AL ALIHA, Black mare, *2000 (DWD Tabasco / Gahari).
Breeder and Owner: Gerhard & Michael Huber, Al Hambra Arabians.
Strain: Kehaileh Rodania (Rodania 1869)
The 2006 WAHO trophy was awarded for the second year by the Austrian Arabian Horse Breeder’s Association (VVÖ). The selection for this special trophy is made at the Annual General Meeting of the VVÖ, for which members receive proposals of several horses who have been successful in sports and/or shows with detailed results, and then they select their favourite in a secret ballot. This year’s winner was the mare AL ALIHA, bred and owned by Al Hambra Arabians Stud, which was founded by the Huber family in 1988 and today is the biggest stud in Austria dedicated to the purebred Arabian.
Al Aliha is the most successful national and international show mare in halter classes ever bred in Austria, she had achieved 201 points in the ECAHO life performance ranking by the time of the presentation of the trophy. To list all her successes would take too much space, but her most important wins were: European Reserve Champion Filly 2002; Top Ten Mare, World Championships 2005; Senior Reserve Champion Mare at Menton and Wels 2005.
During Austria’s 2006 show in Wels Mrs. Gabriele Hammerer who received Austria’s 2005 WAHO Trophy for TM Aikor, alongside Mrs. Anne Heiloo, President of the VVÖ, presented the WAHO Trophy for the year 2006 to Gerhard & Michael Huber, the breeders of Al Aliha.