ALTINTEPE (IBN-GALAL II), Grey stallion, 1993 (Ibn-Galal I-6 / 578 Gazal VIII-52).
Breeder: Mangalia Stud Farm, National Forests Administration – Romsilva. Owner: Regia Nationala A Padurilor – Romsilva.
Strain: Managhi (87 Glule OA, 1852).
Altintepe has been the chief sire at Mangalia Stud since 1999, with 33 progeny recorded to date. A substantial and well conformed stallion who fulfills his role as a chief sire with excellent results in his foals.

Altintepe, Romania’s 2005 WAHO Trophy winner.
The WAHO Trophy was presented to Mr. Constantin Ancuta, Manager of Mangalia Stud Farm and breeder of the stallion, together with Dipl. Eng. Anton Ferencz, representing the owner (National Forests – Administration – Romsilva). They are very proud that Altintepe, who is the product of many generations of breeding at Mangalia Stud Farm, was honoured with this well-deserved award.

L-R Dipl. Ing. Anton Ferencz; Altintepe, Mr. Constantin Ancuta.