ABATAS, Grey stallion, 2000 (Bosas / Alka).
Breeder and Owner: Vilnius Stud.
Strain: Hamdani Simri (Selma).
The Lithuanian Horse Breeders Society is proud to announce that the 2006 WAHO Trophy was awarded to the highly regarded young stallion Abatas, born in 2000 and raised in Vilnius Stud. This stallion participates successfully in many Lithuanian stockbreeding exhibitions, also his offspring are highly evaluated. Abatas is also a very good tempered stallion and an excellent riding horse.
The Trophy was officially presented during the annual international exhibition “Agro Balt 2006”. The WAHO Trophy was presented by Mrs. Kazimiera Danute Prunskiene, Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania. The other official representatives attending the award ceremony were Mr. Vytautas Grusauskas , Secretary of the Minister of Agriculture; Mr. Kestutis Juozas Saikevicius , Head of the Animal Breeding Supervision Service, and Mr. Kazaimeras Lukaskas , Director of the State Food & Veterinary Service, watched by many other respected guests and the enthusiastic audience. The Trophy for Abatas was received by Mr. Stasys Svetlauskas, Director of Vilnius Stud Farm and senior Lithuanian delegate for many years to the WAHO General Assemblies.


Lithuanian 2006 Winner Abatas