be reflecting on him successfully completing 16,679 endurance kilometres and being the 2010 WAHO Trophy Horse for Australia?
Sarisha’s endurance career spans 17 awesome, fun-filled years from 1992 to 2009.The record states he was AERA National Distance Horse in 1997, 1999, and 2001.In 1999 alone he achieved 2,000km. There are 161 successful ride completions to his credit, including thirty-seven 160km events, notably including eleven 160km Tom Quiltys and one 400km Shahzada Marathon.
If ever there was a horse with a ‘can do’ attitude it surely has to be Sarisha. His stamina is incredible. He’s never baulked, jacked up, or refused to take up a challenge and is happy being ridden any time, day or night, at home or during an event.
Sarisha has a remarkable mindset and he’s a great climber. They say ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’, for Sarisha that’s absolutely true. Although he loves a challenge he’s very much a solo horse, content to travel under saddle without another equine companion, and if in company he’s delighted to be the lead horse of the group. His ears are forever fixed forward while he strides out joyfully and maintains his interest in the job at hand.
Even in semi-retirement he sits in poll position as my favourite horse. Sarisha is very sound, has never required medicinal support or interventions either pre or post competition, and has continually demonstrated his ongoing ability to back up ride after ride.
He is an athletic, aloof horse, a special horse, and the horse of my heart. I am sure he’s my once in a lifetime horse. He is my beloved and trusted friend, I know he’s a gem and he’s my absolute treasure!

Sarisha with Keryn Mahoney at the 2002 Tasmanian State Championships
(photo credit Sue Crockett)
RALVON MORNING STAR – 2009 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
RALVON MORNING STAR, Bay mare, *1990 (Manning Kadabbra x Ralvon Star of Bethlehem).
Breeders: Ron & Val Males. Owner: Jill Gregson.
Strain: Kehaileh Dajanieh (Dajania, 1876)
The Arabian Horse Society of Australia is delighted to announce the truly remarkable mare Ralvon Morning Star as their 2009 winner of their prestigious WAHO Trophy for 2009. Ralvon Morning Star was bred by Ron and Val Males of Ralvon Arabian Stud, is owned by Jill Gregson of Burren-Dah Stud and was schooled and ridden by Shane and Sheryl Ackerly.
This outstanding ambassador of our breed has achieved an unparalleled five consecutive Australian National Arabian Champion awards in the same performance discipline of Purebred Mare under saddle. Ralvon Morning Star was also awarded countless other major awards in performance including NSW National Stud Show Supreme Ridden Exhibit, East Coast Arabian Championships, Supreme Ridden Exhibit and East Coast Cup Winner. Her well-respected domination as a superlative saddle horse has inspired an immense number of breeders to strive for a high ideal.
Ralvon Morning Star’s pedigree contains such prolific sires as Banderol and the legendary producing mare Trix Silver. At the age of 20, Ralvon Morning Star is now making her mark as an outstanding broodmare. She is currently the dam of three registered offspring.

Ralvon Morning Star ridden by Sheryl Ackerly in 1998.
Photo credit Sue Crockett
CHIP CHASE SADAQA – 2008 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
CHIP CHASE SADAQA, Bay Stallion, *1977 (Cherokee Mecca/Silala).
Breeder: Pam and John Roydhouse. Owner: Peter Toft, Toft Endurance.
Strain: Kehailan Rodan (Rodania, 1869).
The Arabian Horse Society of Australia is pleased to announce that the very well-deserved winner of their 2008 WAHO Award is the 32-year-old Purebred Arabian stallion Chip Chase Sadaqa, bred by Pam and John Roydhouse, campaigned by Peter Cole, and now owned by Toft Endurance. He won the famous endurance ride The Quilty Cup in 1983, was placed second with Ron Males riding, in 1987, and has gone on to be a superb and prolific endurance stallion acknowledged as one of the great world-ranked endurance sires.

Chip Chase Sadaqa with Ron Males
photo credit: Jo Hamilton-Branigan
ARUNDEL HOUSE ROULETTE – 2007 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
ARUNDEL HOUSE ROULETTE, Chestnut stallion, *1990 (Arundel House Rashan / Pinosa Park Silhouette)
Breeders & Owners: Bob & Sharon Morris .
Strain: Dahman Umm Amr of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma 1876).
Australia’s WAHO Trophy for 2007 has been awarded to the great stallion Arundel House Roulette. Throughout his ridden career he accumulated seven Australian Championships, including sidesaddle and dressage, was supreme ridden horse at the NSW National Arabian Stud Show twice, won the Baskhan Sash three times and was champion stallion four times. He was champion ridden stallion at the East Coast four times, supreme purebred three times and won the East Coast Cup three times. Roulette was the recipient of the Golden Spurs at the Saddle Horse Championships on three occasions and also received the Triple Crown award.
His last show season, 2005/2006 was one to remember for his connections and many fans. He was undefeated by purebreds or derivatives, being Champion Stallion at the State Titles, Supreme Arabian at the Saddle Horse Championships and Supreme ridden and winner of the Baskhan Sash at the NSW National Arabian Stud Show.
Roulette also achieved a lot of success in open Dressage competition and was a great ambassador for the Arabian breed in doing so. He was awarded Dressage Horse of the Year at both Bowral Dressage Club and Illawarra Dressage Association and Champion High Point at the South Coast Dressage Championships, often beating imported warmbloods. On one occasion at a Dressage NSW competition at Clarendon, one of the other riders expressed amusement that an Arabian stallion had come all that way, until Roulette won, beating both his warmbloods.

Australia 2007 WAHO Arundel House Roulette

L to R: Angela Delamont, rider; Bob and Sharon Morris, breeders; Angela’s parents Jenny and Jim Delamont. (All had a part in either his upbringing or training).
Roulette was to be retired from showing at the 2006 East Coast Arabian Championship, and his connections hoped he might manage to be champion stallion at this, his last show. He exceeded their expectations, because after taking the Champion Stallion title he went on to be awarded Supreme Ridden Arabian and take the East Coast Cup. He has earned his spot in the history books, as currently no other ridden purebred in Australia has taken all these awards in one season.
His trainer and rider Angela Delamont says ‘Roulette was a thrill to ride at every competition, successful or not, and we are certainly missing him. A horse with his incredible movement natural balance, presence and attitude doesn’t come along every day, and he just loved showing off to the crowds.’
CAMALOT LAHANA – 2006 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
CAMALOT LAHANA, Chestnut mare, 1992 (Arabesque Amon-Ra / Mai-San Marcasite).
Breeder: Patricia Dawn Layton. Owners: Janice Hingston & Tony Gifford.
Strain: Seglawieh Jedranieh of Ibn Soudan (Ghazieh).
The owners of this talented mare, of old Crabbet bloodlines, decided to breed from her after thirteen years of being a valuable work horse, but first they planned one last attendance in the Working Stock Horse Class at a major show to prove that she could mix with the “best of them”. The Australian Nationals was the venue chosen, but first Camalot Lahana needed to qualify. She duly received a standing ovation at the Top of the Range show in Toowoomba as she qualified for the Nationals. It was only after she had been entered in the Nationals that the owners realised that the Working Stock Horse Class had another trophy to be awarded to the eventual Champion in this event – the 2006 WAHO Trophy for Australia, as decided by the Australian Arabian Horse Association.
At the Australian National Championships, Camalot Lahana proved her worth once more and won the title of Champion Working Stock Horse, her workout receiving many whoops of delight and much applause.
On looking at the WAHO website, they found out that the idea of the trophy was to promote Arabians outside of the show ring. They felt that Camalot Lahana certainly fits that bill, since over the years she has campdrafted, mustered, roped and dragged cattle and calves to the branding iron, all without fuss. She has the qualities of excellence that Arabian horse breeders command and attention has been placed on her many times with her excellent cut out scores in the camp at drafts. So much so, that stalwart stock horse stallion owners have been known to comment that they would have put their stallion over this mare any day. To the owners, those comments are promotion enough of the Arab breed, as unfortunately Arabians are scorned generally as unworthy participants in the Australian specialist sport of campdrafting.
Unfortunately it was not possible for the AHSA to arrange to make the WAHO Trophy presentation at the Show, and although the owners were very disappointed by this, they remain justifiably proud of their wonderful mare and all her many achievements both in her work at home and in competition.
BREMERVALE JUSTICE – 2005 WAHO Trophy Winner – Australia
BREMERVALE JUSTICE, Chestnut gelding, *1992 (Rave VF / Bremervale Katische).
Breeder: Bremervale Arabians (Toft & Burgess); Owner: Peter Toft.
Strain: Kehailan Dajani (Dajania 1876)
The Arabian Horse Society of Australia decided to award the 2005 WAHO Trophy to the first Purebred Arabian to complete the 2005 Tom Quilty Endurance Ride. This 160 km ride is the most prestigious in Australia, attracting international riders and rotating from state to state. This year it was held in Tasmania, but unfortunately for the first time in the ride’s long history it had to be terminated at the 106km mark because the weather was so bad it was impossible and dangerous for them to continue in such rough terrain.
Bremervale Justice is one of the leading advanced endurance horses in Australia. Apart from his achievement in the 2005 Tom Quilty Endurance Ride, where he was ridden by Abdullah Chamis Ali Saeed, he has for many years been a very consistent winner both in Australia and overseas, including twice a member of the Australian Team for the World Championships, winning team gold in 2000 and team silver in 2004. Bremervale Katische was by Oxford Decimus and out of Bremervale Phaedra, of all “old-English” breeding, and Bremervale Justice is the proud product of several generations of home “Bremervale” breeding on the female side of the family.

Bremervale Justice riddden by
Abdullah Chamis Ali Saeed
in the 2005 Tom Quilty Endurance Ride

Bremervale Justice and his rider made a great team.